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2018/11/28 18:02:18瀏覽588|回應0|推薦36 | |
安民章第三 不尚賢,使民不爭;不貴難得之貨,使民不為盜;不見可欲,使民心不亂。是以聖人之治,虛其心,實其腹,弱其志,強其骨。常使民無知無欲。使夫智者不敢為也。為無為,則無不治。
3. Without Action Not praising the worthy prevents contention, Not esteeming the valuable prevents theft, Not displaying the beautiful prevents desire. In this manner the sage governs people: Emptying their minds, Filling their bellies, Weakening their ambitions, And strengthening their bones. If people lack knowledge and desire Then they cannot act; If no action is taken Harmony remains.
不崇尚錢財,讓人民不爭鬥。不珍愛難得而稀有的寶物,讓人民不偷盜。遠離物欲,讓民心不惑亂。所以聖人治理天下,會放空人民的心,填飽人民的肚子,減少他們的心志,加強他們的骨骼,經常讓人民不需使用知識和欲望。行使這種無為的治理方式,那麼天下就無所不治了。 |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |