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2011MLB全明星台灣賽 最終戰 王建民掛帥先發(下集)
2011/11/07 05:08:45瀏覽10|回應0|推薦0

2011MLB全明星台灣賽 Game5 最終比數 不重要嘛

Cano 你打的好哦
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建仔vsCano SecondRound 不打了不打了

王vsCANO1.jpg 王vsCANO.jpg  


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HappyEnding & 來聽建仔落英語

G5-王建民7.jpg G5-王建民9.jpg

對決建仔 卡諾、摩斯同聲說怪





〔mlb.com news〕MLB All-Stars sweep Taiwan series with win
  The MLB All-Stars didn't score more than seven runs in a game, and three of the five games were decided by fewer than three runs.
"Just another good ballgame," Bochy said. "It could have gone either way. ... Sure, we won five games, but you could see their confidence growing and they were playing right there with us. It's good for baseball and for Taiwan."

〔mlb.com news〕MLB All-Stars wrap up memorable Taiwan tour
  This week in Taiwan, 28 Major League players, a five-man coaching staff and an extensive traveling party of family, friends, media members and MLB officials descended upon a land of culture, tradition, pride and big league baseball passion.They played five games in three cities against the Chinese Taipei national team, but they experienced much more than that.
  "We would love to come back to Taiwan, especially when you see the reception(接待) we've gotten," MLB Asia vice president Jim Small said. "I think there's no doubt that we'll be back here again."And don't be surprised if some of these very same players come back, eager to fill their iPhones, hard drives and photo albums with more indelible(難以去除的) memories.
  "To see the smiles on the faces of the local people here has been great," Guthrie said. "We had a great group of guys, and it's been really fan-friendly, signing autographs(親筆簽名), taking pictures, and that's when you see those smiles."That's what we're here for."



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