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2016/11/29 03:10
that person calling 民進黨踹共 must be a psycho, he saw anyone not support him all are called"共"
he really needs to see psychologist to help him release his sex serious problems.踹共 can't help his ill mental, very likely his family should responsible for what happened to him. usually his father might too manly and he is not, or his mother spoiled him too much didn't learn how to grow up as man.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 03:11 回覆:
personal characteristics also caused by his family education. if your boy too shy, too timid/soft then parents should find out why and find a way help your boy be bravery.
those 蔡英文 type is very likely caused by her family focus on boys not girls and she wanted to be boy to get her parents attention, that happened to chinese family but most
lonely is the most danger to turn your kids into abnormal especially they are not attractive tyoe.
say hi, they don't have friends except their relatives.
to cover their scandals spread 同性戀者是天生.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 03:16 回覆:

most are normal by face it and accepted their parenets manners.

usa is a short history and many congressmen have sex problems. to cover it turned into born by nature. they don't have friends you can see usa neighbourhood only politely say "hi"

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 03:20 回覆:
my neighbour was beauty girl for boy friend problem she became nun. and then too lonely allured young girls slept with her. you see she was normal but a one wrong step turned into abnormal. in the long way of our life you must be carefully not take the wrong step and later you can't return.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 04:31 回覆:
MJD should be a bit smart, anti-chinese cultures would make the society worse and worse. if you want your kids be normal then our ancetsors stories is the best solution because it teaches you how to grow up as man and woman. usa is very short history country and their congressmen many abnormal because you can see in usa neighbours only "politely" say hi, they don't have friends except their relatives,to cover themselves scandals spread 同性戀者是天生. Hilary didn't win has many reasons. her sex life also matters. most the republican supporters are quite conservative.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 04:56 回覆:


--completely agree 17F view point. the abnormal never should encourage but focus on how to improve family education. in fact my parents themselves only 3 and 7- years in school due to japanbastards invaded, but we kids reading many our ancestors books because my mom "love" more if we study hard.
and we also played with neighbours kids(before 台獨 destroyed society 溫馨), none of us have sex issued problems.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 04:58 回覆:


-16F has a good point. not only 家暴 those been abused and turned into the abuser including serial killers. how about those can't but sex with animals such as dog, horse, cow, chicken(?i'm not sure but frequently heard 鸡奸...?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 07:35 回覆:
our ancestors taught their kids by 六艺:礼乐射御书数
you can see why it can reduce your kids problem especially your boys.射御 could help boys bravery, 礼乐 could reduce too manly believe me not just soft boys but too manly boys are easy have problems because femal don't like.
书数 could help your boys be smart so won't fall into traps(allured) by those sex problems men.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 09:13 回覆:
even 武侠小说 could help if not spend too much time. 侠义个性 is one of  attractive personal characteristic. I believe what I done in 2000 forced LDW step down, 2003 posted my anti-wars in usa very likely caused by my reading 武侠小说 since child. And all the time I have friends and they willing support me.

2016/11/28 07:43

李登辉批蔡改革有声无影:民调再掉将跟朴槿惠一样 but he seemed not knowing what's the real problems caused 民调再掉再掉.
他同时也讽刺陈水扁,不要讲那么多,多讲多见笑--that's the truth
此外,他还讽刺马英九“太笨”--haaa 马英九笨 has nothing to do with 蔡无能 李登辉 himself brain fuzzy can't see people are afraid of 改革, the more 改革 the worse. 蔡有错!! 中国龙 东北虎 台湾只有毛毛虫. I did see many 毛毛虫 during my childhood.


李登辉 only care about how to send taiwan into Japan, so push 蔡英文

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/28 07:45 回覆:
into wrong directions.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/28 07:54 回覆:
LDW is very nervous now becaue the truth is 安倍外交政策“腹背受敌”,
soon 日本 needs to pay usa weapons/solidiers... then taiwan 抱日本的大腿蔡 forced to buy 日本 nuclear polluted foods, then taiwan people have to pay the price for 抱日本的大腿的蔡.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/28 07:56 回覆:
扯铃是统战?民进党又扯淡 Laaa.
however we should encourage 蔡 and everyday remind her 台湾成亚洲龙虎, 龙虎 龙虎万万岁,maybe she can be cured won't turn this word that 字 into 统战 Laaa.少扯淡 but focus on 九二共識 you see even “太笨”的马英九 did better than you by 九二共識.Aaa German female chairman, usa Hilary, 朴槿惠 who is the next? LDW knew very well so brain fuzzy fuzzy can't find the solution for her.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016/11/29 06:10 回覆:

蔡要台湾再成亚洲龙虎 台媒体人酸:只是条毛毛虫

--taiwan 精英在哪里? already terminated by dirty LDW and MJD using killing the truth but only their one side liars to fool tiwan kids, that's why only dream or hiding in 二胡,我們論壇 can't 談個人政治觀點(my classmate). I bet they both could become 精英 to continue but no chance.

2016/11/28 07:29
new hand trial, not yet knew how to post my paper(opinions) here
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