maybe 杜特尔特 should read the following...if he has dietbetti, headaches, fatigue,tooth decay, and suspicious ARTHRITIS deadly painful like my husband.
the paper posted in "say you saw it in the senor news may 2015" reducing sugar intake can make you feel may not realize it but your sugar consumption has likely increased over the last several years. beyond what you add to your coffee or the occasional sweet treat, you may be getting hidden sugar from an array of processed foods, such as ketchup and salad dressing...and all those additions can be troubling to your health...sugar is directly linked to obesity,tooth decay,dietbetes,fatigue,headaches,ARTHRITIS,ardenal burnout and physiological or emotional problems such as ADHD and PMS....don't use artifical sweeteners,'s a grave mistake...that increase cravings for sugary foods...better eat honey, date sugar..from nature fruits/vegetables. you see, it takes usa so long to find out the sustitude sugar would damage body health.