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why suddenly bad things one by one happens recently?caused by 这届美国政府交班不顺
2017/01/14 10:33:59瀏覽114|回應8|推薦0



--From what I saw is Obama declared "change" but in the end he turned himself into Hilary. I bet it is also he followed traditional 政治“旋转门” so can't change usa--continue usa bloody wars by another way(not so obviously but sneakly ways).

indeed it is all truth about Trump but however Trump didn't have political and military backgrounds so he has to hold 将军们, will he control  将军们 well? there is a possible if Trump won't issue bloody wars(i don't think he is war lover, what's good for?), as for 富商们 maybe they can do better jobs than those 战略家和政策分析家们.

because myself thru what I saw in person quite earlier pointed out usa the real estate business was felling down while for that one of udn female accused me by what she read a paper from  usa 专家. And I proved I was RIGHT and she never can dispute with me any more.

Later years newspaper post those 专家s help investors result, guess what? I did better than 专家s  by not selling/buying and 专家s frequently sold/bought for their clients whenever any random say say news post.

( 在地生活北美 )
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2017/05/16 19:25
--Aaaa Trump should never believe her liars... won't keep her promises. 
这届美国政府 not only right in the begging 交班不顺 but a heavy bug drags 特朗普 down. serious 内斗 caused by very ambitious and powerful woman. 
Trump should pay attention to our 黑心蔡英文 especially taiwan medias supporting Hilary. 

2017/03/07 15:36
俄駭客入侵美多個政團 勒索封口費..阿拉貝拉發言人則承認遭到勒索。
--did she/he pay the 勒索, and if she/he did legally 願意資助進步派理想的金主提供顧問諮詢 why pay? how about 柯林頓政府和歐巴馬政府有密切關係的一所華府智庫

2017/01/24 13:32
特朗普“新官上任”:改写旧政策 重塑“朋友圈”? ..特朗普执政首日签署的首项行政命令,就是冻结卸任总统奥巴马的医疗改革计划。其内容包括各联邦机构不得再为扩大这部法律的普及面而发布新规、要求卫生与公众服务部推迟实施医改法中任何可能给各州政府、医保提供方以及家庭和个人带来“财政负担”的条款等。
Trump new policy and what I thought
--I'm not sure 赵美心 got Trump 承诺 or not, I was told within 2 years before Trump makes any change.
can 卫生部长普莱斯 do better? I'm waiting...I have no confidence in 100% usa made at all... too many mistakes caused by freaky complex systems for many years.

2017/01/23 14:51
全球上百万人示威游行抗议特朗普就任美国总统 ..新华社北京1月22日电 美国新任总统特朗普20日在首都华盛顿宣誓就职以来,不仅美国各大城市,从伦敦到悉尼,从东京到墨西哥城,全球共20多个城市爆发示威游行,抗议特朗普就任美国总统,以及他涉及种族主义、性别歧视和贸易保护主义等观点言论。据在美国的总组织者统计,共上百万人参与了示威游行活动。...美国本土之外,英国首都伦敦举行的游行示威规模最大..“搭建桥梁而不是围墙”的口号,举着“反对种族主义”“反对性别歧视”...数千名澳大利亚示威者21日在悉尼的海德公园举行集会,手举写有“全世界妇女抵制”等口号的标语牌和海报,反对特朗普就职及其针对女性的歧视言论...当地时间20日晚,在美国民主党日本支部的发起下,日本首都东京举行了数百人参加的抗议特朗普示威游行。..一名参加游行的37岁美国女性说:“我是为了显示‘女性也很强大’才来参加游行的。特朗普当选总统令我非常失望。”..当地时间21日下午,数千人在挪威首都奥斯陆市中心举行妇女大游行,呼吁性别平等及建设多元化和包容的社会。..当地时间20日,在墨西哥城的福特公司驻墨西哥办事处前,近百人抗议特朗普针对墨西哥的贸易和移民政策。组织者告诉新华社记者说,“抗议是为了保护墨西哥人的就业岗位。特朗普宣称要‘雇佣美国人’和‘购买美国货’,这是不负责任的,这样的做法不仅损害了他国的利益,更不利于美国的发展。”
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-23 14:52 回覆:


--it is very likely not just 日本 but other countries too.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-23 15:01 回覆:


--however no country 示威游行抗议 accused Trump is war lover but 涉及种族主义、性别歧视和贸易保护主义等观点言论.

as I said Trump is better than Hilary because usa bloody wars is the worst to the whole world.

2017/01/17 03:34

"影子中情局"预测2017全球形势 欧盟分裂 普京受益 ...据西班牙《先锋报》网站1月12日报道,斯特拉特弗公司是一家美国私人公司,专门从事情报搜集和间谍工作。其分析师都是地缘政治专家,该公司的预测通常都会受到关注。有很多人称这家公司是“影子中情局”,因为它经常向其客户提供有关全球战略形势的详细信息。...在美国,新总统将会专注于解决国内问题。特朗普在竞选活动中已经承诺,将会更加关注美国人本身,而不是把注意力放在让美国拥有更大国际影响力上。美国不再充当“世界的捍卫者”将会给欧盟和它的盟国制造问题。斯特拉特弗公司称,奥巴马政府已经开始了这些政策,但方式上更加巧妙,仅限于从军事上干预中东。

--Obviously Obama didn't spend more time to 关注美国人本身 and health care jump high gigh especially many middle class are forced to pay over 8% AGI. As I said before Bush issued bloody wars most americans including my husband wanted Bush 关注美国人本身, he didn't. I hope Trump can solve health care soon however if the republican can't provide better than Obama's, 4 years later Trump might lose 2nd term. too many bad things in usa already, why bother mind other countries? how usa convince other countries people that usa ways is better?

2017/01/16 10:55
I just hear the news the republican don't have their ways for health care, as I said Obama's health care failed caused by bloody doctors this and that issued unknown examines and it is patients to pay because insurance companies denied. 20 years I saw it never getting better but worse and worse. neither demacratic nor republican party spent time to solve the ridiculous and freaky complex systems for their people but force pity people take all responsibilties without knowing the process at all.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-16 11:32 回覆:
Hope S.Korean people smart enough not support usa master/japanbastards irritate N.Korean because so far N.Korean water still quite clean without pollution. that is the place to save the clean water for asia. what's good for bloody wars? if you S.Korean government really do jobs RIGHT and better than N. Korean you don't need to worry. Don't you see more and more taiwan people support one china because china government did goo jobs and much better than taiwan government.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-16 11:07 回覆:

  研究人员在发表于《PLOS ONE》上的这一报告中建议,希望该报告能引起政府对水供应及水费支付能力的关注,并制定出应对解决方案。
--usa knew very well japanbastards continue dump nuclear polluted water into the sea but can't explose it as usa did to Russia because japanbastards hold lots usa debts. in 2015 we hadrly can buy the alive crabs but once and very late, usa medias didn't explain why, and we bought fish most existing weird shape about 3 months.

2017/01/14 11:21

富商们 maybe they can do better jobs than those 战略家和政策分析家们.

--you see after Trump won, he only opened his mouth immediately japanbastards going to donated 100 亿 in usa market without import  japanbastards neuclear polluted foods. you see japanbastards are freaky rich this 100 亿, that 十亿日元换撤 Korean 慰安妇铜像 in front of japan ambassdor building.

only 台獨笨蛋 forced to import japanbastards neuclear polluted foods.

certainly japanbastards knew how to make huge money by all means from other countries such as taiwan type.

2017/01/14 11:08

--it is really 奥巴马 over done, he might take previous Bush's suggestion so can't perform his promise...yes, we can change.
if he really did CHANGE usa in better ways then more people would vote for demacrtic party if not Hilary. 8 years, I believe he is not smart enough to chage usa a bit but worse.


--20 years in usa I didn't see 克林顿和小布什、小布什和奥巴马之间的十分顺畅权力交接 solved any 问题s, only 50 and 100 steps in outside, they all are war lovers. the black and the white including other 种族主义问题, the only difference when would the newspaper post it, when they don't. all the time they created enemies to get their filthy benefits.

they don't change but continue the dirty games for themselves filthy benefits. this is why Trump won, people wanted a completely non-politic background.