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2017/01/14 10:33:59瀏覽123|回應8|推薦0 | |
专家:这届美国政府为何交班不顺...利益有别、政见不同,让多党制背景下不同政党间的执政权轮替过程充满着各种无奈和不爽。不过在美国这样一个政治体制相对成熟的国家,交接班工作弄成今年这个样子却不多见。...本世纪以来,克林顿和小布什、小布什和奥巴马之间的权力交接都曾十分顺畅,被视为典范。..美国国会1963年通过《总统交接法》,要求联邦总务管理局为交接过程拨专款,包括交接团队的训练等。2010年的修正案甚至明令主要政党及候选人在竞选期间就要协助交接团队的形成与程序。将交接问题入法而且不断修正,目的就是为了不推卸责任、不相互归罪。同时,通过确保权力秩序的稳定,把社会各阶层势力拉回到团结的轨道上来,让民众不再沉浸于竞选期间的对立情绪中。说到底,以法律程序,树立新权力的合道德性,引导其合利益性,让新总统做“全民总统”。 ..以往的总统候选人,大选投票前几个月便会把过渡团队组建好,然后像精密机器一样运转,而特朗普,直到知道自己当选后才开始认真做这件事物色人选的过程中,过去被政治领袖们视为“座上宾”的战略家和政策分析家们大都靠边站,政治“旋转门”更多开向了富商和将军们,不少人有丰富的商场和战场经验,却缺乏职业官僚和智库学者特有的那种冷静、谨慎和谦和,其中不少还在种族主义问题上劣迹斑斑 --From what I saw is Obama declared "change" but in the end he turned himself into Hilary. I bet it is also he followed traditional 政治“旋转门” so can't change usa--continue usa bloody wars by another way(not so obviously but sneakly ways). indeed it is all truth about Trump but however Trump didn't have political and military backgrounds so he has to hold 将军们, will he control 将军们 well? there is a possible if Trump won't issue bloody wars(i don't think he is war lover, what's good for?), as for 富商们 maybe they can do better jobs than those 战略家和政策分析家们. because myself thru what I saw in person quite earlier pointed out usa the real estate business was felling down while for that one of udn female accused me by what she read a paper from usa 专家. And I proved I was RIGHT and she never can dispute with me any more. Later years newspaper post those 专家s help investors result, guess what? I did better than 专家s by not selling/buying and 专家s frequently sold/bought for their clients whenever any random say say news post. |
( 在地生活|北美 ) |