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2016/12/20 03:17:05瀏覽109|回應10|推薦0

this year Nov. as my husband turned 70 years old. 6 month ago he got stomach problem, 3 month later his butt got pain caused by nerve pinch that can't sleep, doctor prescribed painkiller, sleeping pills, physical therapy, steroid(only allow 2 cycles) , none working. the last doctor can offer is spine shot, he is going to take.

myself 2014 sep(?) fell down from 2nd floor and 脊柱 was a bit damaged, 2015/2016 broke my left arm twise till this year my back easily got sour but I never trust medicines and now my back and arm seemed recovery without taking any medical-related. I believe human body can auto-recovery.


--I don't think 芬太尼 would 影响他保持神志清醒,能否以清晰的意志做出决策等, but I hope he takes care himself more. Canada kept mouth shout for many years even won't help its citizen 蓝可儿 been murdered in usa..

any politician 对美国的强硬表态 must realize can't have anything been caught, you, 杜特尔特, can do it, the world has you make life more fun, we all expect you can last as longer as possible that is the best for your people. I won't trust Trump can do jobs right, many americans care about its health insurance system but haven't see Trump take any action.

I already got 4 different version if buy private health insurance:

1. the one (post in internet)expect the less his federal refund the less penalty.

2. I was told by sales if no state refund no penalty.

3. (2) sales's boss gave me an example: income gross $100,000/12=$8333/0.0813=$102,501 zipcode 60120
(husband age 70+ my age 60)/2=65 penalty 2.5% 100,000x2.5%=$2500/12= $208/mm penalty. I never heard penalty links to the couple ages and zipcode but I do know 2.5% penalty rate

4. another company(very likely is a scam) told me the max. penaty is $695/yr no matter how high income.

I can't but register Obama health care(before dec 15) and see whether can change to a cheaper with penalty before 12/31/16 and no later than 1/31/17.  just confirm whether we can buy IRA or not because the penalty links to tax AGI. Living in usa extreamly complex system you have to be healthy to deal anything related to usa government.

( 在地生活北美 )
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2017/08/24 11:08

today the neurlogist told my husband found nothing wrong in his head(no tumour) issued a blood test because he has few quite high. because the extremely pain he lost 25lbs so primary doctor cut down the high blood pressure medicine.

earlier the neurlogist changed prescription 3pillsx3times/day and maybe the office didn't suceed fax to humana so still 1pillx3/day. And he got very pain cant but took 2pillsx3/day. he complaint to nuerolgist because the terrible pain can't do the exercises requested by physica theorpist. I can tell his body quite weak now. when I inquire the neurlogist whether he saw other paints got the same problem as my husband, he said yes even some of them control dietbetti quite well.

I compared my mom with him that she took much less candy-related under my control, after I read sugar substitude is worse than sugar I didn't do any cakes for my mom which used lot sugar substitude. he still drank coke zero (he did reduced but still needs) . my mom used the old medicines metaforming?, he was changed each different primary doctors. And I thought the pain very likely link with sugar related. because all dietbetti patiests love sugar-related.

can my husband and other same serious pain patients can sue coke companies, candy-related companies...? I don't think so.

2017/08/24 10:39
强生爽身粉致癌案宣判:强生被判赔偿27.8亿元 ...据外媒报道,美国强生公司的爽身粉致癌诉讼取得进展,强生被判赔偿4.17亿美元(约合人民币27.8亿元)。


--we would never know why some can succeed win and what evidence they kept to prove 强生爽身粉致癌. my sister used it lots including her two babies. but I don't think any one in taiwan can succeed sue 强生. fortunately I am save monney time so not frequently use it, and now I am not only put nothing in my face also don't eat, use the same eggs, vegetables, detergent, shampoo.. frequently. because I bought a boxes shampoo so over years still there. however I would every other week use it. And from now on I won't buy boxes even quite cheap price. some can get justice but me and most people won''t.

2017/08/24 06:10
卫计委:人均住院药费五年来首次负增长 ...国家卫计委日前发布统计公报,2016年我国居民健康水平不断提高,居民主要健康指标总体上优于中高收入国家平均水平。




--happy for china people. wish less and less hurt doctors/nurses. more and more respect them. wish doctors/nurses are more and more professional, and too heavy load. 

2017/05/14 13:15
宠物医院针灸疗法受追捧 瘫痪狗狗治疗后重新行走 ...针对宠物的针灸疗法目前颇受一些主人的追捧,且已经有不少成功治疗案例。..朱先生就带着自己的爱犬来到北京观赏动物医院接受针灸治疗。这只名叫“白雪”的12岁雄性比熊犬曾因疾病一度瘫痪,但是接受过几个月针灸治疗后,如今已经可以正常行走。





--gladly to see it and could pile up more and more skills apply to human beings. some young kids love 动物, this may attract young kids learn our 中医的治疗方法.

2017/05/11 06:33

when I was in taiwan quite healthy because ate chnese variety foods. in usa my 指甲基底部的半月形的白色月牙 totally disappeared after my mom left because my husband has lots won't/can't eat such as shell fish caused allergy, the black colour, any kind 蘑菇-related, tomatos... he refused eat rice except once a weak we bought chinese restaurants meals for his minor dietbetti. most time I cooked noodles(not everyday).

Last month I began frequently ate oats meals with milk then found my right hand side 半月形的白色月牙 began came out, however left side didn't.

my husband lost his 半月形的白色月牙 after he retired maybe caused by ages. but just told him should try eat oats and milk.

he only drank coffee would add a bit milk, myself because don't like cold milk. however use milk cook oats I would eat.

2017/03/31 07:22

閉關半年只飲鮮血度日 非部落增肥當美男
--only drink cow blood and milk can 增肥? I hope china scientists can prove it.

without water but cow blood and milk if is true then it can over rule many healthy stories. but I'm pretty sure can't be true.

2017/01/10 05:38
德音孔昭,示我周行——记屠呦呦获国家最高科学技术奖 ..中新网记者 张素


  对于大多数人来说,屠呦呦并不陌生。2015年,她以“从中医药古典文献中获取灵感,先驱性地发现青蒿素,开创疟疾治疗新方法”获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。经过报道,人们不仅“解密”了屠呦呦其人,还重温了《诗经•小雅》名句“呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿”,认为这预言了屠呦呦与青蒿的渊源。(“德音孔昭”是指她品德高尚,“示我周行”是指大伙遵照着这条“大道”向前行)...自1971年改变青蒿传统提取工艺,率先提取得到对疟原虫抑制率达100%的青蒿抗疟有效部位“醚中干”以来,她始终在这个领域深耕。..他们发现青蒿素对于抗肿瘤、治疗免疫抑制性疾病等有一定的作用,近期计划在获批后开展临床试验。..。她常说‘国家培养了我,我一定要给国家做些事情’”。..  “当前形势大好,党和国家倡导创新、鼓励创业,科研环境非常好,年轻人可以自主选择。”屠呦呦欣慰地说,“获得诺贝尔奖的中国科学家不会只是我一个人”。

--that is the reason why china can be top 3 in the world. I expect soon 肿瘤、免疫疾病 can be cured soon, and thanks to 屠呦呦 and chna scientists.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-10 05:44 回覆:
忠诚超导终成贤——记赵忠贤院士获国家最高科学技术奖 ..中新网记者 张素




2017/01/10 04:53

my husband got spine shot " lumbar epidural steroid injection (腰椎硬膜外皮质激素注射)for Low Back Pain and Sciatica". And was told very likely 1-3 times. but I read the paper provided showing other:celestone 先灵;治疗:风湿,过敏,皮肤炎。 

that is very confusion. the symptons he has didn't like 风湿,过敏,皮肤炎. it would take a week if the pain reduces or not.

2016/12/28 08:32
I applied and got the cheapest plan premium $575.56, it's really too high and then a sales we contacted told me to buy his company product(3 doctor+3 professional visits no copay no deductible) that seems much better than the cheapest Obama plan but just can't trust whether as good as he declared which have to pay penalty as not qualified plan. Today I am lucky visited this site and found out $85 cheaper, Racher answered my questions and encouraged me to call market place and if any problem she would help me. So I called in the end got $70 down.
I want to show my appreciated to Racher and her company.
I did struggle for not buying but pay penalty and buy that company product but too painful and complex to file IRS. Even I knew I may qualify penalty waived as $575.56 is over 8% our AGI which should be $430 premium, but think about the appeal ... I gave up.
Don't understand why can't get 8% our AGI premium plan .
don't wait for Trump, if he will keep his promise he already wrote in his website. you have to decide to pay the penalty 2.5% of AGI or the cheapest you can get premium $570+ and if your AGI x8%(may 8.1%)/12 less than $570+, you can waive the penalty without buying Obama heath. I met a life insurance sales told me to buy his company product(3 doctor+3 professional visits no copay no deductible) that seems better than the cheapest Obama plan but just can't trust whether as good as he declared. still you have to pay penalty as not credit.
the cheapest I can get Obama health is $570+ and our AGIx8%/12 =$431+, so I called the center and can't get a plan around $430 but was told may qualify penalty waived.

2016/12/27 07:13




--indeed 海量数据 is 中国优势, however don't forget charge foreign countries fee so can maintain and update priceless  海量数据.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-28 07:53 回覆:

However I want to warn china government that why usa this and that privacy if you leak patients information you would be pay huge penalty. what I mean is those got usa visa/green cards living in china could sue you so can enjoy their luxsury life including thier kids.

As those try immigrate should keep in mind the less usa health insurance companies knew your records the better, the less you voluntary to do the test from usa the better. once you have something even is suspicious, your health insurance premium would be very high.