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Trump new policy and what I thought
2016/12/04 07:04:18瀏覽212|回應30|推薦0

Fed訂銀行可轉債規範 要業者自行吸收損失....要求銀行業者擴大負債,一旦危機發生可轉為股權,作為資金緩衝
--if so, the 1st thing I would do is to take money back, banks are not safe any more. in the past I always wonder why certain banks got usa government help, some can't but shut down. So far we haven't lost money in usa banks which shut down or sold to another. but I did hear some people lost money because shut down.

Anyway banks didn't give us decent interests for many years and even rate goes up would all put in usa insurance company and hospitals pockets.

人大原副校长:世界经济大萧条可能出现 或引发战争...特朗普最近说美国经济增长率要在3-4%,失业率在4%以下,我觉得这个他做不到。做到的代价是非常惨痛的,就是用美元吸引外资,所有发展中国家、新兴市场经济国家的外汇都到美国集中,美国的债务空前多,债务是要还本付息的,这会使美国财政赤字,通货膨胀急剧增加。所以他这个代价是非常沉重的。...右翼势力纷纷上台,英国脱欧引起连锁反应。之后是意大利、希腊,也可能五年之后,欧共体已经不存在了。

--I agree with 原副校长 usa would 通货膨胀急剧增加 whenever "good news" post even is fake or "temporary".



--I'm not sure 赵美心 got Trump 承诺 or not, I was told within 2 years before Trump makes any change. it could cause by we all got emails/phone calls that you have to buy for 2017 or punished, and after 12/27?/16 premium would jump up again. even I can't but apply but still hesitate to pay for jan. 2017, because pay for nothing, i'm going to find out what is the punish penalty. I bet most americans didn't vote hilary still can't but register for obama healthcare that's why Trump 不会废除奥巴马全民健保.

I hope china people are more smart, if you can't make the richest class help the poor then don't request this and that free meals or you as hard working middle-low class would be living in the hell to pay for others free meals.


川普減稅計畫 不利部分中產家庭

--as I said not until we file tax won't know 利不利, too complex and frequently changed rules, it is a mess, no one know the rules any more.

more and more divorced, have kids but won't marry so one of the couple can get all kind social benefits. the poor in the end richer, the low-middle class living like beggar.  same as those have many kids to avoid pay tax, even could get free health insurance. I'm thinking to adop 2 kids so never worry about medical expenses eat up all our savings.

so  low-middle class don't encourage it or you have to pay for free meals and dragged down.

china did much better one-baby could get social benefits, other kids parent have to pay full expenses. very fair and could last longer. Aaa I am more and more support one china because china government did right jobs and good to their people. indeed over 5000 history IQ can do jobs right.

( 在地生活北美 )
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2016/12/27 08:51


--obviously japanbastards knew very well Trump would do the same thing, today is 俄罗斯石油公司 tomorrow is another company if only if Trump would do the same thing. what can G7-1 do about it but hate the small man(japanbastards), they have no guts to hate usa.

Trump worships Russia guts, like small man japanbastards so can continue do whatever he wants. G6? who care about them.

2016/12/17 15:02

奥巴马:要推翻一中共识 就必须想清后果 ...考虑到美中关系的重要性,考虑到世界经济、国家安全和美国在亚太的存在都与此相关,考虑到中国在全球事务中日益上升的作用,也许没有任何双边关系比美中关系更显著,所以如果美中关系破裂或走向冲突模式,所有人都会面临更糟的局面。


--will Trump listen to Obama's 建议? according to myself experiences the older the impossible, Trump's age as my husband can't be taught, even his IQ 150. the younger the flexible that's why I kept warining for female benefits better married earlier not blindly believe single's beautiful dream that turns into nightmare when you getting older and older.

蔡英文 shouldn't play dirty games sooner or later Trump would be tired of been cheated. Besides what can taiwan offer for Trump, nothing can sell !

2016/12/13 08:11
Birch Gold Group sent me email as:Trump Said He Didn't Want This, But Obama's Giving to Him this (Nasty) Parting Gift Anyway...In his disastrous 8 years in office, Obama has brought the United States to the brink of financial ruin. Just think, before Trump takes office, the national debt will hit $20 trillion.
To make matters worse, thanks to record-low interest rates, Obama has created a massive "bubble economy". Trump knows this. Before the election, he said: "We're in a bubble. And, frankly, if there's going to be a bubble popping, I hope they pop before I become president because I don't want to inherit all this stuff. I'd rather it be the day before rather than the day after..."
Like it or not, Trump has inherited Obama's big, disgusting financial mess. And unless there is a miracle, Trump will have to deal with nothing less than...The Bankruptcy of America If America can't repay its debts, can you imagine the FINANCIAL CHAOS that would erupt? Can you imagine the panic and desperation?
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-13 08:14 回覆:
Today, this idea may be unthinkable. But Trump is prepared for this possibility. (Remember, he suggested he could "make a deal" if America was unable to pay its debts.)
Don't wait for America to go bankrupt. Act now to protect your savings by moving into gold – one of the few assets usually goes up when the economy implodes.
--do I believe usa falling down status? it's quite possible. would I buy "gold"? No it's digital number only, in the past I kept telling china people if you really want to buy then buy the real gold. when you try to buy digital number gold it's higher than the real, when you sell it's lower than the market real gold. well it called you pay the management fee which including the place put your gold and you can't touch it.

2016/12/11 11:17


--for his 制裁沒有效用,徒然殃及無辜 I 100% support and china always declared don't use 制裁殃及無辜 people including this time 裁殃 toward to N. Korean.

波頓自稱贊成雷根總統「以實力促進和平」的外交政策,可是他的鷹派立場以及堅決支持伊拉克戰爭 I really can't accept him and he also is not smart because of that many americans suffered the bloody wars including us, why Trump wants IQ not high to be his staff?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-14 10:11 回覆:

中新社华盛顿12月13日电 (记者 刁海洋)美国当选总统特朗普13日在推特上宣布,他将选定埃克森美孚公司董事长兼首席执行官雷克斯·蒂勒森出任国务卿。..蒂勒森说,美国必须巩固与盟友的关系,寻求共同的国家利益。他提出,要不断加强美国自身的实力,确保美国的安全。

--Hope he is really smart 可以与各国政府打交道, 美国的安全 shouldn't rely on bounch smallmen japanbastards type, it is usa can be friendly with any other foreign country especially china, Russia, ...those in usa black listing. the less enemy the safer for usa. we chinese have over 5000 history IQ, our ancestors told us how to make friends that how to make friends that 友直友谅友多闻 and stay away small men those sweat mouth encourage usa issue endless bloody wars. Like I said the one terminate usa is not china neither Russia but japanbastards.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-14 10:20 回覆:

Like I said the one terminate usa is not china neither Russia but japanbastards.

--don't you our taiwan/ROC is ended by dirty LDW and japanbastards? our taiwan rotten politicians themselves only have IQ50(MJD)/IQ200(KMD) kill our ancetors over 5000 history IQ. usa IQ not high but 250, japanbastards are very good at to terminate usa because they got plenty experiences from what they done to taiwan/ROC.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-17 15:31 回覆:


---Haaa you can see why Russia still on usa black list, Russian is quite smart. "友谊小船" may not "翻". you can see our dirty LDW and A-bien didn't suffer usa did to Philipine ex-president Marcoz scandles expecially A-bien holds usa dirty secrets too.

2016/12/10 13:13
--it is not detail enough so can't tell true or not.  from my eyes those today 80 years old are better than 70 years old during the bloody wars(I just wish we were old enough to retire) in usa. And when I still in taiwan not married I already knew my parents were richer than their kids except my sister as businessman.
--a story already reported that living in CA especially silicon valley they got quite high salary but everything is expensive, so can't save money. my husband salary at his 30岁时(in 1976) $15,300 which I believe 全美一半年轻人收入 can make more but they can buy less because usa kept printing paper money.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-10 13:26 回覆:

my parents were richer than their kids except my sister as businessman.

--we kids unmarried have to give our salary 100% to support family. And our generation's kids won't so parent were richer.

2016/12/10 11:18

(美国防部长)卡特任内最后一次访问阿富汗 重申反恐承诺..为支持阿富汗维护国家安全,以美国为首的北约将在2020年前每年向阿富汗提供50亿美元的资金援助。...目前,北约在阿富汗保留约1.3万名驻军,其中美军约9800人...卡特的表态很可能反映出美国未来在阿富汗问题上的立场。不过,截至目前,美国当选总统特朗普尚未公布有关阿富汗事务的外交政策取向。

VS 联合国称2016(造成了大规模的难民危机)系人权灾难年 警告法西斯主义(歧视、极端主义运动)复苏

--I just wonder even usa terminate 阿富汗 terrorists-so-called but turn europe unions/japanbastards/usa itself 法西斯主义 up could be the 阿富汗 terrorists-so-called last win. while 大规模的难民 find out their previous government did much better than 法西斯主义复苏 countries.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-10 11:42 回覆:

苏联解体25周年西方自信不再 美媒:西方胜利终结  .面对西方的敌意..在一些俄罗斯人看来,为了向西方展示和解意愿,俄甚至自己解除了自己的武装,以让苏联自杀的方式结束了与西方的对抗,但西方却并没有做出相应回应。西方不愿意看到俄罗斯的强大,与西方对抗是俄罗斯的宿命,除非西方放弃它对俄罗斯的傲慢和敌视。---I bet not only Russian but mid eastern countries (especially the pity Libya pre-president who was murdered) people, china, ... have the same feeling.


--terminate 西方民主制度 exactly is usa/europe union/japanbastards themselves.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-12 23:06 回覆:

I bet not only Russian but mid eastern countries (especially the pity Libya pre-president who was murdered) people, china, ... have the same feeling
CIA前分析员:萨达姆被捕前已不管政事 忙写小说... 他用十分凶残的目光盯着尼克松,即便是被关押起来(2003),那目光仍然让人不寒而栗。...2006 因反人类罪被执行绞刑

--another very pity pre-president who was murdered is 萨达姆.  who tried to murder whom? did you CIA expect the victim using loving eyes looked at you murderer? did  萨达姆反人类罪 or you usa and europe union are 反人类罪. at least  萨达姆 supporters fought more than 10 years. when I mentioned we chinese fought against invader japanbastards 8 years to encourage Iraq people,  萨达姆 declared they would fight 10 years. his people didn't make him down, he should be proud of his people.

2016/12/09 21:35
us helth offered me $440+ cheaper than obama market $590
--you see why Hilary can't win, because the private companies is cheaper. many low-middle class people felt be cheated by obama health care. I already found out and post my opinions about what we paied before 2014 from private companies while we paied more for obama healthcare and quite worse policy except this year (what's good for hardly get doctors?) due to my husband retired in 2015 Mar. and didn't apply SSR.
no wonder Trump won't overrule Obama healthcare, but reduce the medicine price if he could--I'm not confidence about his capability as he didn't know any usa made cuased the price high high.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-15 12:02 回覆:

I'm not sure whether it is scam or not. it sounds so good $398.85 premium(blanket group sickness and accident plan), but I have to pay $568.77 for 1st month that  locked 3 years rate, no deductible, 70% coverage plus cash back($75 or higher), the only tax penalty would be $695 no matter how high income.
So I provide my credit card and she transfered me to another agent. I waited and waited,more and more unconfortable. so  I called her and again waited. then I tried to find the phone number, saw another guy also suspect. I immediately called credit card company for help, and wonder whether any one else, the lady told me indeed many people called.

another guy:I received several calls about health insurance coverage, but cannot find any information about this company. They wanted my social security number and credit card info. I cannot determine if they are legitimate.
unknown scummy company that will steal your money and not pay your medical expenses.

2016/12/09 21:14

our 2nd renter moved out and left their TV, car tire in garage, recently we found out why because in the past we only need to buy $2.75 sticker and waste company would takw away now we have to pay $35 for TV(not sure about car tire)and drive to the certain place.
last month I heard neighbourhood kept cutting down their trees down because falling leaves not every week picked up unless you buy papaer boxes and stickers. I wonder trees are less and less--soon like taiwan/china hardly see green in cities. I'm considering cutting down trees too.

do you still have confidence in usa stocks market?

2016/12/09 21:01
when my husband told the sales that he can't answer the company question about whether he has cancer or not because he did colonscopy which described as pre-cancer pulps. I told the sales that I got the same pre-cancer pulps in my 50, and my husband never till 69 this year and I don't think it is cancer. the sales still gave up. then he tried to sell $10,000/$20,000/$30,000 for cancer-related medicap . I told him it's not necessary for us because we have savings should no problem to deal with the situation if it happens.
almost 2 hours the sales got nothing. then he tried introduce another sales for investment related business to reduce the tax we paied to government.
From our past bad experiences I bet the sales knew no more than us--even annuity in broken stage. however the whole world still existing many silly people very easily be fooled by usa made smoke--I can't see why Trump talking only can so easy made usa stockes jump high high as usual.

2016/12/09 21:00
特朗普“炮轰”药价 美股医药板块闻风急跌
--After I posted usa renters looking for $1000/mm Trump finally pay attention to his renting business serious problem Laaa. so doctors blame insuarance companies put money in their pockets, while insurance companies accused medicine makers robbed people's money, however medicare seems did good job-a minor increase. one of the serious problems is too complex which made the cost jump high too. yesterday us health sent agent talking to us, in the end we can't trust any he tried to sell even for me  $440+ cheaper than obama market $590. after I confirmed the plan is not credited by obamam health care and could get punishment unless we wouldn't get tax refund in 2017.
we scare to the death how could we know no tax return happens in 2017 until Mar. 2018?
if I didn't know about credited rule binded with obama healthycare then the sales won't warn me at all. how many more risk hiding?
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-09 22:00 回覆:
--Aaaa, you see that's why americans are cutting their trees down, $2.75/paper bag(not box) for falling leaves would cost more than $30/mm if you have 1 street tree/1 property tree. we have 2/5. I'm going to force the city kill street trees first.
china just found 纸竟悄悄贵了这么多, in usa it happens when bloody wars began, the toilet papers jump higher and higher.
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