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Trump new policy and what I thought
2016/12/04 07:04:18瀏覽211|回應30|推薦0

Fed訂銀行可轉債規範 要業者自行吸收損失....要求銀行業者擴大負債,一旦危機發生可轉為股權,作為資金緩衝
--if so, the 1st thing I would do is to take money back, banks are not safe any more. in the past I always wonder why certain banks got usa government help, some can't but shut down. So far we haven't lost money in usa banks which shut down or sold to another. but I did hear some people lost money because shut down.

Anyway banks didn't give us decent interests for many years and even rate goes up would all put in usa insurance company and hospitals pockets.

人大原副校长:世界经济大萧条可能出现 或引发战争...特朗普最近说美国经济增长率要在3-4%,失业率在4%以下,我觉得这个他做不到。做到的代价是非常惨痛的,就是用美元吸引外资,所有发展中国家、新兴市场经济国家的外汇都到美国集中,美国的债务空前多,债务是要还本付息的,这会使美国财政赤字,通货膨胀急剧增加。所以他这个代价是非常沉重的。...右翼势力纷纷上台,英国脱欧引起连锁反应。之后是意大利、希腊,也可能五年之后,欧共体已经不存在了。

--I agree with 原副校长 usa would 通货膨胀急剧增加 whenever "good news" post even is fake or "temporary".



--I'm not sure 赵美心 got Trump 承诺 or not, I was told within 2 years before Trump makes any change. it could cause by we all got emails/phone calls that you have to buy for 2017 or punished, and after 12/27?/16 premium would jump up again. even I can't but apply but still hesitate to pay for jan. 2017, because pay for nothing, i'm going to find out what is the punish penalty. I bet most americans didn't vote hilary still can't but register for obama healthcare that's why Trump 不会废除奥巴马全民健保.

I hope china people are more smart, if you can't make the richest class help the poor then don't request this and that free meals or you as hard working middle-low class would be living in the hell to pay for others free meals.


川普減稅計畫 不利部分中產家庭

--as I said not until we file tax won't know 利不利, too complex and frequently changed rules, it is a mess, no one know the rules any more.

more and more divorced, have kids but won't marry so one of the couple can get all kind social benefits. the poor in the end richer, the low-middle class living like beggar.  same as those have many kids to avoid pay tax, even could get free health insurance. I'm thinking to adop 2 kids so never worry about medical expenses eat up all our savings.

so  low-middle class don't encourage it or you have to pay for free meals and dragged down.

china did much better one-baby could get social benefits, other kids parent have to pay full expenses. very fair and could last longer. Aaa I am more and more support one china because china government did right jobs and good to their people. indeed over 5000 history IQ can do jobs right.

( 在地生活北美 )
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2017/03/02 22:26

特朗普出师不利:海豹队员死亡 7000万美元战机报废..特朗普上任后批准的首场海外军事行动出师不利:一名海豹突击队员在也门地面行动中死亡,他的6名同伴受伤,一架价值7000万美元的战斗直升机报废。此外,这次行动导致至少25名也门平民死亡,其中包括9名儿童。面对重挫,白宫和五角大楼一直“嘴硬”,称行动大获成功、美军搜集到宝贵情报。..为证明这点,五角大楼还罕见公布一段视频。眼尖的人很快会发现,这是一段老视频,10年前就已经在互联网上流传。五角大楼不得不在质疑声中尴尬地撤下这一视频。


--Aaaa Trump didn't realize usa solidiers hated to the death that's why 多名不愿公开姓名的知情官员 would 啪啪打脸 even white house tried searching who leaked out secrets ealier. No one wanted to be sacrified their lives for nothing especially solidiers. no other contury can attack usa but pray hard not been attacked by usa.

2017/03/01 13:03
特朗普在周二上午接受福克斯新闻(Fox News)采访时简介了他演讲的部分拟议主题,概述了增加军费开支的提议、加强边境安全的计划和改革医保体系的想法。


--Trump didn't know his 畅所欲言改革医保体系的想法 caused damges. a company sold insurance with health-related used him to cheat their clients to buy their disqualified products. we were told this year Trump would made difference, but so far nothing changes.

I might have to pay Obama's penalty because of it. quite disappointed.

2017/01/24 13:21

特朗普“新官上任”:改写旧政策 重塑“朋友圈”? ...特朗普执政首日签署的首项行政命令,就是冻结卸任总统奥巴马的医疗改革计划。其内容包括各联邦机构不得再为扩大这部法律的普及面而发布新规、要求卫生与公众服务部推迟实施医改法中任何可能给各州政府、医保提供方以及家庭和个人带来“财政负担”的条款等.分析称,特朗普的行动,显示出他兑现这一竞选承诺的决心。



--what can 卫生部长普莱斯 do better? I'm waiting... no confidence in 100% usa made at all.

2017/01/21 23:23

特朗普今走马上任:上亿美元保安全 白宫开启新时代 ...特朗普19日曾表示他还在准备演讲稿,面对日益撕裂的美国,高喊“让美国重新变强大”的特朗普会带来怎样的演说,也备受外界关注。

--Haaa if Trump solves usa health insurance system or 美国重新变强大 is mission imposible.

2 days ago another sales (who pretended humana company's nurse visiting) told us how americans hate Obama health care that medicare did much better jobs for americans.

I'm waiting to hear how Trump could do for usa then can find out whether I am/were wrong about Trump. my best advice for Trump is mind usa business not other countries, because usa is not qualified to be the whole world leader who suppose bring the PEACE and happly life for the world not endless bloody wars.

2017/01/13 14:27
叙大马士革军用机场遭火箭弹袭击 来自以色列方向 ..中新网1月13日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,叙利亚大马士革一座军用机场附近发生数次爆炸。《今日俄罗斯》援引叙利亚国家通讯社报道,以色列战机空袭了位于叙利亚首都大马士革以西的一处叙利亚军用机场。



--Aaaa is it Trump be president so 以色列 attacking 叙利亚 again? as I said small men never do Trump good and soon Trump would drag down...no one can suffer bloody wars even american.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-13 14:35 回覆:

small men has no guts face to face but after Russia 撤出. 科纳申科夫表示,1月6日起北方舰队航母战斗群返回北莫尔斯克市常驻点,该战斗群由“库兹涅佐夫上将号”航母和被用于对国际恐怖组织实施打击的40余架俄海军航空兵飞行器组成。首批6架苏-24轰炸机已从赫梅米姆空军基地返回俄罗斯境内,近期计划从叙利亚境内撤出部分俄飞行器,以及飞行和工程技术人员。

it is the world unlucky if only if Hilary can't win then other countries must be punished by usa. suddenly many bad things happen even usa renters suffered if their kids go to school.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-13 14:43 回覆:

国际述评:阿富汗局势再陷动荡 缘何难以走出暴力困局? ..美国军方12日承认,去年11月美军在清剿塔利班的军事行动中摧毁了一处阿富汗民宅,导致多达33名平民丧生,27人受伤。消息公布后,势必引发阿富汗民众的愤怒。..阿富汗局势再陷动荡的原因是多方面的,主要有三大方面值得注意,一是阿富汗政府与塔利班之间的接触未能取得实质性进展;二是阿富汗政府对反政府武装的清剿行动仍显得力不从心;三是美国驻阿富汗军队在维护当地和平与稳定方面并未起到作用,相关军事行动却时常导致平民死伤,从而触发当地民众的强烈反弹。美国哥伦比亚广播公司称,10日喀布尔连环袭击事件的地点距阿富汗美国大学很近。而塔利班武装11日还公布了其在去年8月扣押的两名阿富汗美国大学人质的视频。阿富汗美国大学是阿富汗第一所私立大学,美国国际开发署曾多次向该校提供资金支持。

--what usa got from the bloody wars? more and more people died including americans.

2017/01/13 00:38

Aaaa Trump makes usa Obama a huge panic now... accusing Russia for Hilary can't be elected, I really don't think Russia can so easy change americans but I do know any american in taiwan can control who is our taiwan president by udn and other medias post usa spy in taiwan random say say. maybe that's why usa freaky afraid Russian did the same thing as usa did to other countries. Trump knew it but now seemed can't beat up usa meadias one side reporting especially the Republican itself has serious rotten problems who rely on psycho liars to get their politic filthy benefits.

As recently reported Russia knew Trump scandals but didn't eak out. the question is what kind of Trump scandals should report? ran away taxes we all knew and its usa freaky complex laws created by 2 parties rotten politicians caused, what else? Trump has business with Russia? Trump denied and to me what's wrong with it? when did americans are forbided and why caused it? isn't all made by 2 parties rotten politicians issued bloody wars so forbid this and that? we all are victims by usa 2 rotten politicians.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-14 08:02 回覆:

even if Russia did collect usa president candidates 黑料, so does British. And vice verse usa also collect Russia  president candidates 黑料 and other countries including Korean, taiwan, china... so why usa,British can but Russia, China disallowed?

it is a psycho world created by usa and its dogs, without doubt, anything they did were RIGHT others were Devils by their one-side opinion.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-14 07:57 回覆:

no wonder both Bush and Hilary can't but attended Trump president 1st day celebration. the question is if Bush collected Trump's 黑料 which can't stop Trump became 共和党内部的总统候选人提名 that means 俄罗斯掌握 Trump's 把柄 is worthless and that's why Russia has no reason to leak useless  Trump's 黑料. Another is the rest 总统候选人 even worse than Trump so they have no guts to leak their 掌握 Trump's 把柄 except tax-related and that all americans already knew and we beleive Hilary, Bush...even worse.

it's very stink all point out those very powerful rotten politicians by all means to stop others to be president and themselves are rotten to the death, yes, that's what I mean rotten to the death, they all.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-14 07:50 回覆:

(英)前特工曝“俄掌握特朗普机密” 害怕受威胁已跑路..英国媒体报道,美国总统选举期间,克里斯托弗·斯蒂尔受雇于多名特朗普的对手(杰布·布什),在搜集整理关于特朗普的负面消息时,挖到这一“猛料”-有关美国候任总统唐纳德·特朗普可能被俄罗斯掌握把柄..不少情报界人士发声力挺斯蒂尔,认为“黑料”报告内容真伪虽难认定,但多年情报记录显示斯蒂尔是个“相当可靠的人”。..国家情报总监詹姆斯·克拉珀:有关报告遭媒体曝光向特朗普表示“不安”,但认为这一报告并非由美国情报部门泄露。克拉珀还向特朗普强调,美国情报部门还没有判断相关报告是否可信。vs 特朗普12日在“推特”上发表的声明称,克拉珀“同意”自己关于报告不属实的说法。“詹姆斯·克拉珀昨天给我打电话,对这份虚假报告遭到非法流传表示谴责,”特朗普说,“都是些杜撰、虚假的内容,太坏了!”







蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-14 08:16 回覆:



--why 斯蒂尔 ran for hs life? I bet 克里斯托弗·斯蒂尔受雇于多名特朗普的对手, 共和党议员约翰·麦凯恩2016年从一名英国驻俄罗斯前大使手中获取这份材料。这名前大使究竟何许人也,目前尚不得而知。

and 特朗普的“黑料”也传到民主党人和媒体手中, then 2016年7月斯蒂尔和美国联邦调查局开始合作,针对特朗普进行调查。

--these caused 斯蒂尔 ran for his life because all americans want to know who are 特朗普的对手s and why only 共和党 Bush,麦凯恩 names exposed but not others especially 民主党人 involved. what Bush done that can't but hire British 特工.. 多名英国情报消息人士告诉《卫报》记者,正是因为在涉俄问题上的情报能力,斯蒂尔及其创办的调查公司“奥比斯商业情报”成为政敌搜集特朗普与俄罗斯关系“黑料”的最佳选择。don't you smell stink as so powerful Busn, Hilary, 麦凯恩.. can't protect 斯蒂尔 that must be something very wrong can't let  斯蒂尔 telling the whole truth stories or they all would be drowned by very upset americans.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-14 08:29 回覆:

Recently USA announced any americans can't have business with certain Russians, guess what? those rotten poiticians already knew who are certain Russians (people don't ) and prepared well but others didn't know and got deadly punishments as too late to withdraw. All the time those powerful and rotten politicians can ran away making huge money but others became their dirty games victims. Do you know whenever I got phone called to buy oil stocks, golden funds, .. I knew they were dump by rotten politicians related and the rich and I turned down except REIT(because of it so I learnt).

I mentioned I need 5 more years to know the whole truth about usa investment dirty games.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-14 08:49 回覆:

even if Russia did it that only proves to the whole world, Russia is very very smart can beat up usa/British together, no wonder Bush, Hilary, .. and British so frustrated and shameful but violently revenge now.

the same thing Russia solved 叙利亚 inner wars but after withdraw their solidiers, ships then suddenly 以色列战机空袭了位于叙利亚首都大马士革以西的一处叙利亚军用机场。

Aaaa what a shame, usa rotten politicians not only by all means punish their people also murder other countries innoncents without any concious. they are SHITs, yes they are rotten, stink and SHITs to the whole world.

2017/01/12 22:18
last night got the renter's wife called and we have to sign for their kids go to school as residents. it never happened before. the wife told me very likely having a problem with people trying to put their kids in school that don;t belong there. the changes immediately happen... is it coincidence or the republican plans since Trump won? I woner renters kids would suffer "bias" as renter not home owner. however more and more houses for renting as not easy sell the houses especially if you spent huge money by agent request.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-12 22:30 回覆:

in Elgin here has a very famous school(Elgin academic) that only very rich family can offer if they want their kids go to top 10 famous universities. the school has no huge lands and no beautiful scene, when I 1st heard from my husband I really can't believe it. 2 days ago we passed it I still can't imagine how the school get very rich students and where are they living...didn't see fancy dormitory either.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-12 22:43 回覆:
Elgin has a long history comparing other cities, our house already over 100 years, it was quite famous for clocks and shoes, in chicago downtown a famous building handing the clocks came from Elgin made. they were many rich living in Elgin but one by one moved out to the south Elgin(when more and more mexcians/the black moving in),  usually the south is for the poor, north for the rich and the white. this is the 1st case I ever heard. Last time I heard Elgin clocks sold to HK that you heard the name 爱琴表 that is Elgin.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-12 22:56 回覆:
our old lady neighbour told me our left left side house(next to her) is quite huge(7? bath rooms), and the across street very big parks donated by their grandparents and its left side the yards also donated with one condition that the city has to take care and can't build. so I visited the city to donate our can't built empty lot but turned down. can you imagine our park owns a small zoo...2 buffalos, 15? sheeps, 5? pigs. the park has a antique building for people wedding, celebration, meetings... and a historic building showing old time things/pictures.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-13 01:30 回覆:
the renter's wife must be worry the bias side effect didn't contact us earlier but last moment, she even tried to get the signed paper by visiting us next day. fortunately email the signed paper seems allowed, so I emailed back to her 10 min. after received her email. the signed paper showing: under penalty of perjury, that this is not a false affidavit provided in violation of, or in order to assis another person in violating, the ILL statutes(法规), specifically 105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b(b,e,f) that provide that misrepresentation of esidence for the purpose of school attendance is a class C misdemeanor and that the district is required to collect tuition from any person making such misreprestation.
my husband is very concern and even put her 3 kids ages on paper.
I would suggest Trump the less punish not rich people the better, the quicker solves health insurance serious problems the better. otherwise those support Trump would turn to Hilary soon.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-13 01:42 回覆:

when we rented the house we did worry what if the renter rented to 3rd person...this year we thought if only if they pay renting fee and not destroy our house that's ok because 3 young kids(one just 9 month), need job can't do yard works well. And the wife is baby sitter if she can make extra money easy way then should no worry to pay rent fee.

And those rich people always can run away tax easily so why this and that punish middle-low class people who are no confidence whether can save enough money for their retiring life. Obama health care made midlle class feeing rob their retiring saving money which even not enough.

2017/01/08 13:16

美国:国会开启新博弈 “奥巴马医改”或被废除, 共和党欲废除奥巴马医保 全民医保为何在美推行难

--Obama did something wrong

1.he didn't lower the insurance premiums for middle class but deductible and out of pocket jump high high even worse than before. we all assume the more people buy should be like medicare not jump ridiculous yearly.

2.combines with tax penalty and ambiguous AGI definition which is not the same as filing tax, the worst yearly due date can't match tax filing which you won't receive all tax-related statements before 12/31, we won't know exactly AGI is till file tax around Mar. if Obama believes it is good for americans why punish people?

3.you can't find doctors when you qualify to pay low( as retired and not yet apply SSR). while medicare has much less problems to find doctors. both a mess because very complex process mistakes everywhere and can't get schedule correctly but delay and delay.

4.on line apply always got trouble, every year I have to visit assistant to register and the last one is newer knew much less than me, then I visit another website in the end got $70 down which proves some bad/scandals already spread. I suspect those assistants got benefits to do the job and we are victims extra pay premiums which higher than 8% AGI.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-08 13:22 回覆:
those try to sell life insurance combines with limited medical related also strongly to overrule Obama healthcare because many middle class including me try to buy cheaper ($430 in stead of $505) and hope as good as the sales declared (which no deductible no out of pocket). but why would I buy it if I still have to pay Obama penalty?  because that policy also very sucks designed for cancer-related, it's useless unless suddenly get cancer(you can't buy if you got cancers or diagnosed potential cancers.)
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-08 13:32 回覆:
what will Trump solve the problems? I heard the ridiculous tax-binded penalty... caused by the republican added in. same as the bloody wars Hilary...demacratic rotten politicians supported. we suffered crook doctors did uncessary this and that examines even they were informed no insurance as laid off and a week later would have medicare, retired with much less income, still can't stop unknown and uncessary examine/lab test. expensive medicines already nortorious in the world, mistakes everywhere caused by the freaky complex system.. they all 100% made by usa.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-12 09:00 回覆:

特朗普称希望尽快废除奥巴马医改案 通过替代方案..中新网1月11日电 据外媒报道,美国总统当选人特朗普再对致力废除“奥巴马医改”(Obamacare)的共和党籍议员施压,坚决要求议员投票废除奥巴马医改案后,同时或随即通过替代方案。..但分析指出,共和党内要对替代方案达成共识,可能比废除法案困难许多。若共和党人无法准备好替代方案,数以百万计奥巴马医改案保户,可能会有失去保障之虞。

--be honest those need Obama healthcare already signed in, those waiting for cheaper and/or no tax penalty most are quite healthy. the only in a hurry is only 2 months no insurance covered without penalty (may apply certain situation such as income changes, I was told no penalty for 2 months without insurance covered). Another is whether the premium would drop down especially out of pocket, copay. I really don't think so but at least no tax penalty binded if decide not buy. as far as I knew many doctors support the Republican and they are the one squeeze patients money without concious. do you expect the republican can do better jobs than Obama's?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-12 09:10 回覆:

by the way, if Trump can

1.force doctors can't random issue uncessary lab tests that not covered by insurance company or they have to pay for patients if nothing wrong.

2.any insurance company not cover items, the doctor office must list all items not covered by insurance company and cost for patient and get patient signed, or they have to pay for patient.

in the past patients are responsible for whatever the charges but patients have no right to know what doctors doing to them and what are not covered by insurance company, certainly don't know why insurance denied the doctor's work. don't you smell something very wrong?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-12 09:16 回覆:
I bet my husband eye doctor must mention something but how would he know what's that for and how much he needs to pay, but if the office showing $55 item not covered by insurance company, my husband definitely won't sign. so $35 copay became $90 whose fault?
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-07 16:47 回覆:




--噩梦结束? I don't have confidence at all.能够负担得起的高质量医保? I doubted because insurance  companies fill with millions traps...

2017/01/03 01:43

不满美方未免除债务 柬方拟追索战争赔偿? ..兴洛塔那问,由于柬埔寨贫困,其他友好国家,包括中国、俄罗斯、日本等国取消债务,或把债务转为援助项目,有利于柬埔寨重建家园,为何美国却不肯取消债务,帮助柬埔寨脱离苦境?




--many countries expect Trump do better jobs but can't expect too much unless Trump really find out who are small men type countries souranded usa and force them pay usa soliders/weapons or where the money to cover for usa soliders/weapons in those small men type countries?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-03 02:21 回覆:

中东难民火烧流浪汉震惊德国 民众批评政府管理不严...来自叙利亚和黎巴嫩的青少年难民...

--难民 are forced to leave their countries because endless bloody wars caused by usa and europe union. the question can 难民 forgive those countries caused the wars? can those countries provide much better environment for pity 难民?

when Trump told usa can't without Isareal and Isareal is very important to him, I worry Trump would be fooled by Isareal. to me the smartest won't 100% rely on his friend but independently. Trump wants black jails so can put bad guys in jails, the question is can usa leave other countries alone? if can't then who are bad guys, you usa solidiers invaders or those fight for their countries?

Obama finally did some good jobs but so late and he can't help other demacracy president candidats but Hilary. whenever those retired/retiring usa politicians would do jobs or say something right.

2016/12/30 00:23
--the only taiwan bastards learnt from japanbastards is full mouth liars.
you see china people are smart imediately explosure 好一个日期凑巧,好一个“构建和平”。正是靖国神社里供奉的甲级战犯发动了珍珠港偷袭,也正是供奉在那里的甲级战犯导致众多亚洲国家蒙受深重灾难。既然如此期望“构建和平”,怎么从未见过日本阁僚悼念死于日本战争机器的邻国民众?
I wonder Trump might be fooled by japanbastards because usa history too short very easiy sourand by small men.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-30 00:30 回覆:
I heard Trump is going to support Isareal and forgot why the bloody wars happened. Trump and my husband both are 3rd generation in usa from German, unfortunately not much german culture can be allowed when Hitler was dispised in usa. usa itself history too short even IQ150 my husband most time not smart than me. However my husband definitely is smart than Trump knowing what is the best for usa--mind usa business not issue bloody wars to murder other countries people. even so sometimes I still anger that my husband can't tell good or bad people by instinct.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-30 00:59 回覆:

与美国闹翻?土耳其总统称美支持恐怖主义证据确凿 .土耳其方面将很多库尔德武装组织视为恐怖主义组织,包括活跃在叙利亚北部的人民保护部队和民主联盟党..有图片和视频证据证明美国支持包括IS、人民保护部队和民主联盟党在内的恐怖组织..土耳其总统埃尔多安27日表示,他手中掌握的证据证明美国支持中东地区恐怖主义活动,为“伊斯兰国”(IS)及库尔德武装分子提供资金支持。vs 美国国务院发言人托纳回应称,此言论毫无事实依据,荒唐可笑;没有人能否认美国在打击IS上的功劳,美军对IS的打击甚至超出了叙利亚和伊拉克的地理范畴。

--according to what happened in taiwan that usa in public declared one china policy but in the back support taiwan bastards's anti-china. I do believe not only 日本政客 but usa 政客 have “两面派”嘴脸. guess what? I only trust china now because china has principal(原则),

and  very clearly                                                                                                                                                 道德标准 no liars .                                                                                                                                             

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-30 01:06 回覆:
more and ore countries found out why their countries are messed up because what usa done in their countries including taiwan. what usa would get in the future? even small men type such as japanbastrds who tries hard to please usa master but in the back perform their revenge for usa's nuclear bombs in japan and any time will dump usa if Russia take japan in.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-30 01:21 回覆:

证据确凿!以色列总理遭警方正式刑事调查 ...今日俄罗斯电视台网站报道,两起案件中已知的一个是,内塔尼亚胡涉嫌从法国商人阿诺·曼朗处获得104万美元。曼朗因税务欺诈被判8年监禁,正在狱中服刑。..

--以色列 indeed good at sending rotten governors into jail and so the smallest land country can be so powerful in the world even can be usa's master. however it's ambitions is also very scary. if Trump still spiols 以色列 another bloody war is coming no wonder my husband wants to sell all his investments, the question is no way to keep his money safely.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-30 01:43 回覆:
境外媒体:特朗普行事风格生硬 或令中美关系更牢固 ..瑞士日内瓦高级国际关系学院教授相蓝欣12月28日在香港《南华早报》网站上刊登题为《为何特朗普生硬的行事方式将让中美关系基础更为牢固》的文章称,美国当选总统特朗普及其由商人和将军主导的团队可能提供一个就中美关系最重要维度——减少基本的战略猜疑——举行双边谈判的更佳平台。在奥巴马治下,中美关系达到自尼克松-基辛格时代以来的最低点。
--it is exactly I believe so i prefer Trump. if no other option I would pick telling the truth(even is/were a real small man) in stead of full mouth liars(fake gentle woman).
those japanbastards and taiwan bastards they are full mouth liars small men.
will Trump make me and 瑞士教授 down? wait to see the coming 4 years..
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