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why low-middle class americans didn't vote Hilary
2016/12/04 06:39:16瀏覽74|回應3|推薦0
what's good for? can americans buy? all money sucked by Obama health care. my husband will get SSR $3397 but pay my Obama healthcare $590/mm + $7050/yearly before insuarance company would pay 50%.
the renter I knew was paied $1800 now move to $1500 apartment due to insurance fee jump high. many renters looking for $1000/mm. even they could get better pay jobs but all went to insurance company like us.(I paied $81 this year w/o SSR)
A guy I knew didn't want good pay job, he took 2 part time jobs, got 3kids can rent $1700. the couple I knew husband has full time job as accountant, wife part time. due to the insurance policy they can't but down. you can see why lower and middle class don't vote for Hilary.
I paied $81/mm this year can't find doctors, hospitals. certainly I pay $590/mm can get many doctors because they love to squeeze patients out of pockets $7050 first, and then 50% all charges from me.
I really wish we didn't take the lousy advice till 70 to get max. retirements.
I wonder if SSR $2500/mm as 66 we will pay $300, 80% covered, $1500 outpocket.
Quite earlier in 2000+ already heard a rich taiwan immigrations would rather give all their money to their kids and apply medicad to avoid their money went to insuarance and hospitals pockets.
It's true, the scary usa health insurance system never become better but higher and higher.
however my husband medicare seems a bit better, as HMO every time you have to visit primary doctor to get referal so can see other professional and x-ray, ct-scan...
he just got mail announced don't need to pay primary doctor($5 this year). my husband told me more and more seniors choose HMO in stead of PPO, maybe that's the reason don't need pay priary doctor fee any more.
we were cheated to buy PPO before and got huge medical debts earlier because our primary doctor loves to recommand her related doctors and we paied huge for not network professional doctors charged whatever they wanted, and some insurance company didn't approve.
those sounds good new ways better stay away, traditional way is better.
only medicare seniors can get SHIP help you negociated hospitals.
Obama helthcare supposed would be like medicare, but it's not and no help at all.
( 在地生活北美 )
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2016/12/19 13:39
美国选举人团将投票 希拉里翻盘概率“几乎为零” ...民主党翻盘概率几乎为零




--i would say if 变节, 民主党选举人“变节” more than 共和党选举人“变节”.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-20 22:37 回覆:

此前有哈佛学者估计,最终可能有约20人“变节”--i would say if 变节, 民主党选举人“变节” more than 共和党选举人“变节”.

--today it proves what I said. 6人“变节”-- 4民主党选举人“变节” more than 2共和党选举人“变节”. 6人“变节” voted neither Trump nor Hilary but other president candidates.  Trump should help middle class who hate to buy Obama healthcare for nothing quickly, And shouldn't encourage taiwan rotten 蔡 and her supporters because no american can suffer another war except those war lovers. you see we still have many mutual funds not even recovered over 10 years, and my husband worries SSR, 2 pensions are falling down now. for those over 45 years old have no time to wait...

2016/12/11 12:25

Clinton couple quite earlier support Microsoft Bill Gates and endless licence charges the whole world. Google should be the next to monitor all 亲 usa dislike your 政府's people in the world.

Hilary found out china didn't do whatever she accused then turns to accuse Russia. To me if it happens to china, it would happen to Russia and vice verse.

2016/12/11 12:18

谷歌被爆在俄监视“亲政府黑客” 为对俄发动黑客攻击做准备...俄罗斯“真理报”在线传媒控股公司领导人戈尔舍尼:谷歌公司试图窃取他的谷歌账户密码,以了解其是否存在亲政府的“黑客行为”...谷歌曾在其官方账户上警告称,在俄罗斯有邪恶的“亲政府黑客”存在,警告用户“亲政府黑客”是危险行为。...目前美国大肆宣扬俄罗斯黑客的威胁,并投入大量资金用来破坏俄罗斯的国际形象。无论世界何处发生黑客事件,都将目标指向俄罗斯。这是美国对俄罗斯采取诽谤行动的一部分。谷歌公司也开始配合美国政府的这一行动,对俄罗斯境内的“亲政府黑客”进行监视。他们的这种行为是令人费解的,如果是专业黑客,他们是不会在网络上留下任何痕迹的。难道会有俄罗斯黑客写上:“我是亲政府的黑客?”实际上,美国此举是在为未来对俄罗斯发动黑客攻击做准备。


--I already shut down as many as possible especially "search" engine except google maps, when I found out google strongly "control" desiring, usa government also strongly support it.  亲政府黑客? I bet is more likely 亲 your 政府 citizens which usa dislike your 政府.

my notebook frequently suffered deadly virus attacking and malicious monitored because I  亲china 政府.