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the 1st time solution works to reduce memory 52% suddenly up to 82%, and KB turned quite hot... problems
2025/03/18 07:47:15瀏覽2|回應0|推薦0
3/17/2025 1. serached "why frequently auto popped MS edge?"
ps this time showed igfxEMN.exe igfxEM Module

If Microsoft Edge is frequently opening on its own, it could be due to a few reasons, including Edge being set to start with Windows, a glitch in the browser or system, or even malware.
-- i didnt use Edge today totally. it happened since 2025 Feb. the only time when download companies statements or open the download files including photos-like. and i definitely would disabled in task manager because it wont closed after closed each open files. that is the main reason i dont use/like Edge.

all startup apps in task manager were disabled long time ago. do i believe browser or system infected malware? according to my many years experiences my conclusion is MS updated caused the bugs.

3/16/2025 2. searched "how to disable app history" ps that i found earlier in Mar 2025 MS new updated in task manager

To disable app history, you can turn off "Web & App Activity" in your Google Account settings, preventing Google from storing your activity data.
--i dont use google chrome either except google search.

serached again got : how to disable app history
To disable app history, you can turn off "Web & App Activity" in your Google Account settings, preventing Google from storing your activity data.
Heres a more detailed guide:
1. Access Google Account Settings:
On your Android device, open the Settings app.
Tap on Google.
Select Manage your Google Account.
Tap Data & privacy.
--which is not fit my case.

serached "How do I turn off app history in Windows 11?"
Select Start , then select Settings > Privacy & security > Activity history. Switch the Store my activity history on this device setting to Off.
--which i already set off and obviously cant stop "app history", so turned on (some poster mentioned need to toggle off, on -> off, off->on trick) not work, turned off again and gave up.

3. tries to disabled those new/unknown processes such as CompatTelRunner.exe, consent.exe

what is CompatTelRunner.exe ?
CompatTelRunner.exe is also known as Windows Compatibility Telemetry. This periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft IP addresses so that improvements can be made on user experience and fix potential errors. This is normally enabled by default but there is a way to disable it.
"This periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft IP addresses so that improvements can be made on user experience ..."
How to stop the Windows Compatability Telemetry (CompatTelRunner.exe) from starting on Windows 10?
To disable compattelrunner.exe, just execute:
Task Scheduler - Microsoft - Windows - Application Experience - right click on each task for: DISABLE
--except one(Sdbinstmergedb) others disabled and wont reduce memory high problem

serached "cant disable SdbinstdB task, got error message "The user account you are operating under does not have permission to disable this task." and got :
If youre having trouble disabling the "Sdbinst Merge" task in Task Scheduler, ensure you are running as an administrator and that no Group Policies are preventing changes, and if necessary, modify permissions in the registry.
Heres a breakdown of potential solutions:
1. Verify Administrator Privileges:
Run Task Scheduler as Administrator:
Open Task Scheduler (search for it in the Start menu) and ensure you are running it with administrator privileges (right-click and select "Run as administrator").
Check User Permissions:
If you are an administrator, ensure your user account has full control over the tasks folder in the Task Scheduler Library.
2. Check for Group Policies:
Open Group Policy Editor: Press Win + R, type gpedit.msc, and press Enter.
Navigate to Task Scheduler Settings: Navigate to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Task Scheduler.
Review Relevant Policies: Check if any policies are configured to restrict changes to scheduled tasks.
--didnt work at all, under Run Task Scheduler as Administrator

4. how can i disable "consent.exe" in task manager ? got:
You cant directly disable consent.exe in the Task Manager app history; its a system process related to User Account Control (UAC). Instead, you can disable UAC or manage UAC settings to control how consent.exe functions
How to disable UAC:
Using System Configuration (msconfig):
Open the System Configuration tool by pressing Win + R, typing msconfig, and pressing Enter.
Go to the "Services" tab.
Find "CONSENT.EXE" and uncheck it.
Using Change User Account Control Settings:
Type "UAC" in the Windows search box and click on "Change User Account Control settings".
Adjust the slider to disable UAC.
Important Considerations:
Disabling UAC can make your system more vulnerable to security risks.
If you disable UAC, you might need to re-enable it later for certain software or tasks.

If you encounter issues with consent.exe or UAC, its best to consult Microsofts support resources or seek assistance from a computer expert.
Method 1.
I suggest you to set the User Account Control to default and check.
Type user on the Windows search bar and select User Account Control Settings.
Drag the notification bar to Default.
For more information visit the below link.
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn742497.aspx ps which already moved to unknow N/P
--i did disable UAC but not a bit memory reduced usuage. i gnored the warnning because KB too hot and would reduce my notebook life. KB finally cool down.

3/17/2025 KB turned hot again. so searched "How do I fix high memory usage in Task Manager?" got:
Press together the keys: Ctrl + Shift + Esc to access the task manager; Click on start and disable all programs that start with Windows; run a disk cleanup; Press Windows key + R and type: cleanmgr press Enter; Click on clean system files and wait for the files to load; Select all files and click ok to delete them;Apr 5, 2022
--jump from 82% to 85% memory usage. tried search solutions again and agin, finally found the solution works for me. as :

poster : My apologies about not asking before, but I have noticed that you only have 8GB of RAM. ps exactly fit my my case 8GB Ram, in task manager showed usuage 6.x/7.x GB, i felt the poster solution highly possible works for me.

For Windows 11, 8 GB of RAM is generally considered the minimum for basic tasks, such as web browsing, document editing, and media consumption. However, if you use memory-intensive applications (like gaming, photo/video editing, or running multiple programs simultaneously), 8 GB may start to feel insufficient.
Windows 11 itself uses more memory than previous versions, and modern applications, particularly web browsers like Chrome or Edge, can also consume a large portion of your RAM. This is especially true if you keep multiple tabs open. Additionally, background processes and startup programs can significantly contribute to high memory usage.
Since youre experiencing high memory usage (65-70% when idle), your system is already pushing the limits of the installed RAM. When opening additional applications, its likely why you see the memory usage quickly escalate to 80-85%.
--it is not i opening additional applications but after MS updated and after removed MS installed new apps it down to 82% then up to 85% after followed "disable UAC" solution.

This indicates that upgrading to at least 16 GB of RAM would be beneficial. Doing so would not only provide a smoother experience but also ensure that your system can handle more demanding tasks and multitasking without running into performance issues.
But, for now while youre still not upgrading, we can increase your Virtual Memory.
Right-click on This PC’ and select Properties.’
Click on Advanced system settings.’
Under the Advanced’ tab, click Settings’ under the Performance’ section.
Go to the Advanced’ tab and click Change’ under Virtual memory.’
Uncheck Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.’
Select the drive (usually C:), choose Custom size,’ and set the initial size to 1.5 times your RAM (12,000 MB) and the maximum size to 3 times your RAM (24,000 MB).
-- it works memory 85% down to 59% a bit higher than 52% before MS added App history... definitely no need to increase RAM which waste money but more and more new unknown apps and new processes in the future.

Click Set,’ then OK,’ and restart your computer.
Please let me know if you have any more questions, Ill do my best to respond as soon as possible.

3/20/2025 found memory from 50+% jump up to 75%. in the end cant but disable windows textinputhost.exe which in task manager popped up new process "input.. experiences..." frequently with "cmd" together which usually only user needs and in window search type cmd. i deeply suspect "input.. experiences..." purpose, and found it link s to textinputhost.exe, so searched "can i disable windows textinputhost.exe" got:

TextInputHost.exe 是 Windows 10 及更高版本中引入的一个组件,它主要用于处理触摸键盘和手写输入。在某些情况下,你可能想要禁用这个服务,比如在进行特定的系统优化或解决与输入相关的特定问题时。
如何禁用 TextInputHost.exe
方法 1:使用组策略编辑器
打开“运行”对话框(按 Win + R),输入 gpedit.msc,然后按 Enter。
计算机配置 -> 管理模板 -> 系统 -> 触摸键盘和手写面板
双击该策略,选择“已禁用”,然后点击“确定”。ps it wont allow disable
--in the end i removed the app. "touch keyboard and hand writing panel ie tabtop.exe" by end process tree. but they would return back as others. it would be worse and worse because less and less allow disable option. ps i learnt whenever saw "experience" related new process must terminate asap. app company AI collected users habits. why need cmd, sneakly control users notebook keyboard?
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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