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“虚拟绑架”诈骗频发 海外中国留学生如何防范?--打不死的蛊母美日倭寇 bastards: angusreidusa.com hairtamin.com atmmarket.com macos.com
2024/01/09 09:56:53瀏覽26|回應0|推薦0
1/27/2024 today "-打不死的蛊母美日bastards" ie the bastard sent 7 fraud emails as:
support@angusreidusa.com repeatedly as ELON-type adv. 1 fraud email
the website showing:The Angus Reid Forum USA is a trusted and well respected online and public opinion community.

care@hairtamin.com hair-related company and support@jessemade.com selling fake-jewery-like products
about skin tag removed 2 same fraud emails.

4 same fraud emails about "sleep & Alzheimers" sent from:
?uoa@subscriptions.in.com but Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.
cellmacos@macos.com the japan company sent 2 fraud emails
--we have nothing to do with these bastards companies. stay away 打不死的蛊母-美日倭寇bastards
ps ‘蛊’上虫下皿,已经暗示了蛊毒的产生之法 蛊是指皿中食物因腐败而生虫
原来是本草纲目以毒攻毒的药物 被有心之人利用来害人
蛊本意为事,引申为多事、混乱。器皿久不用而生虫称“蛊”,喻天下久安而因循、腐败,必须革新创造,治理整顿,挽救危机,重振事业。ie usa became 腐败 蛊母 spread all over in usa.
蛊卦 上艮山下巽风 大象:风入山下,闭而不出,即物腐生虫,意气不通,因循败事。
why the bastard sticks to me: 个人陷入多事之秋 诸事不如意 婚恋不顺利 经商诸多不利困扰着自己 家道事业有中落现象 NOT knowing 不宜继续走欺诈老路 应当机立断,另外找寻合法工作出路 转危为安
--haaa 1/28/2024 received the bastard harrisond@sunshineace.com "we add new photos to your album" so i verified ace.com click carrier then on line AI-chat with Grace as:
me:why i received email from harrisond@sunshineace.com?
AI Assistant Avatar: If you are a good fit, someone from recruiting will reach out to discuss next steps. Are there any questions I can answer for you?
me:can you remove my email address from your system?
AI:Im sorry to hear that. You are able to withdraw your application at any time should you decide you are no longer interested in the role you previously applied to.
me:i never submit any application so whats going on?
AI:I am sorry that you are having applications issues. Please reach out to the Ace Customer Service Team for futher assistance. You can reach them at: 1-888-827-4223
me:i hope that can help.
ps spouse used to buy hardware related products from ACE store but since Trump forbid imported from China turned many unit price jump too high so we stopped over 7 years.
so you see the fraud emails came from usa made AI-bastards illegal collected many users email addresses.
NOTE: in the beginning i inquired "can you verify "sunshineace.com" is ACE website that i received email showing "we add new photos to your album" and why?"
it responsed as "I apologize for the issue. Could you please try again?"
i tried couple times such as: can you verify "sunshineace.com" is ACE website
got "Im sorry. Can you please restate your question for me?"....
ps i called and got reported ID 6227527, can email to carecenter@acehardware.com, the man agreed "we add new photos to your album" is quite scary email.
1/19/2024 just caught our bank bill pay system bug that in the past every now and then were charged penalty for late pay. i thought very weird i did on line bill pay how it disappeared.
just on line scheduled bill pay for my 2 credit cards which i am on purpose held the one due earlier 2/4/2024 occasionally disappeared together with another due on 2/14/2024 which disappeared more frequently. last night both still on "bill pay" recording screen
but 10 min ago both disappeared. i tried couple times callings but failed as too many people called. not even allow call back function.
i wonder whether a court sue the bank bill pay system(may another company manages). i wish get my penalty and late fee charges back. it is quite expensive and also messed up my memory in the end i force myself verify again and again. ps i can see it is updated, caused the problem? as i said i hate usa companies frequently updating, the most important "foundation" bugs didnt solve but new update made it worse.
the worst they wiped off old statments from my-type clients HD totally. i cant but re-down-load current and previous years statments. sometimes cant recover because banks only keep 3-5 years and smaller companies less than 6mm-2 years. why they so lovely deleted old statements in clients HD? easy stealing clients money and clients cant prove it as old data files gone?

ps 1/20/2024 earlier when i tried to backup many years emails data in my HD, few of emails reuested password or cant open so i tried many times failed then deleted;
due to huge snow piled up we cant drive out as we are too old to do snow shovel our quite long drive way. our new annuity agent 1/15 told us he can email the secured "Account Registration Changes form" and we sign then email back. we didnt receive so he cant but usps delievered to us on 1/16 i corrected his mistakes as usual then 1/17 spouse emailed to him. until today 1/20 his secured email with 2 data files suddenly showed up not in inbox folder. the weird is after i succeed down load one of two and found it declared "my notebook got virus detected if i paied "small amount" fee they can clean it.
i did google search and it shows so far no way to stop 蛊母-type 垃圾邮件 they hided in pity victims notebook/cell phone deeply secret place. and some 垃圾邮件 also tried to allure victims to pay clean fees. i didnt click to pay unknown "small amount" fee and years ago we went to Frys 3? times pay to clean virus for me lost lots chinese and other data files, same happened that we purchased Mcafee and others anti-virus DIY-way.
when i tried down load another file the secured email disappeared. did 蛊母 already infected the secured email and hided then showed up, not pay so disappeared again? who behind the 蛊母? the same weird thing happened to the download secured data files. one is survived another disappeared with email now showed up(not the secured email).
haaa weird secured email cant run away but caused 蛊母 more attention so stole and hided? maybe bank bill pay system suffered 蛊母-type 垃圾邮件 too.

1/21/2024 i thought att-help type help me get rid of in my email account "subscription list" but those companies subcriptions returned back. i decided contact "XM qualtrics" 1st and later days ADT, Ascension(not sure related to those medicine-type fraud emails or the clinic/company got infected or data breach problem)... im going to "contact" total 11 companies because when i unsubscribed they all bounced back wont allow,
“虚拟绑架”诈骗频发 海外中国留学生如何防范?时间: 2024-01-08 05:07:44
来源: 侨报网综合 编辑: 李明
北京《法治日报》8日报道, “虚拟绑架”是一种专门针对留学生群体的电信网络诈骗犯罪,是利用留学生与家长相隔万里、沟通不畅,精心设计的一个双向骗局。在这种较新型的电信诈骗中,犯罪分子往往会让留学生在中国的父母陷入一种认识错误,误以为子女在境外遭遇绑架和人身威胁。实际上在境外的子女并未遭遇绑架,而是犯罪分子通过其他手段造成留学生和家人沟通不畅,以这种“两头骗”的方式,利用留学生父母联系不上子女的时间差勒索赎金。
--“绑匪”are in usa or china or not knowing where they are and from? did “绑匪”talk or only text in chinese? did 学生照片 from himself in cell phone (or notebook HD) or “绑匪”photoed on the day was "绑架", can see where made it?

--it is very possible if “绑匪”never showed up, but by phone or text messagem or email. did “绑匪”use chinese language, can tell taiwan, HK, china or sounds like "华裔,华人"? and can tell young man, 中年? sounds like 坏人 ?...

--why 学生 so easy listen to/cooperated with 诈骗分子 骗父母钱? it is very unusual especially 父母 not in danger. 诈骗分子通过电话和社交软件远程“洗脑”by what? did 学生 lost huge money in game or even gambling?

--did his 父母 pay any blackmail ? i also heard many 学生 were threatoned if parents didnt do illegal things why believe 诈骗分子 pretended China investigation? even if under investigation why believe 诈骗分子 can stop investigation? obviously 学生 knew or suspect his parents might involved illegal money.

--again if you didnt 涉嫌诈骗 why you are afraid those "虚拟" 诈骗分子 who cant hurt you immediately and you can call 911. i received 诈骗分子 threaton got evidence about i visited dirty sex websites. i immediately post how it happened. And also pointed out why google search phone number(3312045673) popped up all dirty sex related crimianal websites. ps just check again those dirty sex websites all disappeared including black TickTalk. obviously if every one do the same i did that can reduce lots 诈骗钓鱼 websites.

--what i suffered is : i felt 诈骗分子 controlled my cell phone who can deleted text message and voice recording and auto changed the phone i called switch to fraud teams pretended the company i called.

--why 学生 so afraid "涉嫌违法犯罪" without knowing self is not criminal not even know whats going but believe whatever 诈骗分子 accused? before 2012 our nasty neighbour thru wifes brother/father many years as another city mayor who sent a very tall black police "visited" me, i wont open door to let him in but told him i called our police station to verify whats the problem. he saw i made a call and confirmed whether they sent a police. the black police immediately left. earlier the nasty neighbour sent our community police, the white police parked in front house street and talked to me be friendly with the couple. i just smiling and shaked my head. because the community including police knew the nasty neighbout 德性.

you have to have strong confidence in yourself and your family if they didnt do illegal crimes. as parents also should tell kids if something happen to them do not worry but study till graduated. And if they did wrong its ok to pay what they did.


--the fraud female team pretended bankers every now and then called me since 4/4/2023, asked whether i have interest to buy higher rate CD but not attractive to me. till the day i called 4 times, they picked up then broke the 4th was feamle talked very fast with strong INDO accent then she told me must verify my ID until didnt feel right including spouse.

--家人安全相威胁 is quite odd, why cant call your parents directly? if 诈骗分子 control your cell phone and notebook like i felt then you can ask school, friend or neighbour even police station. you even dont need call them directly but your sister/brother, neighbour, or parent company. myself very against be controlled and would by all means find a way to get rid of been controlled. ps usa "洗脑" is very powerful i knew because personal saw what happen in taiwan since rotten abien mayor declared we were not chinese and our male neighbour above us immediately changed his manner to us even his wife frequently asked us to allow them put their products in basement then building stairs. we have no problem if only if still can walk thru. she still is lovely.

--this is the most strange why would "officers" request you 伪造绑架? it is so obviously they are bad people. if only if bastards not show up nearby you, you should have chance contact others(not use your infected cell phone, notebook)

就如何筑牢反诈“防火墙”,多个中国驻外使领馆提醒中国留学生,防范“虚拟绑架”最为重要的是要保护好个人信息。在境外接到快递、电话、短信、邮件时要加强甄别,不要轻易透露个人信息,提醒自己和家人亲友切勿向所谓的“安全账户”汇款转账。在包括电商购物、购买机票、换汇等日常生活中,妥善提交、保管好护照、身份证、电话号码、银行账号和密码等重要资料与信息。如发现个人信息外泄,可及时更改密码、调整账户,并提醒亲友谨防被人冒名欺骗。--this is almost mission impossible or i wont tell SSN, bank PIN and almost full checking account eve i put very low amount (most $100 except the one pays bills). so far i never tell saving/MMK acoount number to strangers including fraud banker.

​--indeed why have no confidene in self country police or officers but trust strangers by phone call?
if you suspect some fraud or hacker sent many junky emails. then google search may help a bit. here is i collected:


--not only that, those frauds emails would put in other folders in stead inbox and if you mark as "spam" those emails also hided in other folders. myself just found and after spam, block senders, delete i must check every file folders till cant find(they very likely still in somewhere deeply hided) dont click but move mouse lightly on sender to see their sending emails if quite "unreadable-type must be alert such as: "xecc12cvgd...@xxx" or weird format like "ELON-P.o.w.e.r". ex i got 6 in inbox marked all deleted and all are in trash folder, mark 6 as block senders and they all gone then check every folders (including spam) make sure not hided. usually they are adv by indiviuals. now i delete "spam" all 26 emails except those companies including grocery stores we visit(not every week visit but may stop by such as go to old house or visit doctor, hospital..., clinic send health-related articles...) as block senders then only one Bliss-Skin not deleted that same sender name 4 were deleted. i would say it like "蛊母". then check every folder again make sure not hided. found in "photo" folder popped us a new female picture but found its allianz annuity company sent email caused it. now how i can kill the "蛊母 Bliss-Skin" mytravelagent@expediacrusises.com "Claim your bottle today & get rid of skin-tags-p..." click "block senders" again it gone and finally check all folders, in "travel" folder which still empty.
ps 1/10/2024 to avoid every time did spam, block sender, delete forced myself to check whether the 蛊母 hided in one of folders so i deleted 5 folders after save those importatnt informations. you see to create/add new folders became useless but increse more exhausted jobs. i knew those email providers are very hungry but why cant make people to pay? because cant trust after pay could avoid those serious bugs and can away from 蛊母-type 垃圾邮件.
they wont stop but i must fight whenever login my email account and post it to help others.


--to me it is not just 26 i got this moment, at least 3 times login to check those bastards whether one day could leave me alone. i would say at least 100+垃圾邮件.


ps my personal expenience that such fraud email no block sender, spam delete combination can succeed. some if you spam it, it didnt put in spam but other folders. every time i spam, block senders, delete... i must examine every folder and repeatedly until cant find it which may hide more deeply.

ps my provider offer under trash folder is views then click "subscriptons" which shows websites you did subscritions most send (1-2) emails/7days. you can select unsubscribe block(free for three)not always unsbcribe succeeded.
--1/25/2024 i found a way deleted all subscribed websites. and in "sent" folder showed:
unsubscribe-4366355612e26; opt-out-1024.ewsxydtb8vdt; unsub-f-6qtc3a18lss-ekqwx0
be.kbwekrsugvvuw33qnfvh --i suspect it was fraud website
unsubscribe-6fc8846f098ac6 --this is not duplicate but after unsubscribed it returned back then unsubscribed again.
to me they all are fraud websites because didnt show companies/stores name.
from now on i would frequently check "subscriptions" to verify when it happens without myself subcribe any stores, companies which including banks, utility and internet service... i also wont open any new received emails until fraud emails deeply reduced.

ps “虚拟绑架”诈骗频发 海外中国留学生如何防范?时间: 2024-01-08 05:07:44
来源: 侨报网综合 编辑: 李明--moved from "--moved from "发现另一起 Ultra Mobile 12/12/2021 $13.72美元 SIM Chip 的诈骗案?--3起小数额盗窃案或更多尚未发现?人工智能欺诈已经发生了?;钓鱼网站 Dealsbestbuy.com"​
--its very hard after we went thru 4+1(business) fraud handymen and fraud banker got my SSN, bamk PIN, almost full bank account number. the worst i believe some one control our 2 cell phones, and cant trust google search. 如何防范? make sure your cell phone and notebook not infected, the less visit unknown websites the better dont give your phone,address, email address to any one. ie you must keep one only you and your family knew. the 2nd can buy very cheap cell phone/notebook you can give information only you cant but for school, job related and not trust totally that you know very likely infected. the 1st notebook only for school homework and job plus bank-related purpose. you can buy 2nd notebook for entertainment or else but no important data files and any time can wipe off and reinstall O.S. Keep in mind even usa government, companies, 3 credit score companies also would happen data bleach.

i would say usa environment is very unsafe, those young kids are very easy be target especially if master wars failed, all not support master wars must be target at. its really very bad period time for every one. ps quite long while ago i mentioned those graduated university can have ability to protect themselves but not younger. however this time we suffered i began suspect graduated students are not experienced enough to avoid bad things in usa.

ps 中国芭蕾舞女演员在德国失联:目前已被找到,疑被人劫持 时间: 2024-01-10 07:02:47
来源: 侨报网综合 编辑: 邓岱
--i am glad for her and hope she can bravery tell more details to warn other came/come to foreign countries. such“虚拟绑架”would be more and more unless more people know "how they did" stories that may reduce “虚拟绑架”cases. myself not so 乐观的 if only masters wars wont stop.
even today our stocks still one more under $10.xx ie 3 under $15.xx-11, 5 under $10.xx-5.xx. some companies are very likely too late but fall in this 2024 master wars plus election period.

ps in usa victims painful relatives can visit :the US Department of Justice (DOJ )victim notification system
Registered Victim Login: ps you need the police/court recorded case ID to login
VIN or Verified Email:
PIN or Password:
to trace criminals activities or where are, you also need to apply/submit the certain form(i remember after login to click a button that you will receive email to showing the criminal staus, such as the company lawyer got transfer, 假释, vacation... i received the email notices. even myself didnt lose money but cheated would earn 9%(or 10%?) interest. that i cant sleep well over a year. especially a month later i found their statement cant tell the interest earned and how they calculated then wanted out but forced until 1 year expired. it took another 3? months got my money back then the company was sued and broke.

again some criminals got umbrella, and very likely certain years later most would out of
victim notification system.
--i did once about "1st global capital" fraud investment.
another is state police-records-related websites such as "Bureau Of Identificationin" in ILL https://isp.illinois.gov/BureauOfIdentification/CriminalHistory
unfortunately i deleted one because the criminal(may stop his sex crimes) records already removed(some rules only can keep for 10 years trace or else),
the 女演员 if still continue 在德国 working better inquired police dept whether has similar websites for victims trace their cases. do not wait, inquire asap and keep case ID from police and court. it wont stop must be cautious. the lady photo looks good easy be target at.
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