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2022/08/10 08:27:15瀏覽112|回應0|推薦0 | |
美民调:美国高通胀严重影响少数族裔 无家可归者或持续增多 VS invaders , water meter contractor stole cotrol valve handlers
======================== 8/12/2022 a man kocked our door and wanted to show us something, then told us he just bought our old lady house and his brother bought another side but next next to us. he put a bid on the one next to us for renting. till then we realized more houses sold. so i verified zillow which showing quite many houses on market but didnot show the 3 houses unless put their houses addresses. the weird thing is he tried to tell us going to replace stainless fence to fiber glasses when i mentioned earlier the survey worker didnot set the border mark (i inquired but was told they are forid due to the law(or requested by the buyer lawyer the reason is too long time ago built maynot correctly.) can he mark it? he immediately left. i would say today just like 2008-2013 people cant but sell their houses. however the adv. are hided so wont feel horrible selling everywhere. ====================== Months ago we received letter showing its time to replace our old water meter, i just read a news and we also are quite busy so made a call(7/19) see whether can delay but 我被告知如果九月的截止日未換就會發生水公司無法 bill me 然後切斷水 而且可能換新錶時要付費. 我看到新聞提到新錶是提供美國政府更多監控 但這早已開始包括銀行 微軟 電信相關公司 以後還有. 8/3/2022 the replace new meter company sent contractor, he told us no control valve to turn off water, i told him last year we hired handyman to replace new hot water tank that tured off water. then he did right side(cant see, we put a counter cabinet which blockaded) then left side took down the handler, replaced the new meter. and i inquired him to put back handlers he answeard "you dont need that". before he finished packing his tools and made photos then we signed the paper. i inquired again. but he declared no need. later i felt very unconfortale and suspect so called water company but was told no one in office, called tomorrow before 3:30pm. i did and left voice messages twice. 8/5/2022 i saw another water meter company worker so request him to report what we suffered. he made 2 photos that can see the missing handlers position. 8/5/2022 i called water company back and was told they would investigate. 8/9/2022 i called water company and upset the installer lied to me and water company used the photos cant prove whether hadlers existed before replaced. so i told water company he stole our 2 handlers. water company didnot remind us to make pre-install photos, how do we know their contractor would do such thing, i also mentioned the guy tried to chaqrge us for can not shut off water. in the end he wanted me tomorrow standby waiting for him with boss and meter company? together calling. 8/10/2022 the boss in the end insist the water meter company contractor made pre-istall photo with no handler, and no reason stole them, but would offer one for us. however i remind him the contractor lied and before he took photo already took down the handlers. the boss agreed it possible but no value to do that. According to water company letter showing if cant shut off water then client needs to pay whatever charged (max. $200+). i was still quite upset. especially the boss metioned across street neighour from taiwan (her ex helped who even didnot knew where the meter located that i heard their conversation in front the house) that the other contractor who reported for us also showing no handler photo. i wonder if we didnot in basement watched or just my spouse alone then wont pay attetion or report either. my spouse this time did see left side handler took down and didnot put back even i inquired contractor twice. he didnot take any action because the contractor said "no need". ps 8/22 should get 1 handler and we have to istall it 8/20(Saturday) spouse finally rememered he did see right side handler was put on couter top which next to the meter and water pipes. And the contractor must take away too. 8/22 i immediately called and requested 2 handlers then was deied and accused me change story. i told him all the time i declared we cant see the right side, if water company only give one handler i would contact meter company get right side handler back. later he called me would give 2 handlers(not new very likely the contractor retured or else). it turned out right side handler not fit(part missing?), left side handler missing a nut to screwed tight fortuately we have other nuts barely screwed in. from now on i would be more carefully to monitor well any workman. --bad things happen must "money" related especially adults. the neighour husband wanted me to pay their dying(tried to murder it by themselves) tree remove fee, later forced me to hire 12 old boy mow our yard but failed. i bet he knew who tried to murder their tree then ours. why our neighour-related boys dump branches, dirty dirts with wild weeds, stones and other junks in our yard? it cost $5+ per paper bag with sticker, those heavy dirts may need truck carry to certain site which far away and pay by weights (and if not much...). certainly some other reasons adding such as to keep their yard very clean they wont allow their and friends boys playing in their yards. the adopt son might have anxiety disease and friend boy Rxxx is mental or low IQ problem.... their daughter is very selfish parked her car in our mailbox never in theirs, the delivery female immediately point out she tried to make us looking like bad people. same as they dump weird junks including wood ashes from our yard to sewer company land. that was exactly what we saw and thought our renter did but almost a year tured out not renter family but neighour-related. ps i did see occasioally they put one paper bag that just pretend. same as their previous house owner few times carried dog bag on hand. ----------------------------------------- the following is chat with across street neighour from taiwan: 7/5/2022 she: help... ps she called me that didnot feel well, then drived to hospital by herself... 7/7/2022 me:妳上面4個的text message 不知為何昨天才收到 不過星期二(7/5)就算收到我也還在睡著(通常起床已經九至十點)今天才收垃圾 已經把你的垃圾桶放在車庫門前了 7/7/2022 你好,我是 her 的朋友,她中風了,正在愛德華醫院,可不可以請你和保險公司的代表聯絡,看看保險公司有什麼福利。 me:這個可能需要x女士先找醫院內 Medicare 相關服務員要授權書填寫我的名字等資料 我才能代表她詢問 你可以先把 her 的醫療保險公司名字 電話 以及她個人醫保卡資料給我 如果該保險公司願意與我交談. 妳可以打電話給我 她能行走嗎 就我所知她出院後應該可得到復健人員到她家幫她做復健是免費的 但需先與保險公司確認 另外她應該也能得到送餐到她家 但要看她的狀況 好像也免費 她不要心急 醫院很快有人會跟她討論相關事項 且會安排中文翻譯協助 7/19/2022 she: I am ok. Can you call me? me:妳回家了? 剛來到 放好東西 打電話給水公司 888xxx1521 八月三日4-6pm 妳約好了沒 要快 你可以現在就打 但要有 account key (妳應該收到信件)妳說話恢復了? 7/20/2022 妳起床沒?我先生起床後會去買早餐 如果妳已回家需要幫妳帶早餐可以告訴我 妳的電話不通只接受留言 昨晚上也是不通我已留言 今早剛才6:40am我也已留言給你 (打過不通6:18am 未留言)妳到底回家沒? 7/21/2022 妳的花園剪草工在擔心妳 我給了妳的電話 she: I am out of Edwards and move to in rehab thru aug 2~4. Then move to sub-q rehab. Ill be in sub-a rehab for another months. Can you tell mower people I am sick in hospital. Can he sent me the balance information on the end of month? me: Tried to call you still not available. 你的意思是暫時無法返家? she: I have my caregiver come to my house sometime. My x also comes to my house sometime me: Ok the worker told me 4 times need to pay but after knew you still in hospital he wont worry the money because you always paid she: I am in rehab section most of time before 4:00 pm me: 妳的意思是每天可回家還是仍然在醫院病房? she: Then I might fall into sleep after that for I cannot sleep well at nights me: 多休息不要想太多 ㄧ定要做好復健 she: I had stroke Half my body depends on other people. My X come to visit me every day me:妳的x 應該看到水公司通知信 要趕快預約 名額有限 ps i did call for her as got stroke whether can have mercy to postpone but was told appointment almost full, availale 名額有限 我母親多次中風 第一次可能比妳還嚴重 she: He gives a lots of support. I am thankful. My talk is not clear And use left hand to text is difficult me: (my mom)半身不能動但我的2個兄弟在美國醫院天天都幫母親復健就能走路 之後ㄧ些小中風 當我結婚她又中風 比較嚴重但經復健又可行走 所以ㄧ定要做好復健 she: He brings my mails. Ill wok on that. Thank your encouragement. Ill work hard me: 原來如此 我有告訴剪草工人可能妳無法打字 他說沒關係 不擔心錢的問題 she: Thanks me: ㄧ定要有信心 我媽可以妳ㄧ定也能恢復行走 另外覺要睡好 否則易高血壓 我母親是很樂觀的人 妳應該也是 趕快試著睡好 妳隨時方便可再text 不打擾妳了 7/22/2022 me 提醒:發現妳的花園門是開著的 (靠近同性戀那邊)不確定是否剪草工人忘了關上 she: Please close for me thank you me: 妳的花園門無法鎖上?剛看到妳的留言我希望妳的ex 或caregiver 幫妳鎖上或者用木棍抵住門 我真的不願靠近妳的房子因爲妳沒有膽子查看是誰進入妳的后花園 ps she knew her dog ran to backyard with abnormal behaviour but didnot want to break relationship with our side neighour so didnot check who sneakly in her backyard while neighour wife with a son stood at roadside looked at her house waiting. 我已告訴妳有人進入我們的房子 (懷疑隔壁adopt的大兒子及小兒子)而且非常注意我在做什麼ㄧ不留神就丟樹枝各種廢棄物等 昨天還把一堆蒼蠅放入廚房(有鎖大門但忘了扣鍊子)ps last year when i cleaned basement found a bottle put on AC/Heater Pipe someone feeding many 蒼蠅 eggs. 妳家也發生過東西被偷 我不願意被懷疑 相信我當妳不知是誰所有的人都是suspect. 況且妳的記憶不好 上次妳要我餵狗 我堅持妳電話告知密碼且與妳ㄧ直通話直到關上車庫門 這樣妳就知道如有東西被偷與我無關 我先生告知昨天看到狐狸經過妳家花園門(想躲入妳家花園) 但那時妳的花園門是關著的 這不是工人忘了關門 昨天是有段時間風大 會把花園門吹開? 如果不會那就是有人打開 she:I dont think you will steal things. I Sommes I suespect the boys next to you might want to get into my house. (Get into my house.) Wind may not open the fence. Ill send information to the neighbor that care my dog. me: 我剛睡醒看到妳花園門仍是開著 如果妳已請求鄰居(照顧妳的狗)幫忙那麽可能與我一樣 不是妳懷移而是其它鄰居看到誤會的關係 最好是妳的Ex 幫妳 順便查看有無異樣。如果沒事最好 至少妳知道到今天(或妳先生來幫忙那一天)未發生偷竊 she: I dont have anything worth to steal. My X works and visit me every day. He has his own family to. For me all things belong to God. You are welcome to my house. I have webcam I need to install. I hope I can find way to do that。 I already ask my caregiver to lock my door in the back. me: 我昨天問了隔壁的隔壁 是否發生與我們同樣的問題 她說她們裝了前後兩個攝影機($99/個 Ring廠牌)與手機連線 ($30/月Verizon) 我還會請教她的先生技術性問題 隔壁的狗時常尿在我們特定的樹下 然後回到他的院子再發出狗叫聲 我已觀查幾天了 我可能需四支攝影機 7/23/2022 me: 妳的caregiver 還未處理 今早4點多起床發現隔壁的 adop son room 燈是亮著 我到廚房窗戶查看但妳花園門那裡完全黑黑的 無法知道是否有人闖入妳家 本想坐在大門附近窗戶 坐了十分鍾後放棄 she: Can you lock my fence for me when you have time? Thanks Can you tell the two young girl teacher couple that I am sick. Ask they watch my house for my and close my fence door if it is open? Also, I ask people turn the light back. It is dark? Care giver only come when i ask her to come. I am not rich person. I dont have expensive thing in the house. me: 我想我可以問她們 如果她們同意我可能與她們ㄧ起幫妳關上 這樣彼此有人證 但我真的希望妳的ex 或caregiver 能幫妳鎖上 ㄧ勞永逸 我很快又要回Elgin 因爲如果是隔壁大兒子那麼這不會停止的 我認為他是病態也許是領養之後又生了自己的孩子們造成問題 妳不鎖上這次關門也沒用的 如果妳不擔心被偷我覺的不妨就開著 說不定他的警覺心降低後 就還能碰巧抓到 妳與那兩位關係好嗎? 她們如果不願意呢? 妳女兒能否技巧性問出這個大兒子有無在讀書?從來沒看到他白天出門 但我認爲他是在家 半夜干壞事 他好像负責放 2狗大小便 我在家忙著花園除野草也抓不到 只有狗叫了才知又在我們的特定樹下小便 我們其中ㄧ組樹(4根)今年無葉不知道是否與頻繁狗尿有關 she: I always lock my door. I dont know who open the door. Please tell mower people cut the grass close the door when they finish the work. My daughter is only 20 years old and she is in London UK I think I need find way to install the additional webcam in back me: 最好如此 我們曾買兩組系統 各8只攝影機 可惜是室內無法安裝戶外 妳可能要安放在能照到花園門的 she: Agree You also can tell dexxx the old lady the same things. 630-xxx137 I also can ask Cxxx and Jyyy to do that. They watch my dog me: 那兩個女孩今天有客人們來 但現在她們已關車庫門 如果妳不反對 明天看到她們再問 不知是否失業 已經幾天都在家 昨天她們經過我的后園 一前一後 到家也分開進房 ps school summer vacation not 失業 she: You can ring their door. If you going home tomorrow. me: 星期一問club manager 有關 Rxxx a boy frequently dump weird things (told by neighour) On grass nearby front walking way. And put a few pennies where the junks are . Neighbor husband told me the boy is trouble-type. I want to find out where the boy lives because Im pretty sure some done by neighbor 2boys. 問完就回 Elgin. 我覺的明天問比較好 她們可能很累了 得繼續做花園工作 妳可以繼續 等8-9pm 我會查看 7/23/2022 me: 上次妳好像提到兩女孩快要結婚? 今天她們的客人不少 7/24/2022 she: They already married me: 妳知道她們是在我們的社區小學當老師還是別的地方初中或高中老師?ㄧ直下雨恐怕早上碰不到她們散步 她們有養狗嗎?妳知道何時會溜狗? she: They are teachers in other school district. (Emhuist?) I dont know when they walk their dog. me: 妳溜狗時從未碰到她們?她們家有狗 那妳應該放心 大概沒嚴重的問題除非她們的狗與我隔壁的狗及2男孩熟悉(像妳的狗)不過妳的木料被偷好像有狗也沒用 me: 與妳的ex 談了一下 很好他每天會來拿信順便查看花園門 隔壁的針對我使壞 希望妳的ex 能及時阻止壞事也發生在妳的房子花園上 希望妳盡全力做復健 不打擾妳了 she: Thanks 7/27/2022 she: Is the girl you mention was living in my house? I see some force entry inside thr house I did ask police and mention to them 7/28/2022 she: I will go to subacute rehab place before I go home. I will have other arrangements to ensure my safety. 7/29/2022 me: 妳可能正在忙做復健 剛看到妳的留言 這支電話在我先生手上所以沒想到查看 1. 看不懂妳說什麼女孩住妳家。如果妳能把我提及的女孩能說的更清楚一些 2. 妳看到 force entry inside their house? 指的是誰的房子 妳家隔壁兩個女孩? 然候 you did ask police and mention your garden door was opened by intruder? 這應該是妳的 ex 看到而寫的? 妳的確要留神 我想到妳家隔壁的狗的確這次我來(7/19)狗叫聲比以前多很多 昨天也叫 妳另一邊的狗也時常叫但任何經過他們家的 狗都會叫 我說過隔壁的(不確定是否是另一個小孩 Rxxx)能進入我家 且留下 (樓上三個臥房 )BB gun bulletes 我已給妳本地區警方的電話 妳的ex 如果確認妳家前院草地異常變黃(我家院子草地已發生過這是隔壁故意殺死的)必需堅決要求警方記錄因為有我們證實剪草的確有關門 且次日狐狸沒法進入妳家(我先生可以證實)並給妳 case 號碼 再發生怪異的事可用該號碼繼續通告警方 這就是為何我要妳的ex 或caregiver 死鎖妳的花園門 並查看有何異狀 我只幫忙妳ㄧ次餵狗糧對妳家(包括花園)完全不清楚無法知道有無異狀 我也不願答應妳關上花園門以免破壞現場 該 intruder 留下的evidence 這是最好的機會call police 因為我也通報 之前水公司(是污水處理 they also got many weird junks)也應該通報過 我看到警方車時常停在那邊之後沒抓到就停止了 ps i bet police suspect me in stead of our neighour, same as in the beginning i suspect our renter. 妳或ex 打電話給警方 ㄧ開始就要提及有intruder 且之前已發生(妳也懷疑我家隔壁的老婆與一兒子似乎在等待另一闖入妳家後院(大)兒子...) 上次我報警告訴警察 妳家會是下一個目標 要警方幫忙也注意妳的房子 但最好妳報警有 case number 警方辦事比較方便 以前這種沒有實質金錢損失的案件是不會受理的 7/29/2022 me: 我已告知剪草的 1.妳可能 9/4 返家 2.請他剪草盡可能靠近fence 3. 離開時盡可能把花園門關緊 8/3/2022 me: 今天與妳的剪草工人確認 上星期他們剪草後車庫旁(靠近兩女孩那邊)恢復綠色 兩天後又變成黃色且面積較大 工人檢查後確定是被毒死的 我建議他 text 給妳 上次變黃是在妳先生告訴我已鎖上花園門次日就變黃 ps i believe because cannot enter irritate the intruder. 今天我與警方提到但警員並不願意與割草工人確認 說妳必需報案 他才能處理 如果妳不想警方介入也可聯絡 club manager 電話 630xxx9559 she: Thanks, I am depend on you watch the safety of my house which ensure safety of the area. Just tell me what to do, Ill authorize you to represent me to handle all things impact area safety. I am also looking for caregivers, let me know if you have any referrals me: 我沒有可建議的 caregiver 只知以前有 希林(大都移民來自中國)在附近 不知是否還在否 我不知道妳如何授權給我(目前似乎只有醫院有相關人員協助妳授權某人與妳健康有關的)基本上我連發生在自己的花園房子損害都無法保護 有兩次有人把整條乾的死魚丟在靠近廚房的deck 我先生聯絡不上我就打電話給警方 之後就沒發生(我曾text 給隔壁的(男)顯然是他的兒子做的 she: There are many kids fishing in the area. You might need to include in the consideration if report to police? For the neighbor talks to each other, they might know because of that. 8/4/2022 me: 我不認為是別人小孩否則不會停止 最近有人傾倒木灰 而之前就聞到煙火的味道我們不得不關上窗戶(靠近鄰居的那邊)他家有 pit fire 也不是別的方向(靠近湖的窗戶味道很淡所以不是從湖對面傳來的)這不是第一次 去年就發生過至少三次 且從我家傾倒 sewer station 這是故意栽贓讓別人以為是我們干的壞事 幸虧我及時通報club manager 當妳看到我家隔壁花草房子很干淨 妳覺對不會懷疑他家小孩會做壞事 這是高級壞人做法 我家前租客是最容易被人懷疑那種 但不是他家小孩干的壞事 昨天我已警告附近ㄧ位男鄰居有小孩的 別靠近我家與 sewer station 之間因為第三顆樹被特意 lock to 謀殺(target) (之後發現第二顆較瘦的樹可能也接近完全沒樹葉) 最早發生是前院隔壁鄰居的樹但他們不知道是他家的樹 Mxxk (男主人)主動提及他的朋友可幫忙砍樹我回答是他家的樹 結果那顆樹奇蹟的生還 我們最近才把ㄧ組四顆被謀殺的樹砍倒已免破壞車庫屋頂或發生別的意外 Mxxk 接近強迫我給他的12歲小兒子做割草工作説他們從英國來的 在倫敦? 的房子正在賣目前缺錢 我後來想到2013年他們就已搬來且 google search 他們已搬過幾次家(包括Lisle) 如果有空不妨 on line 查看 隔壁之前的屋主也是把家修整在賣房前花草搞的很干淨 卻在我家院子與他的合伙人做工 留下臟東西 時常用他家的兩條狗在別家大小便 我曾通報 結果無效同樣的原因 他家很干淨隨便否認 dupage county 員工就相信了 當然干壞事的不止是他家小孩 還有 Mxxk 工作相關的朋友小孩 (比如 Rxxxt)及小孩們的同學 玩伴 去年租客搬走期間 我們覺的從屋內到屋外好像豬搬髒亂 我先生至今都堅信是租客干的壞事 我告訴他如果我們只割草(租客只割草)我們花園很快就會被別人認為是豬ㄧ樣的髒亂 因為被人丟各樣的髒東西 (與去年我花三個月清理花園相同 各種石頭 破的水泥磚塊/glasses 傾倒含有雜草的髒土...) 地下室的牆壁有 X 的 納粹標記 我們以為是女租客假稱是她的兄弟干的壞事 但現在我認為是隔壁小兒子及adopt 的大兒子闖入我家 因為樓上三個房間在我們清掃後地上發生幾次 BB gun 子彈 8/6/2022 she: Are you in Naperville? me: 已昨天回 Elgin 妳還住在 rehab? 我已請妳的隔壁(兩女孩)及其它人關注妳和我的房子 並告知他們遠離我家與sewer station 之間將被 lock 謀殺的樹木們 應該很快返回 Naperville (有人可能想租靠湖的房子) ps i also warned a senior man with dog, he told me he knew us that we hired him to install our 2nd FL sliding door many years ago. he also got very bad neighour dump branches in his yard but they moved out. he agreed and would do the same thing as we cut down our murdered trees wont give our neighour a bit chance to make money. ============================================= 美股全线大跌!这11个板块“全军覆没”!“恐慌指数”飙升… 来源:央视财经 2022-08-23 09:48 本周,全球央行年会召开在即,美联储多位官员近期陆续释放的鹰派信号在市场不断发酵。投资者越来越担忧美联储将在下月继续保持激进加息路径,同时也忧虑加息可能会使美国经济陷入衰退,受这一情绪影响,纽约股市三大股指周一全线收跌。 --from my view after i pointed how much we lost investmet money suddenly it kept jump up(frequetly happened) 8/16 Dow34,152.01+239.57 Up +0.71% NASDAQ13,102.54-25.50 Down -0.19% S&P 5004,305.20+8.06 Up +0.19% 10 Year T-Note2.81+0.02 Up +0.81% our loss dropped down to $130,000+ plus dividend/interest issued since 9/9/2021 (8/16 7pm-8/20 we went to old house have no internet.) do i believe 鹰派加息信号 caused it? No. it is fake man-made tech. up for election purpose. 8/20? we had chat about which president candidate can make us the investment loss money recovery. spouse still upset at Trump but declared the Republican controlled usa investment funds so most time the stock market looked better than the other party, but it all fake so when the Demacratic party won always dropped down. in the end he became less desiring to vote Baiden and accused 2 rotten crook parties. he even told me Trump made illegal drug 大麻 into legal 2 years earlier. i answeared i want to verify it true or not. ps i knew the Republican didnt against because most of them or family have the addictions scandal which they might lose in election so turns it legally. however Trump kids didnt smoke and accused Baiden. it definitely caused by usa presidents wars, not anything else. 截至收盘,道指跌1.91%,标普500指数跌2.14%,纳指跌2.55%,三大股指齐创两个多月来最大单日跌幅。 从盘面来看,标普500指数11个板块“全军覆没”,信息技术和通信服务这两个以科技类股为主的板块表现最差,收跌约2.7%。 美债收益率全线回升打压科技类股 “恐慌指数”VIX大幅上升 受市场对美联储激进加息预期的推动,一年期至三十年期各期限美债收益率周一全线回升至3%上方。最关键的两年与十年期美债收益率倒挂程度盘中扩大至约29个基点,表明市场对美国经济衰退将至的忧虑加重。 --i made a copy from our investment company at 8/22(monday 10:14pm showing 10 Year T-Note3.01-0.01 Down -0.55% i never understood it how it updated. our loss jump highest to $160,000- plus dividend/interest issued since 9/9/2021 the Baiden war is worse and worse. 美债收益率回升,令高成长股全面承压。龙头科技股周一全线下跌,奈飞跌超6%,表现垫底;亚马逊下跌3.6%,苹果与特斯拉都跌超2%。芯片股也普遍下跌,英伟达下跌4.6%,英特尔跌超4%,股价再创5年来新低。 由于机构投资者对美股未来短期看多看空的预期分化较大,反映标普大盘未来波动预期的“恐慌指数”VIX周一大幅上升15.53%,达到近三周来的新高。 22日欧洲主要三大股市齐跌 法德股市显著下跌 欧洲方面,市场普遍预计欧洲央行与英国央行将继续大幅加息以遏制通胀,对本就增长乏力的欧洲经济前景感到担忧,欧洲主要三大股市周一齐跌。 截至收盘,英国股市跌0.22%,法国股市跌1.80%,德国股市跌2.32%。其中,以工业股为主的德国法兰克福DAX指数受汽车股拖累表现最差,最大能源企业尤尼珀股价大跌7.7%。 22日美元指数显著上涨 欧元对美元汇率跌破1:1 汇市方面,美联储的鹰派立场推动美元指数继续上行,周一收于109关口上方,创五周多来新高。其他主要货币汇率全线走低。欧元对美元汇率22日继七月中旬以来再次跌破1:1的平价位,在汇市尾市报1欧元兑换0.9935美元。 22日国际油价下跌 欧洲天然气价格再创历史新高 美元走强与投资者看淡世界经济增长前景等因素,令国际油价周一盘中一度跌超4%,此后,沙特方面传出消息称,欧佩克+可能会收缩产能以应对国际油价持续下滑。消息推动国际油价跌幅收窄。 欧洲方面,市场继续对俄罗斯即将在本月底暂停天然气供应三天感到恐慌,荷兰TTF天然气9月合约价格连续第三天创出历史新高,收于每兆瓦时280.24欧元,涨幅达到14.59%。受天然气价格大涨推动,欧洲电力市场基准、德国未来一年电价周一盘中一度暴涨24%至每兆瓦时710欧元,再创盘中新高,收盘时涨幅收窄。 记者:高岩 责编:李莹莹 美民调:美国高通胀严重影响少数族裔 无家可归者或持续增多 2022年08月09日 12:34 海外网 美国首都华盛顿,通货膨胀持续,民众在超市购物。(资料图) 海外网8月9日电 美国国家公共广播电台、哈佛大学公共卫生学院和罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会8日联合发布的一项最新民意调查显示,美国高通货膨胀严重影响了美民众、尤其是少数族裔的生活,令他们更难以及时支付重病医疗费用。 调查数据显示,近60%的美国非裔和拉丁裔家庭以及约70%的印第安人家庭表示,由于通货膨胀、物价上涨,他们遭遇了严重的财务问题。36%的亚裔家庭以及44%的白人家庭对此感同身受。 财务危机限制了美国民众看病能力,22%的非裔、19%的印第安人、25%的拉丁裔、16%的白人以及14%的亚裔受访者称,他们在支付医疗费用或处方药方面存在严重困难。35%的印第安人、24%的非裔、18%的拉丁裔、18%的白人以及10%的亚裔受访者表示,过去一年里,他们有身患重病却无法获得相应医疗护理的经历。 美媒Axios称,美国严重的种族差异在新冠疫情暴发之初后就已显现,目前依然没有得到改善,这可能会导致持续性的社会问题。上述民意调查的联合负责人罗伯特·布兰登说,如果美国各个城市不为高通胀做好应对准备,未来几个月内可能会出现更多食不果腹、无家可归的人。(海外网/姚凯红 实习编译/李江珊) 相关报道 美国通胀将见顶?7月CPI料降温,美联储如何接招(第一财经网) 美国消费者7月通胀预期显著下降 未来一年通胀预期降至6.2% 原油领衔大宗商品回落,通胀拐点或出现。 本周三,美国商务部将公布7月美国消费者物价指数(CPI)。在6月数据意外反弹至1981年以来新高后,受近期能源等大宗商品价格回落等因素影响,市场普遍预期本月通胀压力将有所回落。 对于美联储而言,如何在打压物价的同时实现经济软着陆和维护就业市场稳定依然是摆在面前最实际的挑战。 多因素缓解物价涨势 大宗商品回落和供应链瓶颈缓解是影响通胀预期的关键因素。根据纽约联储周一发布的月度调查,7月消费者一年期通胀预期从纪录高位6.8%下降到6.2%,三年期从上月3.6%下降到7月的3.2%,五年期从上月的2.8%降至2.3%。 作为美国本轮通胀的最大推手,7月以来能源价格大幅回落起到关键作用。由于市场对全球经济衰退的担忧,国际油价已经跌至近半年低位。目前,美国国内汽油均价已经从6月创下的历史高位5美元以上回落到4.18美元。农产品价格也随着乌克兰粮食外运重启推进而缓和,第一财经记者注意到,近一个月来美国小麦期货下跌超10%,玉米大豆跌幅近3%。 与此同时,纽约联储上周发布的全球供应问题指数报告称,随着港口拥堵和其他障碍的缓解,7月份全球供应链压力降至2021年1月以来的最低水平,该指数目前比去年12月的创纪录高点下降了50%以上,但仍远高于疫情前的水平。供应链问题已成为全球从疫情中复苏的关键问题,也是美联储和其他主要央行抑制通胀努力应对的挑战。 最新的采购经理人指数(PMI)也显示了供需关系改善对价格的影响。美国供应管理协会(ISM)制造业商业调查委员会主席菲奥雷(Timothy Fiore)表示,来自制造业的数据表明,在过去两年的强劲增长之后,新订单指数回落减缓了物价压力,制造商价格指数降至2020年8月以来最低水平。标准普尔全球首席商业经济学家威廉姆森(ChrisWilliamson)则指出,7月原材料和成品的价格涨幅继续放缓,这进一步表明通货膨胀已经达到顶峰。 克利夫兰通胀预测工具Inflation Nowcasting显示,包括CPI、核心CPI和个人消费支出月率(PCE)月率在内的指标有望在7月有所回落,其中CPI月率将从降至0.27%,同比增速将回落至8.8%。不过需要注意的是,8月CPI增速预期也是8.8%,显示出通胀或难以迅速回落。 牛津经济研究院高级经济学家施瓦茨(Bob Schwartz)在接受第一财经记者采访时表示,预计本轮通胀降温过程将是缓慢的,美联储依然会保持高度警惕。他认为,除了商品价格以外,还需要关注通胀向服务业扩散的信号。这是因为服务价格(酒店、娱乐、机票等)的走势往往是易涨难跌,这将是未来通胀变得根深蒂固的风险。 消费者支出面临考验 上月公布的数据显示,美国二季度国内生产总值(GDP)继续环比萎缩,为2008年金融危机以来首次,陷入技术性衰退。受物价压力影响,作为经济主要引擎的消费者支出同比增速降至1%,但这是自疫情复苏以来的最小增幅。施瓦茨告诉第一财经,由于美国经济出现放缓迹象,消费者维持开支的同时变得谨慎。当前确实存在这样一种风险,即超额储蓄对支持消费者支出的作用可能低于此前预期,而未来储蓄率对经济增长前景有重大影响。 美国零售巨头沃尔玛近日发布业绩预警,称通胀正在对消费者开支产生巨大冲击,下半年百货业将面临更大压力 。“与去年发放的刺激支票相比,如今人们需要为食品通胀买单。一些客户已经承受了压力。” 沃尔玛首席执行官麦克米伦(DougMcMillon)在声明中表示。另一家零售巨头塔吉特则在6月初宣布,将采取包括降价在内的措施以减少库存过剩。塔吉特首席执行官康奈尔(Brian Cornell)当时表示, 公司曾预计会需求出现刺激效应结束后放缓,但对现在的降温幅度感到措手不及。 包括咨商会和密歇根大学消费者信心指数调查持续处于低位。“对通胀的担忧, 继续打压着消费者。”咨商会经济指标高级主管佛朗哥(Lynn Franco)指出,汽车、房屋和主要家电等耐用品购买意愿在7月份全部回落。“展望未来六个月,通胀和加息可能继续对消费者支出和经济增长构成强劲阻力。” 贷款消费成为了备用选择。美联储5日发布的数据显示,美国6月份消费贷款大幅反弹,增加了401.54亿美元,为有史以来第二高的单月增幅。信贷变动通常是经济状况的重要风向标,去年美国信贷回升主要反映了经济好转、工资上涨和劳动力市场强劲,消费者可以借更多的钱来买新车、度假等消费。 然而高通胀和利率上升使情况更加复杂。美国家庭收入的购买力正在下降,加息意味着人们必须为信用卡、汽车贷款和其他大额贷款支付更高的利息。如果经济持续放缓,信贷使用可能会下降,消费者通常会减少支出,从而进一步加剧经济风险。 施瓦茨认为,从信贷数据看,面对通胀压力不少人选择通过借款来支持消费。尽管有经济放缓的其他迹象,但7月份的就业报告表现良好,显示就业增长基础广泛且正在加速,薪资增速也在企业需求旺盛的推动下保持健康。从目前的情况下,消费者信心指数所表现的情绪没有导致日常支出的减少,但通胀对消费选择的影响已经开始显现,这需要警惕。 美联储如何选择加息路径 为了应对通胀压力,3月以来美联储已经累计加息225个基点,创下上世纪80年代以来最快政策收紧力度。 多位美联储官员近期重申了强硬政策立场。旧金山联储主席戴利(Mary Daly)表示,美联储对抗通胀之路“远未结束”,将坚定致力于维持物价稳定。 芝加哥联储主席埃文斯(Charles Evans)则表示,加息幅度取决于通胀是否有所好转,他更青睐让利率更接近对经济略有限制性的水平后放慢节奏,避免美联储落入因加息更快、随后不得不降息的地步。 最新的非农数据提振了外界对美联储加息的预期,与短期利率密切挂钩的2年期美债收益率上周大涨超30基点,创近10年来最大周涨幅。与此同时,加息对经济的潜在风险令2/10年期美债收益率倒挂程度升至2000年以来新高。 “美联储将继续努力在不使经济陷入衰退的情况下抑制通货膨胀。”穆迪分析经济学家迪安托尼奥(Dante DeAntonio)表示,“工资和价格增长数据不会对他们有任何帮助,因为即使整体经济已经走弱,上涨压力仍明显存在。” 富国银行认为,目前经济似乎正在减速但没有崩溃,这与美联储冷却通胀的目标一致。在9月的会议上,至少将加息50个基点,如果未来两份CPI报告中的通胀率降幅不及预期,可能还会再加息75个基点。该行认为,虽然通货膨胀有望在第三季度将开始放缓,但需要很长时间才能完全恢复到可持续的水平,因此经济未来的道路看起来很坎坷。 施瓦茨告诉第一财经,在明确出现拐点并回落之前,美联储很难在物价问题上“松口”,通胀见顶并不意味着问题的解决。美联储目标是看到真正的信号,确信通胀正在朝着2%持续前进。另一方面,近期劳动力市场出现了波动迹象,无论9月加息50个基点还是75个基点,随着利率不断接近中性水平,经济压力、消费者需求的变化将使得美联储从四季度开始考虑将加息幅度降至25个基点,并可能在明年上半年结束加息周期。 |
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