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The Minamata Convention on Mercury-空中英語教室
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The Minamata Convention on Mercury 汞水俣公約(上)
空中英語教室 20241108
Minamata 水俁
convention 公約,協定
mercury 水銀,汞
Mercury 水星
汞水俁公約 the Minamata Convention on Mercury,簡稱:《汞公約》,是一部全面對汞進行規制的國際公約。公約要求締約國自2020年起,禁止生產及進出口含汞產品。
Certainly! Here’s the corrected version with the requested changes:
Hey friends,
Welcome back to Studio Classroom. Im John.
Im Ann Marie.
And today is a great day to learn something new. It is!
So let’s do that together. Ann Marie,
Ive been reading. You know,
there are different types of pollution, right?
Oh yeah.
Theres air pollution and ocean pollution.
We’ve been talking about microplastics a lot these last few years too. Yeah.
Did you know there is a new pollution to worry about? What’s that?
Well, it’s mercury pollution. It’s been around for a while,
but mercury is a special kind of metal we’ll learn more about,
and it’s really potentially dangerous, isn’t it? Mercury is super toxic!
This sounds like a really big problem.
That’s right. We’ll learn more about this pollution.
But Ann Marie, is pollution something you worry about?
It is. Pollution is something that I worry about on a pretty consistent basis,
because I wonder what kind of world is going to be left for my kids.
And that is part of what the Minamata Convention on Mercury is all about.
Friends, we’re going to learn exactly what that is. Let’s get into it right now!
The Minamata Convention on Mercury
Cleaning up mercury pollution requires a global effort.
Mercury, an elemental metal that exists in liquid form at room temperature, occurs naturally in the environment.
Metallic mercury occurs primarily in the earth’s crust but can be released into the atmosphere by human activities such as burning trash or coal and gold mining.
Organic mercury is mainly produced when tiny organisms consume inorganic mercury and convert it into an organic compound, such as methyl mercury, a toxic chemical that is commonly found in mercury-polluted water.
Hello everyone,
Welcome to Language Lab.
I’m Jack.
The snail, a slow-moving organism, moved through the garden in search of food.
Every organism, from the huge elephant to the tiny ant, plays a unique role in the balance of nature.
Many scientists are searching for signs of life on distant planets, hoping to find even a single-celled organism.
Okay, what’s the solution for pollution? Well, cleaning up, right?
So, we read that right at the beginning here:
Cleaning up mercury pollution requires a global effort.
That’s right. If you clean something up,
it means that you are making it better than it was before, making it cleaner.
For example, you could spend your Saturday afternoon cleaning up your yard or cleaning up your room.
You’re taking it from a state of being dirty and unusable to a state of being clean.
That’s right. What are we cleaning up? Well, mercury! Mercury is an elemental metal that exists in liquid form at room temperature, occurring naturally in the environment.
Okay, so “elemental” means something that occurs in a natural state.
You could say oxygen is an element. It’s elemental.
But there’s also that word “exists” that you need to know.
In English, “exists” means to be or to occur or to be found.
That’s right.
We also see this phrase “room temperature” here, friends.
If something is at room temperature,
it means that it’s not too hot and not too cold.
It means that the temperature of that thing is the same as the air in the room it is in.
A lot of people here where we live like to drink room temperature water.
I prefer to drink ice water when I can.
I see. Yeah, ice water is a very American thing. I like ice water too,
but room temperature water is very common here in other places.
That’s true, yeah.
But mercury is a liquid at room temperature. It’s a metal,
which is a little strange that it’s a liquid.
And we read “metallic mercury.”
“Metallic” means resembling or looking like a metal.
Metallic mercury occurs primarily in the earth’s crust,
but can be released into the atmosphere by human activities such as burning trash or coal and gold mining.
By the way, the crust is the upper hard layer of the earth’s surface.
Things like bread or toast also have a crust, like a hard outer layer.
So, what are some of these human activities that can release mercury?
Well, burning trash, burning coal, and also gold mining.
So when these activities are done by humans, then mercury gets released.
Organic mercury is mainly produced when tiny organisms consume inorganic mercury
and convert it into inorganic compounds.
Let’s stop there for just a minute,
because we already learned about this word “organic,” right?
You know what that means, but we see here a little bit different form of this word—“inorganic.”
What this means is that it is something that is not consisting of or that comes from living matter.
So something that is organic comes from living matter,
but if it’s inorganic, it’s not consisting of living matter here.
This word is used to describe mercury.
That’s right, and there’s a compound,
which is a chemical structure that we read about in “organic compound” such as methyl mercury.
So that’s a very scientific term, methyl mercury,
and it is a toxic chemical that is commonly found in mercury-polluted water.
Toxic means it’s poisonous.
Don’t drink anything that is toxic!
This sounds like a really serious problem.
Let’s continue learning about it in our next reading.
The Minamata Convention on Mercury
Although the impact of mercury on the environment has been underestimated by some industries and individuals,
it is a top 10 chemical of major health concern according to the WHO.
Despite this, the severity of mercury’s toxicity remains to be fully understood.
Prolonged exposure to mercury poses significant risks to human health,
including brain damage and reproductive issues.
Mercury also significantly damages the life cycles of water-dwelling creatures.
動詞 underestimate 意思是低估。
The hikers underestimated the difficulty of the trail and ended up exhausted before they reached their destination.
With the ship,
The teacher underestimated the student’s artistic talent,
so was pleasantly surprised by his creativity and skill in his final project.
Never underestimate the power of a kind word or small act of generosity.
再來看名詞 toxicity,意思是毒性。
KK[tɑkˋsɪsətɪ] DJ[tɔkˋsisəti]
The polluted lake suffered from high levels of toxicity,
making the water unsafe for swimming or drinking.
The workplace was full of toxicity with gossip and bullying,
creating a stressful atmosphere.
Toxicity 的形容詞是 toxic,意思是有毒的或使人不愉快的。
Lydia decided to cut out toxic people from her life
and surround herself with positive and supportive individuals.
Lydia 決定跟使人不愉快的人斷絕,只跟有正面性和能彼此支持的人交往。
Okay, why is mercury so damaging to the environment?
Well, let’s read together and find out. Although the impact of mercury on the environment
has been underestimated by some industries and individuals,
it is a top 10 chemical of major health concern according to the WHO (World Health Organization).
An industry is a word you need to know. It means a branch of economic activity, often with factories.
So, we also see something else really interesting in this sentence—
this idea of a top 10 chemical of major health concern list.
Now, this is an official list put out by the World Health Organization,
and this is the idea that there are these ten chemicals in our environment
that are a major health concern.
They can really impact people’s quality of life.
They’re really toxic to people.
So, it means that this is something that really needs a lot of attention,
so that we can solve this problem. That’s right.
So, let’s read exactly why mercury is so dangerous to humans.
We read that prolonged exposure to mercury—
prolonged by the way means over some time, right?
Yeah, so for example,
if you have prolonged stress, it can lead to major health issues.
You don’t want to have stress in your life for a long period of time.
I see. So, prolonged or long-term exposure to mercury
can pose significant risks to human health,
and some of these risks or these dangers are what?
Well, this can include brain damage and reproductive issues, you see.
Reproductive there is one of your word bank words.
Reproductive is the process of producing offspring or having babies.
So, this is a huge major concern for humans.
We read here,
Mercury also significantly damages the life cycles of water-dwelling creatures.
Now, a life cycle is the series of stages through which something passes during its lifetime.
So your life cycle could be different depending on what kind of creature you are.
You could say the life cycle of a butterfly is egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, then butterfly.
And so that would be the life cycle. In the water, oftentimes, fish lay eggs and those eggs hatch.
But mercury can really damage the babies of all kinds of creatures, including humans.
And it’s a big issue.
We also have a lot more to talk about the dangers and the solutions for mercury.
This is an important issue, but for now, let’s go to our InfoCloud.
Hello everyone,
Welcome to InfoCloud.
Have I ever told you about the saying “canary in a coal mine”?
No, Rex. I know that canaries are a kind of bird, but what do they have to do with mines?
“Canary in a coal mine” is a phrase that comes from a practice used by coal miners.
They would bring canaries into the mines because canaries are very sensitive to toxic gases like carbon monoxide.
Which is dangerous even to the canaries, right?
Yes, especially to canaries.
If the canaries showed signs of distress or died,
it was a warning to the miners that the environment was dangerous.
Okay, so the canaries were like a sensor from the animal kingdom.
So, how do we use this phrase today?
Today, a “canary in a coal mine” refers to an early warning of danger.
It is used to describe someone or something that indicates a problem before it becomes serious.
Could you give us an example?
Sure. Imagine a company noticing that a small group of customers is unhappy with a new product feature.
These customers are like canaries in a coal mine, signaling that there might be a bigger issue that needs to be addressed before it affects more people.
So, it’s about recognizing early signs of trouble and taking action before things get worse.
Thankfully, we usually don’t need to hurt any canaries today.

a canary in a coal mine 預知危險或災難
很多時候,我們會看到一些警訊,讓我們隱約知道可能會有危險或是一些問題產生。我們可以說,這種警訊是 a canary in a coal mine。
The low birth rate is a canary in a coal mine.
這就是今天的 InfoCloud,我們下次雲端見。

The Minamata Convention on Mercury
To protect human health and the environment, the international community has taken steps to limit the use and release of mercury.
Adopted in 2013, the Minamata Convention on Mercury came into effect on August 16th, 2017, signaling a global commitment to combat mercury pollution.
In addition, some countries have implemented their own laws and regulations, such as the United States’ Mercury and Air Toxic Standards and the European Union’s regulation EU 2017/852.
最後來看 implement 這個動詞,意思是實施。
The school implemented a new discipline policy, hoping to create a more focused and productive learning environment.
After learning their production process was too slow, the factory manager implemented a plan to get the necessary machines to make it more efficient.
Implement 如果當名詞則是指工具,譬如:
The new factory building lacked the necessary implements for production, which delayed the launch of the new products.
Okay, so time to talk about the solution for pollution.
The solution is to protect human health and the environment.
The international community— that means different countries, right?
Has taken steps to limit the use and release of mercury.
The release of something means letting it go—in this case, letting it out from factories, burning, and into the environment.
Yeah, we learned about that earlier,
how human activities on the earth’s crust can release mercury,
such as gold mining, burning trash, and other things like that.
So I have a feeling that what we’re going to read next is going to put some limits on what people can do
so that not as much mercury is released.
How does our lesson continue here, John?
Well, we get some history first:
Adopted in 2013, the Minamata Convention on Mercury came into effect on August 16th, 2017.
So it took some time for something to come into effect.
“Coming into effect” means to start or to begin, right?
That’s right.
The definition of this phrase is to officially begin or be valid from that time.
So essentially, coming into effect means the time that something is started.
It’s not necessarily when something was created, but it’s the time when something is put into effect.
The time it starts.
That’s right.
It can take countries a long time to cooperate,
and this coming into effect signals or shows something.
It was signaling a global commitment to combat mercury pollution.
There’s that word combat as a verb. If you get it as a noun, it’s combat.
But to combat mercury pollution means to fight against.
What does it mean to signal, though?
Well, if you signal something,
it means to indicate the existence or occurrence of something by actions or sounds.
So it’s just showing that something is starting.
I see. And we also read in addition,
Some countries have implemented their own laws and regulations,
such as the United States Mercury and Air Toxic Standards,
and the European Union also has one, don’t they?
That’s right, and this is called the regulation EU 2017/852.
So these are all different ways that countries are trying to combat this mercury pollution,
because it is an international problem.
That’s right.
We’ve got two terms there: laws and regulations.
Laws mean rules: do this, don’t do this,
and regulations help you understand the limits of something.
So they’re very closely linked. Regulations are usually laws,
but oftentimes laws mean just a little bit more broad.
Well, friends, there’s a lot more to learn about the Minamata Act.
We’ll get a little bit more into the history of this tomorrow,
but for now, it’s time for something special, isn’t it?
It’s time for today’s Fun Fact!
Hello, Fact Friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder,
and I have a fun fact for you today.
Did you know that mercury is often used in thermometers
because it is liquid at room temperature? Pretty cool!
So, if you have a fever,
maybe you have some mercury in a thermometer.
A thermometer attests how hot or cold something or someone is. Pretty useful.
And that is today’s Fun Fact!
Okay, well that was our fun fact.
But this has been a pretty serious lesson, hasn’t it?
Mercury poisoning is so dangerous,
but here’s what I want us all to do:
We’ve been practicing a lot of English. Can you sum up today’s lesson in one sentence?
Ann Marie, would you like to give it a try?
I would like to give it a try.
So, I’m going to make a sentence that really doesn’t give my opinions on it,
it just says what the lesson taught:
Mercury pollution is an international problem, and the Minamata Convention is seeking to solve this problem.
That’s a really good sentence. Well, friends, it’s time for you to work on your own sentences.
Can you sum up this article in one English sentence?
Remember, sometimes you read scientific articles that are kind of hard to understand,
but it’s always good to practice writing down, or even better, saying out loud some English that sums it up.
Well, friends, for now, I’m John.
I’m Ann Marie,
and we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom.
歡迎回到《Studio Classroom》。我是 John。
我是 Ann Marie。
那我們一起來學吧!Ann Marie,
Ann Marie,你會擔心污染的問題嗎?
歡迎來到《語言實驗室》。我是 Jack。
The snail, a slow-moving organism, moved through the garden in search of food.
Every organism, from the huge elephant to the tiny ant, plays a unique role in the balance of nature.
Many scientists are searching for signs of life on distant planets, hoping to find even a single-celled organism.
我們還看到「room temperature」這個詞組,朋友們。
如果某物是「room temperature」,意思就是它既不太熱也不太冷。
接著我們讀到了「metallic mercury」,「metallic」意思是像金屬一樣的。
歡迎來到《知識雲端》。我是 Garrett。
實施 (Implement)
The school implemented a new discipline policy, hoping to create a more focused and productive learning environment.
After learning their production process was too slow, the factory manager implemented a plan to get the necessary machines to make it more efficient.
The new factory building lacked the necessary implements for production, which delayed the launch of the new products.
「Coming into effect」這個詞組,意思是正式開始或生效,對吧?
所以,「coming into effect」表示某件事情的開始,不是說某事的創建,而是某事的實行開始的時候。
我們剛剛提到兩個詞:laws(法律)和 regulations(法規)。
今天的有趣事實 (Fun Fact)
我是偵探 Ernest Finder,今天我有一個有趣的事實要和大家分享。
Ann Marie,今天的課程要用一句話總結,你會怎麼說呢?
我是 John。
我是 Ann Marie,

The Minamata Convention on Mercury 汞水俣公約(下)
空中英語教室 20241109
Here is the revised version with corrected English grammar and simplified Chinese characters converted to Traditional Chinese:
Hey friends,
Welcome back to Studio Classroom!
I’m John, and I’m Ann Marie.
Friends, today is a great day to learn something new,
so let’s do that together!
We learned yesterday about something pretty dangerous—mercury poisoning.
Mercury is a chemical; it’s a metal that’s often a liquid in thermometers, right?
Oh, that’s right!
And we learned about the Minamata Convention on Mercury in yesterday’s article.
We were talking about how this convention is seeking to help with mercury pollution.
Mercury pollution can happen for a lot of different reasons.
Some reasons include humans disturbing the crust of the earth’s surface
by burning trash or digging for gold.
That’s right!
And this mercury pollution can get into the oceans,
it can hurt the fish, and it can hurt people’s bodies.
Well friends, there’s a lot more to learn,
and most importantly, there is some hope if we all work together.
So today, let’s start our reading together.
The Minamata Convention on Mercury
The goal of the Minamata Convention is to reduce mercury emissions and protect human health and the environment by limiting the production and use of mercury and mercury-containing products.
Additionally, the convention promotes scientific and technological innovation to develop greener, less toxic alternatives.
The convention targets a diverse range of products, including batteries, switches and relays, cosmetics, fluorescent lamps, etc.
Hi everyone, welcome to Language Lab.
I’m Jack.
Let’s start with the noun innovation.
For example, some innovations are met with immediate success while others require time for the public to understand and accept them.
Or the awards ceremony celebrated the best innovations in sustainable energy solutions.
The adjective form of innovation is innovative, which means "創新的".
For example, the innovative architect designed a building that harvested rainwater for its own use.
Okay, back to the Minamata Convention.
What is the point of the Minamata Convention?
Well, we read here:
The goal of the Minamata Convention is to reduce mercury emissions and protect human health and the environment.
We’ll stop here for a moment because we have some key terms that we need to talk about.
First of all, what in the world is a convention?
A convention is just a large meeting or conference.
The idea is that a lot of different people are getting together and talking about a certain topic.
That’s right! If you ever see those three English letters C-O-N, it means “together” and vention means “to come.”
It comes from a word like venir, which means "to walk together" or "to move."
There’s that word emissions too that you need to know for these environmental articles.
That’s right! So when we talk about emissions, we’re talking about the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.
Emissions are not a good thing.
So be careful with your emissions.
And we learned that they also protect human health.
We learned a lot more about the dangers yesterday, didn’t we?
That’s right.
So what the Minamata Convention is trying to do is limit the production and use of mercury and mercury-containing products.
But how does our lesson continue here, John?
Well, we read:
Additionally, the convention promotes scientific and technological innovation, which is one of your Language Labs, to develop greener, less toxic alternatives.
If something’s greener, it just means it’s good for the environment, right?
That’s right! And I really like this word alternatives as well.
If something is an alternative to something else, it means it’s a different choice.
So for example, maybe you really like to drink Coke or Pepsi, or some type of sugary drink like that, and you’re trying to cut back on your sugar.
So you start drinking seltzer or water instead, as an alternative.
It’s another choice!
But we read on: the convention targets a diverse range of products, including batteries, switches and relays, cosmetics, fluorescent lamps, etc.
Okay, we’ve got a lot of fun terms there.
Switches and relays are often times words we use for computers or semiconductors.
We’ve also got this term cosmetic that you need to know.
That’s right! So if something is a cosmetic, it means it’s a substance used to clean, improve, or change the appearance of your face, skin, hair, nails, or teeth.
Usually, when we’re talking about cosmetics, we’re just talking about makeup.
That’s right! So you could say lipstick and other cosmetics can be really expensive.
You’ll see that in marketing a lot.
There’s also this term fluorescent.
Fluorescent is a big word. What does it mean?
Okay, this is a really scientific term.
It’s the ability of certain chemicals to give off visible light after absorbing radiation.
Whoa, absorbing radiation?
I know! Sometimes you can buy fluorescent stickers, right? Little stars you might put on your wall.
And then they absorb the light, and when you turn off your lights, they glow. Those are fluorescent.
There’s also fluorescent tape and other kinds of fluorescent things that glow.
Alright friends, so we have more to learn about what this convention is doing to help with the problem of mercury pollution.
Let’s continue on right now with our next reading.
The Minamata Convention on Mercury
The plan is to phase out the mercury in these products over the span of a few years, aiming for full compliance by the end of 2027.
The convention also seeks to restrict dentists’ use of mercury in bulk form and dental amalgam, a mercury-based chemical mixture used to fill tooth cavities.
This restriction particularly applies to the dental treatment of baby teeth for patients under 15 years old and to dental treatment for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
接下來我們來看 compliance 這個名詞。
例如 the students eventually achieved compliance with the school’s new policies, which promoted a more professional learning environment.
或是 the new fire safety regulations required compliance from all businesses.
Compliance 的動詞是 comply。
例如 when the employees finally complied with the company’s new work policy, they found it helpful for their work-life balance.
再來看名詞 cavity,意思是蛀牙洞。
例如 the dentist that discovered a small cavity hidden between Julia’s back teeth during a routine checkup.
在例行檢查中,牙醫發現 Julia 的後牙間有一個不容易看見的小洞。
或是 ignoring a toothache can lead to a cavity and expensive dental work.
Cavity 也是空腔的意思。
例如 when roasting a turkey, rub butter on the outside and fill the cavity of the bird with chopped apples and herbs.
Okay, so what’s the plan? Well, we read:
The plan is to phase out the mercury in these products over the span of a few years, aiming for full compliance by the end of 2027.
Phase out is a really useful term, and it basically means to stop using or doing something in gradual stages.
Really? That fast?
No, it’s not.
Here’s an example:
Friends, although cassette tapes were popular in the 80s and 90s, they were eventually phased out.
We’re not using cassette tapes to listen to music that much anymore.
But John, I’m really concerned because according to this, there is mercury in some cosmetics.
Yeah, that stuff that’s put on people’s skin and face.
It’s a really serious concern.
Oh, yeah, mercury poisoning is real, so you need to be careful.
But that’s exactly why we have this plan.
One other thing that the convention is trying to do: we read the convention also seeks to or is trying to restrict dentists’ use of mercury in bulk form and this thing called dental amalgam.
It’s a mercury-based chemical mixture used to fill tooth cavities.
Okay, let’s talk about dentists. But first, this term in bulk form.
You’ll see that sometimes in shipping or ordering, right?
That’s true! So if something is done in bulk, it means you’re doing a lot at one time.
For example, my family eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, so I often buy them in bulk.
I don’t just buy enough for that day. I buy a lot at one time—it makes it cheaper and more convenient.
So that’s another way we might use that phrase in bulk.
Sometimes we go to Costco to buy things in bulk instead of individually.
Well, we read what amalgam is—that’s a very scientific term.
But we also read that this restriction particularly applies to the dental treatment of baby teeth.
Baby teeth are the teeth a child has in their mouth until their other teeth come in.
Even though you don’t have to be a baby to have baby teeth, that’s what we call them in English.
Your first set of teeth is called baby teeth.
Okay, a question. I hope it’s not too off-topic.
Sometimes when I was growing up, my baby teeth would fall out, and my parents would pay me money for those baby teeth.
Did the money come from your parents, or did it come from the tooth fairy?
Well, Ann Marie, the tooth fairy kids... the tooth fairy is not real. I’m so sorry.
But we still would hide the tooth under our pillow, and then when we were sleeping, our parents would switch it out for money.
It’s like a game that a lot of parents play in the United States—trading baby teeth for money from the tooth fairy. Yes, it’s a lot of fun!
But we see here that this amalgam is used for patients under 15 years and to dental treatment for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
I see. And this is probably because mercury is even more dangerous for people in this category.
That’s right. And again, actually for kids, when your brain is developing, these toxic chemicals like mercury can really damage your development.
There’s a word here, treatment, that you have to know.
Treatment means the medical care that’s given to a patient.
What kind of treatment did you get for COVID, for example?
That’s right!
Alright, friends, well, we have more to learn in just a minute, but right now, it’s time for today’s Infocloud!
Hello, friends!
Welcome to Infocloud! Hey, Garrett.
I heard our friend Max just opened up a restaurant. How’s that going for him?
Not very well.
He had about 30 customers on the opening day.
It’s a drop in the bucket when you think about how big the restaurant is.
Wow! It’s not easy to run a business like that, is it?
That’s an interesting expression you used: a drop in the bucket.
You can fill a bucket with a lot of water, but a drop in the bucket simply means a very tiny amount or quantity of something.
If you think about how little a drop of water is compared to the size of a bucket, you’ll understand that this expression emphasizes how small something is.
A drop in the bucket is often used to express that something is so small in size that it does not really offer much help.
For example, it’s great that we raised ten thousand dollars to help underprivileged families, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to our target amount.
Well, friends, when it comes to learning English, ten minutes a day is not a drop in the bucket.
If you can build a habit of studying English for ten minutes a day, your English will improve consistently.

a drop in the bucket 微不足道
當我們要表達一樣東西的數量太少,你可以用今天分享的用語 a drop in the bucket 來形容。
Bucket 是水桶,a drop 指的是一滴水。
A drop in the bucket 就是水桶裡的一滴水。
因此,你可以用 a drop in the bucket 來形容一樣東西微不足道。
This money is a drop in the bucket compared to how much we need.
這就是今天的 Infocloud,我們下次雲端見!

The Minamata Convention on Mercury
In response to the Minamata Convention, Taiwan has created its own plan to restrict the production and import of mercury-containing products and reduce mercury emissions.
These efforts not only protect the local environment, but also contribute to the global effort to reduce reliance on this dangerous element.
Mercury pollution is a critical environmental issue that no one person or industry can solve alone.
But if we all work together, we can mitigate the impact of mercury and create a healthier, cleaner planet.
最後來看 reliance 這個名詞,意思是依賴。
With the development of self-driving cars, our reliance on traditional public transportation systems may decrease.
The writer aimed to create a more independent style of writing, lessening her reliance on the traditional techniques taught by her professors.
Steve encouraged his children to develop strong problem-solving skills, promoting self-reliance and the ability to meet challenges.
Steve 鼓勵他的孩子們發展強大的解決問題能力,提高自力更生和應對挑戰的能力。
Okay, so what is Taiwan doing? Well, in response to the Minamata Convention, Taiwan has created its own plan to restrict the production and import of mercury-containing products and reduce mercury emissions. That sounds like a big plan! Let’s break this down in English:
First of all, restrict.
Okay, if you restrict something, it means that you put a limit on it or you keep it under control.
So it sounds like the government here is just trying to keep what is coming into the country under control.
It’s trying to restrict what’s coming in.
Yes, we’ve also got those two words you’ll see there: production and import.
Production means making things to sell locally or overseas, and then import means bringing goods into a country.
You can also use that as a verb: import something, which means to ship it in from another country.
That’s right! Here’s an example:
That fruit isn’t grown in this climate, so that company imports it in so that people can buy it.
So they’re getting that fruit from somewhere else so that people here can enjoy it.
So we’re reducing mercury-containing products and reducing mercury emissions.
These efforts not only protect the local environment, but also contribute to the global effort to reduce reliance on this dangerous element.
And there’s one of the points here, friends. The problem is that some industries are still relying on mercury for their businesses and their imports.
So that is what we really need to change as a global society.
Yeah, and we know it can be hard to shift whole industries, but it’s really good that there’s a plan in place, and we can all work together to make it happen, God willing.
Finally, we read here: Mercury pollution is a critical environmental issue.
This doesn’t just hurt people; it hurts the beautiful planet that we’ve been given.
It’s an environmental issue that no one person or industry can solve alone.
I totally agree. Definitely.
And we see that word critical there, which shows how important and how dangerous this situation is.
When we see that word critical, it means we’re at a point of crisis.
It has the potential to become disastrous, to become dangerous.
We use it as an adjective here to talk about how serious this issue actually is.
Right, lots of things can be critical. For example, knowing where you are—your location—is critical when you’re hiking in the mountains.
You don’t want to get lost!
But it really is a critical issue because of the damage mercury can cause.
But if we all work together, we can mitigate the impact of mercury and create a healthier, cleaner planet.
Okay, there’s a big word in there, isn’t there? Mitigate.
So the word mitigate means to make something less severe.
If you’re going to mitigate something, it means you’re going to do something to make sure that the consequences aren’t so bad.
Okay, so I could say, I tried to mitigate paint damage to my car during the typhoon by parking it in an underground garage.
That’s exactly right!
Alright, friends, so this is a pretty heavy topic—a very scientific topic.
We hope you’ve learned some new terms and learned a new way to study your English.
Right now, it’s time for us to learn something fun in today’s Fun Fact.
Hello, Fact Friends!
I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today.
Did you know that Minamata is a place in Japan, and a disease caused by mercury poisoning was discovered there?
Yes, it’s true!
And there’s a movie called Minamata with Johnny Depp, the pirate actor.
It’s about this disease.
That’s today’s fun fact!
Okay, I learned a lot of new things about mercury pollution today and the Minamata Convention.
But it’s time for our Talk About It question, and I’d love for you to answer.
You can just talk to your screen to practice speaking your English.
Ann Marie, according to the article, what kinds of everyday items contain mercury, and do any of these items surprise you?
I remember two specific items: batteries and cosmetics.
Cosmetics really surprised me.
In a way, it surprised me, and I guess in a way, it didn’t, because this has been a pretty common problem.
What kind of ingredients go into the things that we put on our face?
There have been numerous lawsuits about this.
A lot of people have sensitive skin, like I do, and it’s very obvious when you put something on your face, and your face doesn’t like it—you break out, and your face gets red.
So that is a big concern for me. It surprised me, I guess, and did concern me as well.
That’s right! Well, friends, it’s a good reminder: do your research and check out what kind of chemicals and products go into the things you use.
For now, that’s all for today. I’m John.
I’m Ann Marie.
And we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom!
歡迎回到 Studio Classroom!
我是 John,
我是 Ann Marie。
大家好,歡迎來到 Language Lab。
我是 Jack。
讓我們從名詞 "innovation" 開始學習。
"innovation" 的形容詞形式是 "innovative",意思是 "創新的"。
首先,什麼是 "convention"?
"Convention" 只是一個大型的會議或會議。
沒錯!如果你看到這三個字母 C-O-N,意思是“一起”,而 “vention” 來自拉丁文“venire”,意思是“來”或“走”。
還有一個詞 "emissions",你需要了解這個詞,特別是在環境文章中。
沒錯!所以當我們談到 "emissions" 時,指的是某物的產生和排放,特別是氣體或輻射。
此外,公約推動科學和技術創新(這也是你們在 Language Lab 中學到的),以開發更環保、更少有毒的替代品。
如果某些東西是 "greener",那就意味著它對環境有益,對吧?
沒錯!我也很喜歡這個詞 "alternatives"。
"Switches" 和 "relays" 通常是我們在談論電腦或半導體時會用到的詞語。
我們還有這個詞 "cosmetic",你需要知道它。
沒錯!所以如果某樣東西是 "cosmetic",意思就是它是一種用來清潔、改善或改變臉部、皮膚、頭髮、指甲或牙齒外觀的物質。
通常我們提到 "cosmetics" 時,指的就是化妝品。
這裡還有一個詞 "fluorescent"。
"Fluorescent" 是一個大詞,這是什麼意思呢?
計劃是在幾年內逐步淘汰這些產品中的汞,目標是在 2027 年底前達到完全遵守。
這項限制特別適用於 15 歲以下患者的乳牙治療,及孕婦和哺乳期婦女的牙科治療。
接下來我們來看看 "compliance" 這個名詞,
"Compliance" 的動詞是 "comply"。
再來看看名詞 "cavity",意思是蛀牙洞。
例如:牙醫在例行檢查中發現 Julia 的後牙間有一個小蛀洞。
"cavity" 也可以指空腔。
計劃是要在幾年內逐步淘汰這些產品中的汞,目標是在 2027 年底達到完全遵守。
"Phase out" 是一個非常有用的詞語,基本上它的意思是逐步停止使用或做某件事。
朋友們,雖然磁帶在 80 和 90 年代非常流行,但它們最終被逐步淘汰。
但 John,我真的很擔心,因為根據這篇文章,有些化妝品含有汞。

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