Dear Dad |
2010/07/09 08:10 |
Help Please! Can someone help in Chinese translation? My Chinese is not as good and my father can’t seem to understand that I want him to stop destroying our family. Dad,
So now the truth comes out. My brothers obviously did not make these posting about themselves, and it is clear to me that you are the one making up all things. So if you can use other people’s names to make fake postings, what else will you not do? All these lies that you make further prove to me that you have not found God, and most of all, you feel no shame in all that you do to destroy people’s lives. I wonder how many people you have done this to in the past? And I wonder how much longer it would take for other people to see the dirty tricks you play? All these mental games that you make out of nothing really show me how paranoid and mentally unwell you are. I sincerely wish you would take my advice in going to see a psychiatrist so you can get some help! Your Son Derrick,
From Denise part 1 |
2010/07/08 12:59 |
Help Please! Can someone help in Chinese translation? My Chinese is not as good and my father can’t seem to understand that I want him to stop destroying our family. Dad (You don’t deserve to be called dad with what you have done to us, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now), You are right about Derrick being a fool because I don’t know why he would ever thought you were the father that we were looking for. Not only did you not listen to any of his advises, you also hurt him deeply by your actions. You recently told your friend that you do not want us as your children anymore and decided not to call when Derrick and Angela were ready to speak with you on the phone at your friend’s house.
From Denise part 2 |
2010/07/08 12:51 |
If you don’t want us anymore, shouldn’t you stop telling other people that you are searching for your kids and stop all these online harassments? You said you love us so much, but you won’t even talk to us on the phone. Maybe Derrick is right about you being mentally sick. Regardless, there is no excuse in cutting off communication with your kids, so if you want to stop communicating with us, then please leave our lives completely. If you still love us, then you should listen to Derrick advices to you and see someone to help you with your mental condition.
Dear Dad part 2 |
2010/07/05 10:19 |
Dad, You either have a wild imagination or are a pathological liar. You are the one who asked to talk to me on the phone after hearing that you could get some money by harassing my mom and my brothers. And you are also the one who then decided not to call using the excuse that Denise did not call you dad in her letters. Well, how can you be surprised that she did not call you dad? I have been telling you that she is upset with your lies and since you won’t stop, how can you be shocked that that she does not want to talk to you? You brought all this on yourself and how can you continue to post these stories without shame? If you don’t stop your lying soon, people will start seeing you for the sick person you really are even if you hide under the name of God. You need to stop telling lies and get some help from psychiatrists. I really hope you will get well soon. Your Son Derrick,
翻譯二 |
2010/06/30 02:12 |
Help Please! My written Chinese is not good, can someone please help my father in translation into Chinese. He is mentally ill and can’t seem to understand what I have been trying to tell him.
I appreciate your offer.
However, I can not come see you if I know you will continue to hurt the rest of our family. I heard from your friend that you have problem with gambling and lost all your inheritance money from grandmother through gambling. And your friend had to help you to pay rent so you can stay at the same place you are living now. I don’t want to add more burden to you right now. Instead, I rather you would concentrate on working harder and making your life better so I can come see you when you have found peace within yourself and stop blaming other people for all the things that happened to you. I meant it when I said I want to help and still do, so I am asking you to stop while we still have a chance to be a family. But in order for that to happen, you need to stop your lies before all your children lose faith in you.
許登昭(alpineatks) 於 2010-06-30 23:04 回覆: |
許登昭(alpineatks) 於 2010-06-30 23:06 回覆: |
翻譯 |
2010/06/30 01:33 |
Help Please! My written Chinese is not good, can someone please help my father in translation into Chinese. He is mentally ill and can’t seem to understand what I have been trying to tell him.
God must not want you to find my brother so badly because the picture you took from Facebook is not even my brother Clark. How can you just randomly post online a stranger’s private information and picture just to feel better about yourself? Do you not care who you may hurt? Just because that person is a stranger does not mean you can just take his picture and accuse him of being a person who he is not. You need to open your eyes and heart to the possibilities that you are wrong, and then maybe you can find peace within yourself. I want to help you and I really think it would be a good idea for you to go see a doctor like a psychologist or psychologist, so you can get better mentally. Perhaps when you get better, we would still have a chance to become a family.
上帝一定是不想要你找到我的哥哥,所以很不幸的你從 Facebook抓下來的圖片根本就不是我的哥哥 Clark。你怎麼能夠隨便在網路上發佈陌生人的私人資料跟照片,就只是為了讓你好過一點?你不關心你或許傷害了誰嗎?這不代表你能拿他的照片和指控他成為一個不是他的人,就只因為他是個陌生人。你需要打開你的眼和心,去承認你的錯,那麼或許你可以找到一些寧靜。我想要幫助你,而且我真的認為讓你去看醫生會是一個好主意,例如:心理學家或心理醫生,這樣你的精神狀況會變得比較良好。也許當你精神狀況好一點,我們仍然有機會成為一家人。
許登昭(alpineatks) 於 2010-06-30 23:02 回覆: |
真為13年來被挾持為肉票的3子女,又被矇騙事實13年,及被刻意接受仇恨和黑白不分的斯德哥爾摩式教育, 使3子女是非黑白不分的滿懷恨意又胡亂若是非不分般擁有偏差心態,而今綁匪江明樺Angel Chiang及張書銘現改名張博欽 Paul Chang & 張雲翔 Chang Clark躲在暗處,僅推Derrick Chiang(原Derrick Hsu)大男(現二十歲)為人肉炸彈般,一再以電子信件發出一再污衊言詞攻擊的聯繫內容,使我深感不愉快和心痛及氣恨不已.
許登昭(alpineatks) 於 2010-06-30 23:07 回覆: |
真為子女13年來被斯德哥爾摩式接受仇恨和黑白不分的教育,深感覺心痛及氣恨不已. |
2010/06/29 23:44 |
一齊創業的家產因被妻江明樺AngelaChiang常以離家離婚文攻武嚇,巧取豪奪,及至妻前夫二兒張書銘現改張博欽 Paul Chang & 張雲翔 Chang
Clark在加拿大大學畢業後,竟進一步共謀,以偽造文書盜賣加拿大住家及臺灣住家,搶走所有財產,.及畏罪拐誘所有親子3兒女-大女大男(七歲)次女(五歲)離家出走,私帶出國至加拿大,挾持為肉票到處躲藏至今已十三年未回.今妻江明樺AngelaChiang常以離家離婚文攻武嚇,巧取豪奪,及至妻前夫二兒張書銘現改張博欽 Paul Chang & 張雲翔 Chang Clar躲在暗推處Derrick Chiang(原Derrick Hsu)大男(七歲)為人肉炸彈愚蠢的漠視鐵證如山直指以為謊言又可悲的子虛烏有的說我好賭受人接濟.
許登昭(alpineatks) 於 2010-06-30 00:17 回覆: |
一齊創業的家產,因被妻江明樺AngelaChiang常以離家離婚文攻武嚇,巧取豪奪,及至妻前夫二兒張書銘現改張博欽 Paul Chang & 張雲翔 Chang
Clark在加拿大大學畢業後,竟進一步共謀,以偽造文書盜賣加拿大住家及臺灣住家,搶走所有財產,.及畏罪拐誘所有親子3兒女-大女大男(七歲)次女 (五歲)離家出走,私帶出國至加拿大,挾持為肉票到處躲藏至今已十三年未回.
今妻江明樺AngelaChiang及至妻前夫二兒張書銘現改張博欽 Paul Chang & 張雲翔 Chang Clark 躲在暗處,僅推Derrick Chiang(原Derrick Hsu)大男(七歲)為人肉炸彈以電子信件聯繫內容都是直指我苦苦追尋的不是又包含如愚蠢的漠視法院鐵證如山通緝令直指以為謊言又可悲的子虛烏有的說我好賭受人接濟.
1.妻江明樺AngelaChiang及至妻前夫二兒張書銘現改張博欽 Paul Chang & 張雲翔 Chang Clark 因偽造文書盜賣加拿大住家及臺灣住家,搶走所有財產,.畏罪未經我同意私下挾持當時大女大男(七歲)次女 (五歲)為肉票離家出走,在國外到處躲藏至今已十三年未回,仍不知他們實際住處聯絡電話.
2.敬問他們挾持當時大女大男(七歲)次女 (五歲)為肉票離家出走,在國外到處躲藏至今已十三年未回,應已觸犯何種民刑罪嫌呢?
需要幫您翻譯嗎 |
2010/06/29 15:21 |
Help Please! My written Chinese is not good, can someone please help my father in translation into Chinese. He is mentally ill and can’t seem to understand what I have been trying to tell him. Dad, God must not want you to find my brother so badly because the picture you took from Facebook is not even my brother Clark. How can you just randomly post online a stranger’s private information and picture just to feel better about yourself? Do you not care who you may hurt? Just because that person is a stranger does not mean you can just take his picture and accuse him of being a person who he is not. You need to open your eyes and heart to the possibilities that you are wrong, and then maybe you can find peace within yourself. I want to help you and I really think it would be a good idea for you to go see a doctor like a psychologist or psychologist, so you can get better mentally. Perhaps when you get better, we would still have a chance to become a family. Derrick,
許登昭(alpineatks) 於 2010-06-30 00:18 回覆: |
若要人不知,除非己莫為,Dr. Peter Hersh, Dr. Chu 他們都知道了 |
2010/06/28 21:38 |
若要人不知,除非己莫為,Dr. Peter Hersh, Dr. Chu , KRISTEN L. FRY,
O.D., M.S., F.A.A.O.他們都知道了
配偶未獲同意私下誘拐子女出國未回應舉發何罪 |
2010/06/28 04:01 |