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2024/09/30 10:28:57瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0

拜託再修正通順些:ChatGPT 說:期望大家幫助透過AI技術能協助解除我被偷賣溫哥華住家,並盜家產,逃妻,及兩繼子,等3通緝犯,自台灣拐至國外當肉票藏匿27年多的溫哥華出生3兒女的束縛使從未再見面的父子女能夠重聚;能實現這個重逢,我將永遠感恩大家的幫助!

ChatGPT 說:
ChatGPT 說:
## 🗒️ Answer 中文修正: ChatGPT說:期望大家能透過AI技術協助,解除我因「溫哥華住家被偷賣、家產被盜,逃妻與兩繼子(共三名通緝犯)」帶來的困境,以及我三位溫哥華出生的親生兒女在27年前自台灣被拐至國外藏匿的束縛。多年來我們未曾相見,但我期盼能與孩子們重聚。如果這個願望得以實現,我將永遠心懷感激,感謝大家的幫助!
英文翻譯: ChatGPT says: I hope everyone can use AI technology to help lift the burden caused by the sale of my Vancouver home, the theft of my family assets, and the actions of my estranged wife and two step-sons (three fugitives in total). I also seek to break the 27-year-long separation from my three children, born in Vancouver, who were abducted from Taiwan and hidden abroad. Though we havent seen each other in all these years, I long for a reunion with my children. If this reunion is realized, I will forever be grateful for everyones help!
拜託再修正通順簡要些:並協助翻譯成英文:我已近27年沒開懷大笑了!請求幫忙協尋舉發於1997年6月24日傍晚自我台灣住家誘拐我三幼兒女藏匿國外至今2年多仍失聯;兩自稱溫哥華慈濟人實即Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯1972/06/16生 Paul Chang 台灣名張書銘和Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2805號通緝犯張雲翔 Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18生)以伸張公義並盼助我父子女歡相聚! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163
ChatGPT 說:
## 🗒️ Answer 中文修正: 我已經快27年沒有開懷大笑了!懇請大家幫忙協尋並舉報1997年6月24日傍晚從我台灣住家誘拐我三個幼小兒女並藏匿至國外的案件,他們至今仍然失聯已超過2年。兩名自稱為溫哥華慈濟人,實為Taiwan北檢治偵張緝字第2803號的通緝犯,1972年6月16日生的Paul Chang(台灣名張書銘)及Taiwan北檢治偵張緝字第2805號的通緝犯,1974年5月18日生的張雲翔(Clark Y.H. Chang)。希望能伸張正義,並幫助我父子女早日重聚! [我的部落格鏈接](http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163) 英文翻譯: I havent had a genuine smile in nearly 27 years! I am pleading for help to locate and report the abduction of my three young children on the evening of June 24, 1997, from our home in Taiwan. They were taken abroad and have been missing for more than two years now. The two individuals, claiming to be from Tzu Chi in Vancouver, are actually fugitives wanted by Taiwans prosecutor’s office under warrant No. 2803, Paul Chang (Taiwan name 張書銘, born June 16, 1972), and warrant No. 2805, Clark Y.H. Chang (張雲翔, born May 18, 1974). I seek justice and hope to reunite with my children soon. [My blog link](http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163)
拜託再修正通順簡要些:並協助翻譯成英文:加拿大現況的教育失敗了!受我資助的兩繼子大學畢業後竟忘恩負義破壞我家庭! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/42406368 我已近27年沒開懷大笑了!請求幫忙協尋舉發於1997年6月24日傍晚自我台灣住家誘拐我三幼兒女藏匿國外至今27年多仍失聯;兩自稱溫哥華慈濟人實即Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2803號通緝犯1972/06/16生 Paul Chang 台灣名張書銘和Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2805號通緝犯張雲翔 Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18生)以伸張公義並盼助我父子女歡相聚! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163
ChatGPT 說:
中文修正: 加拿大的教育現況真是失敗!我資助的兩位繼子大學畢業後竟然忘恩負義,破壞了我的家庭![詳細內容](http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/42406368) 我已經將近27年沒開懷大笑了!懇請大家幫忙協尋並舉報1997年6月24日傍晚,我三名幼小兒女在台灣住家被誘拐後藏匿至國外的案件,至今27年多仍然失聯。兩名自稱為溫哥華慈濟人,實際上是台灣北檢治偵通緝犯:一位是1972年6月16日出生的Paul Chang(台灣名張書銘,通緝號碼2803),另一位是1974年5月18日出生的張雲翔(Clark Y.H. Chang,通緝號碼2805)。懇求伸張正義,盼助我父子女早日團聚![詳細內容](http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163)
英文翻譯: The current state of education in Canada is truly a failure! The two stepsons I financially supported through university have repaid me with ingratitude by destroying my family! [Details](http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/42406368) I haven’t truly smiled in nearly 27 years! I am pleading for help to locate and report the abduction of my three young children from our home in Taiwan on the evening of June 24, 1997. They were taken abroad and have been missing for more than 27 years. The two individuals, who falsely claim to be from Tzu Chi Vancouver, are actually fugitives wanted by Taiwan’s prosecutor’s office: Paul Chang (Taiwan name 張書銘, born June 16, 1972, under warrant No. 2803), and Clark Y.H. Chang (張雲翔, born May 18, 1974, under warrant No. 2805). I seek justice and hope for a reunion with my children soon! [Details](http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163)
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