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學個片語:"To go bananas"
2013/09/14 10:06:59瀏覽467|回應0|推薦3
學個片語:"To go bananas"

It's an expression in English we use when we are so excited that we act almost out of control! So 'to go bananas' is not an expression about food but about behaviour. It means to behave in a very over-enthusiastic way, like you’ve gone crazy – an explosion of happiness!


I'm so happy that I finally got my promotion. Yesterday I went bananas! I ended up running around the office, hugging and kissing my boss and every single co-worker! They probably thought I was mad.

After the team scored its fourth goal in the final the fans went bananas and started to shout and jump up and down!



From BBC learning English
( 知識學習語言 )

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