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學個用語:Smell a rat
2014/06/23 14:45:39瀏覽392|回應0|推薦4
學個用語:"Smell a rat"

In English, when we say we 'smell a rat' we mean we're suspicious of someone: we feel there's something wrong. Some examples:


A: I read an article about a diet which makes you lose six kilos in one week. It says there is no need for exercise

B: Six kilos in one week?! That's impossible! I smell a rat!

Jane smelt a rat when she read a job advert for actresses in the newspaper. It said "no training or experience required", but they wanted someone "good-looking and open-minded".


聞到老鼠?哈!這是指事有蹊蹺,有不妙之處,雖然你不是很清楚,但是覺得很可疑的事件或情況!尤其是遇到類似詐騙狀況時,這個就是很好用的詞!I (can) smell a rat. 老鼠rat,通常背後涵義是"鼠輩"、"卑鄙小人",它除了當名詞外,也可以直接作動詞用,意思是背叛,"He rats me out." 就是他把我賣了。

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