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2016/04/29 23:06:25瀏覽205|回應0|推薦2 | |
When were I last time here? Life is full of pieces, and they can be the best excuses for myself. Anyway, I got lost this semester, that's why I'm here now. Plese imagine Roxette's song: listen to your heart. Imagine it is playing now, hovering in mind. As the result, I try to write something. Actually, I read books about writing today. Though they are too heavy, and I haven't enough time to read in detailed. I gave up to borrow them. So what? I also ask myself the question, but no answer. However, I have a new idea, instead. This is a boring question, the answer is opening. Q: This morning, you ignored your roomate chatting in nonscence to sleep. Then the time elapsed, it's noon. You plan to buy a new Converse shoes, and you ask your roomate for texting. But, your roomate answered inmediately :"No! It is not suit you, you are not that type!" Actually, today you dressed in a little big T-shirt with a jeans. Why the roomate said so? Ans.( text) 1) The roomate is angry to you, due to your ignore this morning. Without reason, just opposing you. 2) The roomate hates you. Since you both disputs have been too much, it outbreaks. 3) The roomate has endured a lot of pressure these days. The roomate just want someome to be the trash can. 4) Not to mention, it is just the conception of dressing art different. 5) The roomate didn't think so lot, just responding what the thinking at the spot. But the words are not thinking twice. 6) The roomate just epressed without thinking, it's your problem. Don't be too serious, OK? 7) The roomate didn't mean that, you may misunderstand. 8) It's your problem due to poor garmmer and vicabulary, please learn these things again. wish you have more answers, it is good for our brain! Be a trouble maker. To be, or not to be. That is the problem. |
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |