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A Friend
2005/12/15 00:51:06瀏覽208|回應0|推薦2

A Friend 這篇文章是我從書上看到的,覺得這是一篇不錯的文章,


A Friend........
accpts u as u are
believes in " you "
calls u just to say " hi "
doesn't give up on u
envisions the whole of u (even the unfinished parts)
forgives ur mistakes
gives unconditionally
helps u
invites u over
just " be " with u
keeps u close at heart
loves u for who u are
makes a difference in ur life
never judges
offers support
picks u up
quiets ur fear
raises ur spirits
says nice things about u
tells u the truth when u need to hear it
understands u
values u
walks beside u
X-plain things u don't understand
yells when u won't listen and
zaps u back to reality. 
( 不分類不分類 )
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