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中國好歌曲 第二季第九期 蘇運瑩 初唱自填詞曲《野子》
2016/05/12 23:38:31瀏覽24|回應0|推薦2

中國好歌曲 第二季第九期

蘇運瑩 初唱自填詞曲 《野子》



來自海南三亞 天真率直的大學生


怎麼大風越狠 How come the harder the wind blows
我心越蕩 The wilder my heart gets
幻如一絲塵土 Just like a gleam of dust
隨風自由的在狂舞 Dancing wildly with the wind
我要握緊手中堅定 I shall hold tight in hand onto the determined
卻又飄散的勇氣 Yet scattering traces of courage
我會變成巨人 I will become a giant
踏著力氣 踩著夢 Backed by strength and dreams

怎麼大風越狠 How come the harder the wind blows
我心越蕩 The wilder my heart gets
又如一絲消沙 Just like a gleam of drifting sand
隨風輕飄的在狂舞 dancing buoyantly with the wind
我要深埋心頭上秉持 I will let my resolution and
卻又重小的勇氣 courage take root in my heart
一直往大風吹的方向走過去 Walking towards the direction of vehement winds

吹啊吹啊 我的驕傲放縱 Oh, it keeps blowing, Blowing away my pride and indulgence
吹啊吹不毀我純淨花園 Oh, it keeps blowing, but it can't destroy my garden of purity
任風吹 任它亂 Let it blow, and let it upset
毀不滅是我 盡頭的展望 I remain indestructible while looking beyond the horizon
吹啊吹啊 我赤腳不害怕 Oh, it keeps blowing. I am barefooted and not afraid
吹啊吹啊 無所謂擾亂我 Oh, it keeps blowing. I remain indifferent while it messes me up
你看我在勇敢地微笑 Watch me smile courageously
你看我在勇敢地去揮手啊 Watch me wave in courage

是你嗎 會給我一扇心房 Would it be you who gives me the heart
讓我勇敢前行 To let me march on
是你呀 會給我一扇燈窗 Yes, it should be you who gives me a window
讓我讓我無所畏懼 To let me become fearless

吹啊吹啊 我的驕傲放縱 Oh, it keeps blowing, Blowing away my pride and indulgence
吹啊吹不毀我純淨花園 Oh, it keeps blowing, but it can't destroy my garden of purity
任風吹 任它亂 Let it blow, and let it upset
毀不滅是我 盡頭的展望 I remain indestructible while looking beyond the horizon
吹啊吹啊 我赤腳不害怕 Oh, it keeps blowing. I am barefooted and not afraid
吹啊吹啊 無所謂擾亂我 Oh, it keeps blowing. I remain indifferent while it messes me up
你看我在勇敢地微笑 Watch me smile courageously
你看我在勇敢地去揮手啊 Watch me wave in courage

怎麼大風越狠 How come the harder the wind blows
我心越蕩 The wilder my heart gets
我會變成巨人 I will become a giant
踏著力氣 踩著夢 Backed by strength and dreams



( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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