沒空看信也是一種幸福 !!
更重要的事 忙著
以馬內利 !!
每位傳送這郵件,女嬰父母就可得到 3 分錢 (美金 )贊助!
When you forward this email to the person you know, the baby's parent will get US$0.03/mail support
Please forward this email and help her.
她是 14 個月大的女嬰 , 一埸大火的生還者 , 毀了半個臉 .... 現每位傳送這郵件 , 女嬰父母就可得到 3 分錢 ( 美金 ) 贊助
She is only 14 month baby girl, survival from a fire accident, a half face was burnned, everyone who forward this email, the girl's parent will get US$0.03 support.
礙於陽光基金會沒有預算可以讓這部廣告在電視上曝光,所以透過這樣的方式,希望一傳十,十傳百 ···· 讓更多的燒傷朋友可以被接納,也請您不吝惜幫忙陽光轉寄這部公益廣告,讓更多的人可以有機會看見 ···· 。只要一分鐘就可以做公益喔 ∼ !
The sunshine fundation of Taiwan doesn't have enough budget to promote this case on TV, and some people just like the baby you have saw in this email really need a hand from you.
Any question, please ask the following link. Sunshine Fundation.
CF 陽光基金會 for 燒傷朋友請讓愛傳出去