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Ma must consult public on ECFA
2010/04/01 09:01:57瀏覽284|回應1|推薦1

Ma must consult public on ECFA

By Wu Hui-lin 吳惠林

Thursday, Apr 01, 2010, Page 8

A year has passed since President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) began extolling the virtues of an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) his government intends to sign with China. What has this publicity campaign achieved? A cartoon strip by CoCo on March 17 answers that question quite well.

Perhaps the best approach to promote ECFA would have been for the president to travel around the country explaining the benefits in person, but the dialogue in CoCo’s cartoon reflects public distrust.

“I don’t believe a word Ma says,” one character says.

“But [Chinese Premier] Wen Jiabao (溫家寶) says the same things as Ma,” another says.

“That’s precisely why I don’t believe Ma,” the first person replies.

What better illustration could we have of just how badly the Ma administration’s publicity campaign has failed?


( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen: CECA comes with big hidden costs
2010/04/01 09:12
We are fighting to avoid this nightmare scenario. The reality is that cross-strait relations are no longer just a matter of sovereignty; the survival of our economy is also at stake. This is why I object to the China Times’ cavalier dismissal of the DPP’s opposition to CECA as “ideology.” All the possible ramifications of a CECA must be thoroughly discussed because they have the potential to have a heavy impact on the vital interests of the people of Taiwan.

Tsai Ing-wen is chairperson of the Democratic Progressive Party.