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Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: Mea Culpa on Selloff Call on the Health Care Vote
2010/03/25 06:52:42瀏覽319|回應0|推薦0


"I screwed up," Jim Cramer confessed on his "Mad Money" TV show Wednesday, as he admitted that he was way too bearish on what the health care reform vote would do to the stock market.

Cramer said the markets were down for only 20 minutes at Monday's opening after he had predicted a sizable selloff last week.

What went wrong? Cramer outlined 10 reasons, or misjudgments, he made about Obama's health care reforms.

1. Cramer thought the health care reforms would negatively impact earnings. Instead he said those impacts were pushed far into the future.


PM Report: A Blueprint to Fix the Mortgage Mess?
March 24, 2010

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