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'Mad Money Lightning Round': Cisco Shines
2010/03/09 09:30:55瀏覽235|回應0|推薦0

'Mad Money Lightning Round': Cisco Shines

Cisco Systems (CSCO): "I have this one for my charitable trust. I reiterate that Cisco could go to $35 a share and still not be expensive."

Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: The Remarkable Bull Run

Cramer said the market's rally has indeed been remarkable, but so too has the fact that most home-gamers have been sitting on the sidelines. In 2010 alone, Cramer said investors have pulled $15.3 billion out of U.S. equities, and that's just wrong. Things are far better now than they were a year ago, he said, and investors need to get back in the game.

Many companies are now hitting 52-week highs and announcing upside surprises in their earnings. Cramer said it's not too late to invest. "How can you still hate stocks?" he asked.

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