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Stay angry - students protest racist incidents at uc campuses
2010/03/04 07:52:43瀏覽349|回應1|推薦0
students protest racist incidents at uc campuses 
National news outlets have started to pick up on the recent racist incidents spread over several University of California campuses, with news of -- I kid you not -- a KKK-style hood found at UC San Diego this week: Racist incidents, protests spread at UC campuses.
( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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Stay angry
2010/03/04 07:55

-- On Tuesday, student demonstrators gathered at rallies at UCLA and UC Irvine, sepaking out to condemn the recent spate of racist incidents at UC San Diego that targeted black students and another incident last month at UC Davis, where someone carved a swastika on a Jewish student's door.

-- Through all of this, you have to hope that whoever's responsible for these incidents are just a few loser idiots using extreme behavior to get a rise out of the community. Go to hell. And to all of the students standing up and speaking out against hate and prejudice at the University of California, stay angry.