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Kass: More Nuance Is in Store - By Doug Kass
2010/01/26 06:05:42瀏覽291|回應1|推薦0
"The best investors are like socialites. They always know where the next party is going to be held. They arrive early and make sure that they depart well before the end, leaving the mob to swill the last tasteless dregs."

-- The Economist, 1986

I aggregate an annual surprise list because outlier events (Black Swans) are occurring with greater frequency, uncertainties will persist and the conventional view is often wrong.

Markets are never black or white, and the investment mosaic is growing ever more complicated.

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'Fast Money' Recap: Apple's Surprises
2010/01/26 16:18

Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: Guarding Against Another Assault From Washington

'Fast Money' Recap: Apple's Surprises

Apple FY Q1 Revs $15.68B; EPS $3.67; Used New Accounting Standard; 3.36M Macs; 21M iPods; 8.7M iPhones (Updated)