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Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: Next Week's Game Plan: Listen, Don't Buy
2010/01/23 17:00:53瀏覽210|回應1|推薦0

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- With President Obama once again lashing out against Wall Street, Jim Cramer told the viewers of his "Mad Money" TV show Friday that they need to re-examine their portfolios against this new wave of political uncertainty.

In his "game plan" segment, he declared much of next week a "no-buy zone," saying buying stocks next week is strictly forbidden.

Cramer called the new-found political risk "huge," saying that if either Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke or Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner lose their posts, the markets will be in for a "serious correction" of at least 1,000 points or more. Cramer said investors simply can't wade back into stocks until Bernanke has once again been confirmed as Fed chairman.

Given the new wave of uncertainly, Cramer gave a muted, "listen-only" game plan, where he said investors should listen and learn, but refrain from buying.

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Jim Cramer's Best Blogs
2010/01/24 06:29
This week he blogged on:
  • the beauty of tech,
  • looking for levels to buy, and
  • real bank reform.

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