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Nasdaq Correction: 3 Days, 115 Points, 5%
2010/01/23 06:35:09瀏覽235|回應0|推薦0

Well, you knew we were going to get a correction in here somewhere.

With today’s 60-point drop, the Nasdaq Composite is now down 115 points, or 5%, in just three days. (That’s half a correction, if you need a 10% drop to earn the title.)

More ...

Cisco: down $1.01, or 4.2%, to $22.97. Three day drop: 7.6%

Apple: Today, down $10.32, or 5%, to $197.75; down 8% for the three days. Investors getting a little nervous after big run and ahead of earnings Monday, tablet debut Wednesday.

U.S. stocks drop for third straight session as tech declines

Dow industrials' three-day plunge of 552 points caps worst week since Feb. 2009


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