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Google and China: 360 Degrees on RealMoney
2010/01/14 05:47:10瀏覽298|回應0|推薦0

Editor's note: News that Google (GOOG Quote) was considering pulling out of China after a network hack sent the stock reeling. RealMoney's expert commentators looked at the story from all angles and offered their perspectives.

More ...

Google Takes the High Road

"We have taken the unusual step of sharing information about these attacks with a broad audience not just because of the security and human rights implications of what we have unearthed, but also because this information goes to the heart of a much bigger global debate about freedom of speech," wrote Google's chief attorney Dave Drummond on his company's blog Tuesday.

-- Google's protest is an effort to show the world that some of China's Internet policies can be a force of evil. Google's motto suggests that the firm doesn't want to be a part of that.

Baidu Soars as Google Rethinks China

Google's China Crisis [Video]

Don't Short Google [Video]

NEW YORK (TheStreet) - - Alan Valdes of Kabrick Trading explains how Google will react in the market in the near term and long term.
Wed 01/13/10 08:09 AM EST -- Debra Borchardt
Market commentator Peter Navarro looks at the real story behind the Google cyber attacks -- the hacking of 20 or more other major U.S. corporations to steal industrial secrets and technology.
Wed 01/13/10 10:47 AM EST -- Peter Navarro
Stocks in this video: YHOO | NTES | BIDU | MSFT | GOOG | ADBE

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