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雲程的雙魚鏡 - 台灣芬蘭化!那第七艦隊呢?
2009/12/31 13:13:43瀏覽357|回應0|推薦0


Bruce Gilley, a assistant professor at Portland State University, wrote an article “Not So Dire Straits” in Foreign Affairs. He argues for Taiwan chooses the path being pro-China, the US should think how the Finlandization of Taiwan benefits US security.

Well, there are the Danish straits which block the Soviet Baltic fleet to protect the security of the West. Finlandization harms less. However, if Taiwan being a part of China , Beijing will argue South China Sea and East China Sea are “region seas” or “semi-closed seas” thus Taiwan Strait is merely a passage between the two. Which means the navy vessels of non-literal states could not freely pass as they do now. That is sure to bring great harms to the US 7th fleet. No one can imagine what the result could be.

It is easier and much more costless to persuade Ma alone “not to”.

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