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Interview with Tsai Ming-liang (蔡明亮)
2009/12/24 18:06:41瀏覽274|回應1|推薦1

Interview with Tsai Ming-liang

By Lu Lu

APA: 可以談一下新片《臉》的創作過程嗎? 最開始的時候是有一些影像還是有一個故事?

[Can you talk about the creative process for your new film Face? When you first came up with the idea, were you inspired more by an image or a story line?]

Tsai Ming-liang: 很復雜, 很難說開始的時候有什麼, 但開始的時候心裡要有個東西. 羅浮宮請我拍一個作品的時候, 他問我想拍什麼, 他並不是說我們希望你拍什麼. 我想了一下很快就說我想拍Jean-Pierre Léaud的臉, 拍李康生和Jean-Pierre相遇. 之後我就要找為什麼我要拍他的臉, 當然一定會有很強烈的概念.

[It's complicated. It's hard to tell what came to me first, but I'm sure I must have had something in my mind. When the Louvre Museum asked me to make a film, instead of telling me what they wanted me to make, they asked me what I wanted to make. I thought for a moment and told them I wanted to film Jean-Pierre Léaud's face. I wanted to film Jean-Pierre and Lee Kang-sheng meeting. After, I needed to figure out why I wanted to film their faces, and I definitely needed a strong concept.]


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我把自己當作是精致手工業, 不是擺路邊攤的
2009/12/24 18:11

我不把自己放在工業的體制裡思考, 我把自己當作是精致手工業, 不是擺路邊攤的.

I don't think of what I do in terms of the film industry. Rather, I see my work as the creation of exquisite craft, and not something you might buy on the street.

-- 蔡明亮