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My Advice to Tiger
2009/12/10 05:13:36瀏覽235|回應0|推薦0

My Advice to Tiger

NEW YORK (TheStreet) - Everybody's got an opinion on this one , but a lot of the scuttlebutt out there is quite boneheaded, in my humble opinion.

"My advice to Tiger, for what it's worth, is to say nothing more about his personal life, ever. If things get legal, allow his lawyers to speak for him. Keep his temper. Try to maintain his cool if he can. Encourage the media to investigate the subject of sex addiction. And as soon as possible get out there and do what he does for a living: hit that little white ball like no man who ever went before.

You'd be amazed how forgiving the public is to guys who can take the heat and still play a world-class game. "

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