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New York Times - Sunday, November 1, 2009
2009/11/01 15:56:30瀏覽271|回應0|推薦1

Why Google Doesn’t Like Its Phone Bill

Some tiny phone companies can charge higher access fees, and Google Voice isn’t happy with what can result.

Everybody in the Pool of Green Innovation

Several major corporations are taking a hint from the open-source software movement and pooling their green innovations.

Success Isn’t Only for the Extroverts

Learning that you are an introvert, and the strengths and challenges that come with it, can be a first step in achieving career success.

Today I’m happiest when working with my coaching clients, helping them to pole-vault over their obstacles and to reach their goals — from getting better jobs and raising their visibility at work to improving their presentation skills. As an introvert, I’m at my sweet spot when having deep conversations with one person at a time. I love strategizing and role-playing with my clients, and I delight in helping them find useful insights and breakthroughs for their work lives.

COULD I have thrived on Wall Street as an introvert? The quick answer is yes, it’s possible, and in many ways I did — and so do many of my clients. The secret ingredient I share with those who are introverts is to recognize and honor their personality style and preferences.

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