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scale-out for virtual servers!
2009/10/26 15:57:22瀏覽262|回應0|推薦0

Earlier this week, Hu Yoshida wrote a blog post challenging the viability of scale-outstorage architectures as a platform for virtual server compute platforms (such as VMware).

I can't sit on the sidelines and let that post go unanswered.

Hu is asserting that scale-out cannot support the Virtual Server world, but he makes no real case to back this assertion up. More importantly, it appears to me that he still doesn't understand how V-Max scale-out works.

What's more, his attacks on “modular” appear to be nothing more than an obvious attempt to defend Hitachi's “monolithic” architecture. And those of us with longer memories will recognize that Hu's position is in fact a 180-degree reversal of the position HDS took against Symmetrix for the last decade or so – Hu rarely missed an opportunity to beat EMC up for the fixed-cabinet “monolithic” storage of Symm 5 and DMX 1&2. Hitachi even had slides (and a few You-Tube videos) attacking the “Symmetrix monolith”.

And here Hu is today defending the very monolithic approach that HDS so aggressively challenged not so long ago.

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