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Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: Truly Great CEOs
2009/10/23 07:53:30瀏覽186|回應0|推薦0

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- A company's CEO can provide that "special sauce" that just makes them perform better and command higher multiples, Jim Cramer told the viewers of his "Mad Money" TV show Thursday.

He credited the upside surprise on the top and bottom lines in McDonald's (MCD Quote), earnings to its CEO Jim Skinner. Cramer said Skinner just makes McDonald's a special company that's been constantly delivering new items, better coffee and worldwide growth with the earnings to match.

Cramer said companies like McDonald's should command a much higher multiple that those with lackluster CEOs. "How much is a visionary like Steve Jobs worth at Apple (AAPL Quote)," asked Cramer. Or how about Alan Mulally's fabulous turnaround at Ford (F Quote)?

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Windows 7 Review
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Gary Krakow reviews
Windows 7, an operating system he's been using for more than seven months. Originally Aired 10/16/2009
Thu 10/22/09 06:37 AM EST -- Gary Krakow
Stocks in this video: DELL | AMD | HP | MSFT | INTC | AAPL | NOK

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