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[The StreetTV] Cramer: Post-Crisis Investing
2009/09/19 02:45:54瀏覽263|回應0|推薦0

Friday 2009-09-18 11:45 AM PDT

1. CNBC: IS HE WORTH $128M? (Tiger Wood)
2. The World According to Cramer
Chief Technical Officer with a Strong Vision
Name: Padmasree Warrior
Company Name: Cisco Systems
Job title: Chief Technical Officer
In this interview provided by CISCO Networking Academy Padmasree Warrior tells about her job as Chief Technical Officer at Cisco Systems.
Q: What exactly is your role at Cisco?
A: My aspiration as Cisco's CTO is to play a collaborative, leadership role in three ways:
Bringing technical clarity to our vision
Prioritizing our strategies and initiatives
Evaluating innovative, disruptive, and other opportunities for profitable growth
I also serve as one of Cisco's executive voices externally, working to strengthen our relationships with key constituents, including customers, analysts, partners, suppliers, investors, media, industry organizations, and governments around the world.
[威尼斯] 今日的三枚:色彩,色彩,色彩
By 工頭堅
今天沒有話說。三種船、三個景,直接用顏色來說話。  http://worker.bluecircus.net/archives/2009/09/post_503.html
Palm Pixi Launches a Facebook Celebrity Voting Competition. Wait, What? http://mashable.com/2009/09/11/runway-wars-palm-pixi/
Post-Crisis Investing
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- In response to the financial meltdown, Jim Cramer suggests a different approach to investing. For a free trial to Jim Cramer's Action's Alerts Plus, click on the video.
Fri 09/18/09 04:00 AM EST -- Jim Cramer & Debra Borchardt
Stocks in this video: GS | EMR | KMP | BP | BAC | CBE | JCI

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