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Tony Hsieh - CEO of Zappos.com
2009/09/16 07:18:38瀏覽892|回應0|推薦0
Panel of experts:  http://www.techcrunch50.com/2009/panel-of-experts/

Tony Hsieh

Tony Hsieh is the CEO of Zappos.com, which was recently acquired by Amazon. Since he joined Zappos full time in 2000 Zappos has grown gross merchandise sales from $1.6M to $840M in 2007 by focusing relentlessly on customer service. Prior to joining Zappos, Tony co-founded Venture Frogs with Alfred Lin. Venture Frogs is an incubator and investment firm that invested in Internet startups, including Ask Jeeves, Tellme Networks, and of course, Zappos.com. Prior to Venture Frogs, Tony co-founded LinkExchange, an advertising network that was successfully sold to Microsoft for $265M in 1998. CrunchBase profile.


One of start-up's: anyclip.com - http://anyclip.com/

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