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Asia Pacific Arts Top Ten: Ang Lee; Jay Chou
2009/09/14 09:22:42瀏覽342|回應0|推薦0
Ang Lee, on the set of Taking Woodstock

APA Top Ten: Films by Ang Lee

By APA Staff

With Ang Lee's 11th feature Taking Woodstock now in theaters, APA looks back on a career already worthy of a top 10.

Read More: http://asiaarts.ucla.edu/090904/article.asp?parentID=111896

APA Top Ten: Jay Chou Martial Arts Moments

By Brian Hu

It's official: Jay Chou is the next Kato. What does this mean for Jay and Green Hornet fans alike? APA runs down Jay Chou's top 10 martial arts moments to see why we should be both excited and a little worried.

Read More: http://asiaarts.ucla.edu/090904/article.asp?parentid=111400

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