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911寫歷史 扁珍重判無期 & Remembering Sept. 11, 2001
2009/09/12 06:46:45瀏覽204|回應0|推薦0

911寫歷史 扁珍重判無期


Read More: http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS4/5131247.shtml

Remembering Sept. 11, 2001

Special note from Jim Cramer: Sometimes it's just better to let the historical record of 9/11 speak for itself. Here's the chilling columnist conversation for the day. Notice how jocular and breezy everything was, like from a different world, and then it just vanished with the tragedy.

There was much personal that day for this site. Every morning we got a bulletin from Bill Meehan at Cantor. Every morning. It was the most insightful commentary that set the stage for the day. Bill was silenced that day. Bill and so many others. In another sad post-script we lost Jim Seymour not long after to an illness. He was a sensational tech writer and a terrific dad.

Read More: http://www.thestreet.com/story/10597346/1/remembering-sept-11-2001.html

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