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2013/12/08 10:36:03瀏覽442|回應0|推薦0 | |
Most of the moons of your solar system have been modified in one way or another. Out of the 173 moons known to you, 46 have been balanced in the same way that your Moon was balanced near one million years ago. Some of the moons are hollow and atmosphere has been created in the inside. And also there are objects known to you as moons that are in fact large spaceships. 問:在上一次的通訊中,你提及了月球只有一個面對著我們是因為這是「人為」的平衡,讓月球在繞地球公轉的同時完成繞自軸的旋轉。在我發佈了這些信息後,一位德國的讀者寫信說這個現象在太陽系其他行星的衛星中也可以看到,你能再詳細說明一下嗎? 親愛的地球上的兄弟姐妹們,我是Emmanuel,我在此刻歡迎你們。 你們太陽系的大多數衛星,都被多少校正過。在所有173顆衛星之中,有46顆被按照月球的方式來調節平衡,在100萬年以前。其中的有些衛星是中空的,並且它們的大氣層是在星球的內部。並且也有一些你們稱作衛星的星體實際上是大型的宇宙飛船。 Questioner: It is said that many extraterrestrial races have visited our planet in the past, a reader from Mexico asked if could you tell us how many and where they came from? Many, many races have visited your planet. Most of them were explorers and scientist; however, seven of those races have claimed ownership over your planet by means of establishing colonies. The Galactic Records shows that the first extraterrestrial race to arrive on Earth was the Draconian Federation from the Alpha Draconis star system, but they failed in the attempt to shift the Earth's eco-system from oxygen-based into hydrogen-based, so they left and later a different fraction of the Draconian Alliance came back to set-up the Lemurian collective in cooperation with other two races from the Alpha Canis and Taurus constellations. The Lemurian collective lived on your planet for approximately 40.000 years of your count, until it was destroyed in war. However, not all individuals were killed and many of them moved to other parts of your planet, where they still live.
許 多,許多種族曾今造訪過地球。它們中的大多數都是探索者或者科學家;然而這其中,有7個種族通過建立殖民地,宣稱過對你們星球的擁有。銀河記錄裡顯示,第 一個到達地球的地外種族是來自Alpha Draconis星系的聯盟。但是它們沒有能夠將地球的生態系統從氧氣星球轉化成氫氣星球,所以他們離開了,之後一部分又返回與另兩個種族Alpha Canis 和金牛座,一起建立了姆文明Lemurian。姆文明在地球上按照你們的時間計算,生活了大約400000年,直到最終被戰爭所毀滅。然而並不是所有的穆 文明人都被毀滅了,他們中的一些人移到了地球的其他地方,並且至今還存在著。
而 在所有與地球互動過的地外種族中,與地球人類介入或者干預最多的,就是來自Nibiru的Anunnaki了,他們第一次到來時在500000前。 75000之後,Anunnaki將人類的DNA與他們自己的DNA混雜。第一代的混血體是在基於火星的實驗室上完成的,之後新的混血DNA被植入人類的 DNA,並且開始轉變人類。你們許多人可能會認為對於一個年輕的種族,這是違背自由意志或者是負面的行為,但是在更高的視角看來,這也是你們人類進化的神 聖計劃的一個重要部分,即使那些似乎違背了造物旨意的方式,也是你們進化要體驗的一部分。 |
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