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尼必魯星系會穿越這個太陽系,並完成它自身的周期循環過程。但它的經過不會產生任何大範圍的災難。 Krulian人會監控並引導這個星系的軌道,正如他們在過去的一年多中一直做的一樣。













信息_ CB

翻譯_ Cappuccino



我貼出這些信息純粹是處於好奇。幾年前Mythi提到的一種飛船出現在了谷歌地圖中,位置在美國加州的Mount Shasta。根據Mythi的描述,這種形式的飛船在幾十年前是非常普遍的。目前仍然有很多從仙女座到地球參觀的種族在使用這種飛船。根據Mythi的描述,照片中的飛船屬於一個非常友善的種族,也是Mythi的好朋友。這個種族位於半人馬座的參宿七。他們屬於科研單位,並在這里工作了許多年。同時他們也在牧夫座的Epsilon Boötis做些實驗。

要是他們還沒把這兩張照片拿下來,以下是兩張照片的鏈接。照片上是用Google Street從不同角度拍攝的照片,清晰度也高一些。

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=mount+shasta&hl=en&ll=41.328196,-122.206249&spn=0.01261​​7,0.01929&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=Mt+Shasta&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll =41.328759,-122.20732&panoid=UH25qChSU1duZ5yjoOkYLw&cbp=12,202.12,,0,-40.75

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Mount+Shasta,+CA,+United+States&hl=en&ll=41.333956,-122.197772&spn=0.000788,0.001206&sll=54.976679,-1.660217&sspn=0.001705,0.002411 &oq=Mount+Shasta&t=h&hnear=Mt+Shasta,+Siskiyou,+California,+United+States&z=20&layer=c&cbll=

Friends of our channel and YouTubers welcome.

Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video hundredand six – November 13, 2013.

Friends, as I said before, ISON event will realignthe orbit of all planets in the solar system. All its motion and influence willbe balanced to cause the effects that the system need to finalize the passageinto the level one. The time of the final adjustments of frequencies and orbitsof the planets of the solar system is coming fast now. The new frequencies thatenable your society to maintain a planet level one in this new phase will beharmonics of the frequency of vibration of your Sun, which is fitting to endthis tuning. The high activity of thy sun should make a cleanup of frequenciesharmful to the development of the new phase of consciousness, even if it has tostop many current activities of your society. Be assured that all that will benecessary for these final adjustments, is not any kind of punishment , on thecontrary, it is a blessing. All of you who are going through this new tune hasimportant roles in this process, so you are here right now. In the developmentprocesses of the universe there are no coincidences, a cup to overflow needsall the drops , is one that is missing it does not overflow.

Be prepared for this new phase, the only situationsthat may affect the conditions of life of your people during this period arethe acts of exception caused by unhealthy dome government that governs yourplanet. But in the end, whether they want it or not, everything will be set bythe laws of universal development. Your dome of elitist governments, are simplyconvul​​sing before death.

Some answers to questions of many:

- You need not worry about how many levels one orzero level will remain on the planet. This will be a process of naturalselection. Even if your governments eliminate entire populations in theirsickening process of upheaval, it will not change the formation of the newsociety, with the revival of "levels one" on the planet.

- Answering some questions about Mars, the passageof ISON caused no structural damage to the planet, cities and bases ofoperation survived because they had turned their force fields.

- On Venus, or on your planet, the Sun will belargely responsible for changes, and ISON, will be radio-controlled to adjustthe vibration frequency end of the Sun and all the planets of the system, forthis upgrade. It may not follow the expected route by your scientists afterpassing by the Sun.

- As I mentioned earlier, Taus will be detected in anew fixed orbit, and the cloud of cosmic energy that surrounds the entire solarsystem will be responsible for thousands of stray meteors that will besupervised by Pleiadeans.

- The solar system Nibiru will pass by the system tocomplete its cycle, but its influence will not generate widespread cataclysms,the Krulians will be monitoring and directing this passage as been doing forover a year.

- Comets with multiple tails are relatively common,its composition with rare materials make them to react to the forces vectoriallinks crossing on your journey. The tails represent reactions to relatedvectorial links to gravitational fields of other heavenly bodies trying tointerfere with its trajectory. The angle between the tails will vary accordingto the distances of the objects that are influencing its path.

- In case you run out communication via satellites,or without energy, you should have communication devices as previouslymentioned, that can run on batteries, but keep these devices off during anynews of EMP's issued by your Sun or caused by your governments. Keep thisequipment insulated and disconnected until be sure they can be connected. Keepa cell phone or any electronic device connected to verify that it will not beburned before connecting your main communication equipment. The radios are theonly common form of communication that remains to keep communities knowingwhat's going on. We will be operating at various frequencies from VHF, UHF andshortwave, and we can communicate with those who are able to scan the channelsto listen.

- The case of Japan radiation spread is severe. Thyelites really want that to happen so offered no aid to Japanese government toassist in the case. It's impressive, even for us observers, the neglect of allyour major nations with the fact. This is already a predominant factor for youto realize the planning of a whole scenario of reducing resources anddestruction of the ecosystem. Understand that we can only intervene when yourgovernments are not more governments. When the planet is no government, whatwill happen when your elites to retract to escape from the rest of the population,then yes we can assume our role in helping "extraterrestrial.

- The colonies in the "planet one" that isgetting earthlings for development situation prior to your "middleage", is already with several colonies rapidly developing. Eighty percentof the disembodied here is reborn in these new colonies. In a few hundred yearswe will have another planet to go to level one, and possibly volunteers fromthe new society level 1 of the Earth that is starting, may participate inhelping this new planet in its passage also to the "level one". Asfor the other twenty percent of the disembodied, are reborn in the secondplanet and integrating into tribes "post Neanderthal." These willtake a few thousand years to pass to the level one.

These two planets are very similar to the Earth, andare in another solar system in the same quadrant are you in your galaxy. Veryconvenient. What I can say is that this system has nineteen planets and a sunof magnitude 4 on the scale you use.

- Even these disasters caused by atmosphericmanipulation, are being scheduled by your governments by way of simplescientific experiments. The vast majority of disembodied of these regions, asrecently occurred in the Philippines, will be reborn in the “planet 1" aschildren of its current inhabitants. They will be in a very good location andwill be happy with the new development opportunity.

- I shall communicate again so is necessary toinform you of the next steps. Be well every one.

Thanks for watching, join our channel! Be sure thatyou are welcome there!

Captain Bill – November, 2013


I am placing this information out of curiosity. Aspacecraft type used by Mythi few years ago was photographed in severalpictures by Google Maps in M​​ount Shasta, California, US. According Mythireported, this type of spacecraft was very popular a few decades ago, and isstill in use by various cultures from Andromeda visiting planet Earth.According to him, this ship photographed belongs to a race, good friends ofhis, who belong to a colony on Rigel Centaurs. Are scientific units, workinghere for many decades, as it also makes scientists from Epsilon Boötis.
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