Year Two of the New Earth
2014: An Opportune Year of Change
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light !
親愛的大師們! 我是Metatron梅塔特隆, 光之王!
As 2013 enters its final weeks, we ask each of you to take pause and consider the powerful progression of events you have experienced individually and cumulatively over the past year. Whether or not you fully recognize that the Planetary Ascension has occurred is truly a moot point , for time moves faster now than ever before.
隨著2013進入最後的幾個禮拜, 我們請求你們每一個人暫停一下, 思考一下這些你在個人階層以及這幾年累積出來的事件經驗~~這些強大的事件. 不論你是否完全認知到“行星地球的揚升”真的發生了---- (你的認知)這事情實在沒有任何實際意義~~~因為時間現在已經移動得比從來沒有過的快了!
Masters 2014 is a year of extreme change, and these changes logically occur in primary nodes you term as astrological events. Yet these are far more than you currently comprehend. Within each node are codes that affect your auric field through induction. These codes serve myriad purpose.
大師們, 2014將是一個“極度\極端轉變的一年”!
而且這些'改變' 會邏輯性地發生在天象學的主節點事件上. 可是, 這些事件是遠超過你目前所能想像得到的.
在每一個主節點上, 都帶有密碼~~那是會影響你的外光體的~~透過'誘發啟動'.
A coded astrological event is like an animated energy fountain, an organic cascade that affects you on a very deep level. It is an infused conscious and purposeful coordination of sacred frequency.
Within its own arrangement of particalized light, it is just as alive as you are, the difference being that it has no individual agenda and its evolution depends upon its environment as well as the environments of all other star gates.
在這能量之內的光分子的安排~~祂與你一樣是'活生生'的有機體~~唯一的差異就是~~祂'沒有個人目的', 而且祂的發展要視祂遇到的環境而來決定, 以及所有其他星門的環境來決定.
If astrological powernodes, specifically solstices, equinoxes and eclipses were to be truly understood as the devices of induction they truly are, you would then define them more aptly as an aperture in the space time contingency, an insert succinctly purposed & governed by the organic geometric nature and framework of resonance of their entry into your plane and their expansive essence.
假如天象主節點, 特別是夏至,冬至,春分,秋分和日食~~能夠被正確的理解'能量誘發工具'的話~~因為它們事實上就是--- 你們就會定義它們為更正確的“在時間\空間連續體中的一個光圈” --- 它們是非常精確的安排好的置入物, 而且由“有機的幾何體自然設計所管理, 以及它們進入你們行星的共鳴架構, 以及它們本身非常擴大的本質能力~~所管理著.
Nothing stands still, and regardless of how time and dimensionality are measured,change continues to reveal and express itself astrologically....and logically so.
沒有任何東西可以靜止不動, 不論時間與空間如何被丈量, “改變”會持續出現而且用天象學角度來顯露它自己…而且是具有邏輯性的.
And so as we begin this discussion of 2014, we encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of individual Ascension.
所以當我們開始討論2014 --- 我們用一股滋養的能量以及
It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
我們的目的~~是來提供給你們“啟發\啟示”以及“清晰度視野” ~~但是, 確實, 這再一次, 而且永遠是~~一個“要求” ~~ “你們自己” ~~做為一個神聖的, 而且擁有自己主權的“存有” ~~你自己需要來判斷這篇, 以及任何這樣的通靈訊息.
Dear Ones, in these radically transitional times, always remember that Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack.
親愛的一們, 在這個改變快速的轉變時期中~~
永遠記得~~~靈性世界談的是“愛”. 靈性不會攻擊.
Every current religion on your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true and what is not, based on heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty, to one grouping.
你們地球上的每一個目前存在的宗教都有它真理的部份和扭曲的部份.自我判斷是關鍵. 你們必須被要求來“從本心” 來做判斷, 而不是“從恐懼”~~ ~來決定何為真實? 何為虛假? 沒有神聖的表達會限制住祂給出的真理, 祂的美麗---對任何一組人馬.
The current time offers each of you an opportunity to choose to live free, to choose to release worry and fear, and create your own well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE.
目前的時期提供了你們每一個人一個機會~~來選擇過上自由的生活,來選擇釋放出憂慮與恐懼, 而且創造你自己的健全存在. 尊重而且滋養彼此, 同時擁抱'愛'.
It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way that the Nation of Humanity will UNITE, it is the way humanity will Ascend, and 2014 is a key phase for allowing you to coherently create the Earth you desire.
這是上帝的科學與頻率. 這是'人類國家' 會統一的方法~~這也是'人類揚升'的方法, 而且2014是一個關鍵時期~~
Year Two of the New Earth, 2014, energetically initiates the true phase into what is termed the 'Age of Aquarius', the true beginning of the Aquarian Shift.
A Key Time關鍵時間
Accordingly Masters, you are in the folds of a key sojourn. Indeed there are specificlifetimes that are more highlighted within your vast sojourns, certain vectors in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps.
因此, 大師們, 你們是在一個主要的關鍵階段. 確實~~有許多個你們的轉世人生中, 在你們所有轉世中是比較顯著的, ~~某些'向量' 在空間—時間連續體中~~是提供
Within these are crucial crossroads of decision that define you. This is one of those lifetimes. Energy and time are moving fast, much is happening on your Earth as you continue to adjust and calibrate to the Crystalline transitions of the New Earth in 2014.
在這些向量之中~~有至關重大的十自路口的選擇~~這些'選擇'決定了你是誰. ---而眼前有的就是這樣的一生. 能量與時間都移動得很快,許多事情正發生在地球之上~~隨著你們持續的調整\協調入這“2014年的新地球的水晶轉變”之中.
It will not be easy, nothing truly worthwhile occurs without focal effort ... but it will be a joyous accomplishment and credential. For you are among the souls that are collating to create the planet of harmony.
這選擇將不容易, 沒有任何事是真正有價值的~~如果沒有付出用心的努力的話… 但它將會是一個歡樂的成就, 以及信用\資格之認定. 因為你會是在那群正在整理事情來創造一個行星的靈魂之一.
Accordingly 2014 is an incredibly important year, in many ways more so than 2013. For in 2013 you were in the early phases of adjustment to the New Earth. You were exercising the utility of new chakras that extend into higher dimensions.
因此, 2014會是一個不可思議的重要之年~~在許多方面都遠超過2013年. 因為在2013年, 你們是處在適應入新地球的早期階段. 你們運作使用新的脈輪~~那是可以延伸進入更高維度的.
In 2014 you will begin stretching new wings and trying out flight into new spectra.You will be working in theta coherency to visually create a world of harmony ! It will take time but potent tools are now in place.
在2014年, 你們會開始伸展你們的新翅膀, 而且試著飛入新的光譜. 你將會工作在theta協調頻率中~~可以'有視覺影像的' 去創造一個和諧世界! 這會花點時間, 但是有力的工具已經就位了.
( 1丁註:"西塔theta"是一種 "psychic通靈"的頻率,,像"delta"是一個“攻擊/充電”的頻率)
What happened in 2013 was a new beginning. That new beginning is the New Template of the New Earth. The Ascension of the Earth has allowed for the dimensional revision and expansion of the planet.
在2013年發生的事~~就是一個“新的開始”. 這個“新的開始”就是新地球的一個新接口.
The Earth is expanded to a Crystalline Field, expanded from the 5th to the 12thdimensions. In 2013 you began learning the ropes, and in 2014 you will progress further in this exploration. It will take concerted effort.
地球現在已經延伸入一個“水晶場域” ~~從第五維度直到12維度. 在2013年你們開始學習到這條繩的存在,在2014年你們將會進入探險階段. 這將會需要大家的協調合作.
2014 will be a year in which you continue to experience many subtle shifts on your levels of awareness.
( 1丁註:因為我們的擴展脈輪,微妙的變化只能高於心水平意會,感官性層面感覺不到 )
Your expanded chakric system is still adjusting to operating in new manners and indeed in new dimensions.
你們已經擴大的脈輪系統是仍然在調整入新的運作方式當中--- 而且確實~~就是在新維度中運作.
The layers of your CEF (Crystalline Auric Field) are still somewhat in flux, still stabilizing for most of you. The expansions can and do effect to varying degrees your sensory systems & emotional field.
你們的水晶外光體場域CEF (Crystalline Auric Field)的層次是仍然在流動搖晃當中~~仍然在安定下來過程中~~~對你們大部份人而言.這樣的擴大~~能夠而且確實已經在不同程度上影響到你的感官系統和情緒場.
Mental Focus 心理專注力
In Year Two of the New Earth, you are required to make a greater effort in your mental focus. It may at times feel to you that you are struggling to maintain balance, to keep focus.
有時, 你們會感覺你們掙扎著要維持平衡以保持住你的焦點.
This is a combination of the new energy influxes and the requirement to not only adjust & calibrate but to crystalize your purpose and intent.
這是一個結合新能量的灌注, 同時又要求你們不只是調適和協調~~而且是去'水晶化'你們的目的以及企圖.
( 丁註:“結晶 crystalize”是指“表現”,實踐。)
The Aquarian shift with its change in ionic ratios (from the past 2 decades of Solar Radiation) now surrounds the planet and is compelling each of you to put your spiritual life in order.
“水瓶座改變” ~~帶著它離子比率的改變(這是過去20年的太陽幅射結果) ~~現在包圍住了行星而且逼迫著你們~~去把你們的'靈性人生'處理好!
The ionic ratio change is up-shifting the 'code-wiring' between the mental fields ofthe conscious and subconscious, between physical actuality and divine pattern.
離子比率的改變~~提升了“密碼的銜接” ~~
Because of the coronal mass ejections jet streams of anionic plasma circulate the earth and pocket around specific 'sacred sites' . These allow for easier access into theta coherent consciousness, and it is within theta coherency that you are able to more effectively create the New Earth .
由於“日冕物質拋射噴流的陰離子電漿”環繞著地球, 而且進駐特別的“聖地”區塊.
這讓進入theta 協調覺知意識coherent consciousness變得容易,
而且就是在theta coherency頻率之中較容易有效率的去創造新地球.
There are certain timings in 2014 in which you will feel and focus on those areas of your life stream that need to be addressed.
You will be required to confront the self and prioritize what actions are needed.Redefine your inner contracts and determine how you wish to utilize your remaining time on the planet. You will be compelled to seize the moment , and make a bucket list !
你們將會被要求去“面對自我”, 而且列出你們行動需要的優先次序.
重新定義你們“內在的合約”, 而且決定~~你們要如何去使用你們在這行星上的剩餘的時間.
你們會被迫去抓住這時刻, 然後列出你的清單.
You can no longer sit complacently on the fence. 2014 is a time to determine the missing pieces of your puzzle. It is time to make your mark, to contribute your part,to consider the legacy your life will be. And yes it involved putting the pieces together ... assembly is required!
你們將無法繼續沾沾自喜地騎在牆上. 2014年是時候去決定~~~你拼圖中少掉的部份.
是時候留下你個人的印記, 貢獻出你個人的部份, 思考一下你人生的傳奇要如何做.
而且是的, 這包含了把所有碎片擺在一起… 拼裝是需要的!
Year Two of the New Earth
2014: An Opportune Year of Change
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
中文翻譯: 林琚月20131119