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〔南半球地震益增〕地球拙火正在上昇中 克里昂
2015/12/23 18:53:52瀏覽2447|回應1|推薦0

為了幫助讀者,這篇信息經過[李及克里昂]的重新通靈,以讓人們有更清晰的理解。因為在現場給出的信息,含有一種能量溝通模式,是印刷頁面所無法傳達的。那麼, 請享有這篇增強版的信息吧,這是在巴塔哥尼亞,南美洲傳導的。

這是一篇簡短但深奧的通靈,在巴塔哥尼亞巡航上給出。這是李(Lee Carlo)沒打算做的一場通靈......直到他身邊的朋友堅持提出這個要求。它是沒有預先安排好的,在郵輪上沒有預訂的房間來進行通靈。然而,所有出席者都聚集到一起,於是,就是結果了。

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Patagonia, South America.

Here is a short but profound channelling from the Patagonia Cruise. It was a channelling that Lee was not going to do... until those around him insisted. It was unschedule, and there wasn't a room reserved for it on the ship. Still, all the attendees met and this was the result.


Kryon:Around the Horn

Cape Horn, 合恩角

你們非常靠近我們所說的 「昆達利尼的末梢」 [指合恩角]。你們一定要同時從隱喻和物理的角度來看待這些事情。大約再過四個小時,你們就會越來越靠近那塊陸地,那裡是地球可居住陸地的底部。考量到這 個信息和我們所說的能量,我們會說它是地球的底部。那麼讓我們來談一談這裡的能量。

「昆達利尼」 代表男性能量和女性能量的平衡。「昆達利尼」 是盤繞在身體脊椎骨底部的能量。它繞成三個半圈,只有當男性能量和女性能量達致平衡時,它才會解開。


親愛的人類,你們是在一個非常、非常特別的地方 [對克里昂眼前的群眾說]。你們是有史以來第一群人類在南美洲底部的末梢這裡慶祝這個移動 [昆達利尼的解開],在轉變真正開始的地方。你們正在做的是一件重要的事。你們正在慶祝的這個地方,這裡的能量,正在啟動地球的平衡。昆達利尼
(拙火) 會慢慢解開,這個解開不是線性的過程,就如人類意識不是線性的那樣,但潛在性是,它會在接下來的 18 年內被解開及到位(1丁:這是2012年一月的傳導, 所以完全到位時間點在2030年左右)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner is sometimes dense! This "partner" is the man in the chair with the voice you are hearing. My personal thanks to those around him who required this particular channelling, which was always scheduled but not in his mind. [Kryon smile]

你們好,親愛的,我是磁力服務的克里昂。我的夥伴有時候很遲鈍!這個 「夥伴」 就是坐在椅子上的那個男人,你們正在聽著的那把聲音。我個人要對他身邊的朋友們道謝,他們要求進行這一場通靈,這總是安排好的,但不是在他的腦子裡。[克里昂微笑]。

You are very close to what we would call the tip of the Kundalini. You must look at these things both metaphorically and physically. In approximately four hours, you will be as close as you're going to be to the land, which represents the bottom of the inhabitable planet. For the purposes of the channel and for the energies we speak, we will consider it the bottom of Earth. So let us speak of the energies that are here.

你們非常靠近我們所說的 「昆達利尼的末梢」 [指合恩角]。你們一定要同時從隱喻和物理的角度來看待這些事情。大約再過四個小時,你們就會越來越靠近那塊陸地,那裡是地球可居住陸地的底部。考量到這 個信息和我們所說的能量,我們會說它是地球的底部。那麼讓我們來談一談這裡的能量。

For more than a decade, we have talked about the movement of the Feathered Serpent [Kryon Book Eight - "The Journey of the Feathered Serpent"]. This is the metaphor for what has been described as the Kundalini of the planet. Look at the metaphors and look at the symbolism of what is going on now. I'm going to use terminology that my partner has never heard before, so forgive him if he does not pronounce it correctly as I present it to him, or he may choose not to speak it at all. We will use the best language we can to describe what the ancients presented to you as the Kundalini in graphic form.

十多年前,我們談過 「羽蛇神」 的移動 [克里昂書八——《羽蛇神的旅程》]。 這是對地球昆達利尼的隱喻。看看那些隱喻,看看那個象徵符號,它代表目前正在發生的事。我會使用一些術語,但我的夥伴從來沒有聽過,所以,如果他沒有正確 發音的話,請原諒他,不然他也許會選擇完全不把它說出來。我們會儘量用最簡單的語言來形容,古人繪圖中所說 「昆達利尼」(拙火) 是什麼。

The Feathered Serpent — Kundalini (uncoiled)

They drew this concept as a graphic and yet it is energy. The Kundalini represents the balance of male and female. Even within the Human body, the ancients drew it as a representative of co-creation and manifestation of new energy [conception]. Indeed, it represents the male and the female balanced together, coming together with great energy to create perfection and balance. Now we apply that same principle to the planet.

他 們把這個概念描繪成圖,但它是一種能量。「昆達利尼
(拙火) 」 代表男性能量和女性能量的平衡。即使在人體中,古人也把它描繪成是共同創造的代表及新能量的顯現 [懷孕]。



As we have discussed before, planet Earth is male heavy because it represents most of the northern hemisphere's population. The wars on your planet have come mostly from the northern hemisphere, and even here [the bottom of South America] was visited by the conquerors that came from the north [Spain]. You might say the northern hemisphere energy has spread to the south over the generations, affecting it greatly. Part of what is changing on the planet is a reversal of the roles of north and south. So you're going to start seeing the energy of the southern hemisphere, which is sweet and gentle, affecting the north! Therefore, the Kundalini moves southward over a period of time, some details of which I'm going to give you in a moment.

就如我們之前所談的,地球的陽性太重,因為它體現了北半球多數人口的能量。地球上的戰爭多數是從北半球開始打響的,就連這裡 [南美洲底部] 也被來自北方 [西班牙] 的征服者所佔領。可以說,幾代人下來,北半球的能量已經散播到南半球,對它造成巨大的影響。地球目前的其中一個轉變就是北半球與南半球的角色對換。所以你 們會開始看見南半球的能量,那甜美與溫和的能量,開始影響北半球!因此,地球昆達利尼漸漸移向南半球,等下我會給出它的一些細節。

Let us look at the mythology. Let us take a look at the ancient knowledge and then let's look at the metaphor involved. Now be careful, my partner, for this is not technical and not physics, but spiritual [esoteric] information. The Kundalini is coiled at the bottom of the spine of the body. It only uncoils when the male and the female are balanced. It wraps around three energies of the body three and a half times, and it wraps around what is called the lingam. Three wraps represent easy-unwrapping parts of energy, but the final half wrap represents the most difficult part, which is the divine enlightenment of balance. When the Kundalini unwraps and stays that way, you have a balanced Human Being, if not even enlightened. This is the metaphor of the planet and this is beginning to happen.

讓我們看看那個神話。讓我們 看一看古老的知識,然後再去看那個隱喻。現在請小心,我的夥伴,因為這不是技術性的,也不是物理,而是靈性[奧秘] 的信息。

「昆達利尼」 是盤繞在身體脊椎骨底部的能量。只有當男性能量和女性能量達致平衡時,它才會解開。

它圍著身體的三股能量[中脈、左脈、右脈] 繞成三個半圈,它盤繞在那所謂 lingam 的周圍 [林伽,梵語,意思是性別的標誌]。

三個圈代表能量容易解開的部分,但最後的半個圈代表最困難的部分,即是 「平衡的開悟」。當昆達利尼解開並保持在那種狀態時,那個人即使不開悟,也會擁有平衡。這就是對地球的隱喻,地球昆達利尼正在解開。



Kundalini uncoiled





   Image result for atlas bone

Some years ago, we sat within a country that represents a portion of the bottom of the Kundalini [Chile], and we said that the unwrapping process would also create a physical movement of the planet. We mentioned approximately where it would be, and it took place where we said it would [the Chile earthquake of 2010]. These are the kinds of things you will physically see as the movement of the planet responds to the metaphor of the energy I'm speaking of.

幾年前,我們坐在一個代表地球昆達利尼底部的國家 [智利],我們說,昆達利尼的解開過程也會造成地球的物理移動。我們提到它大概的位置,然後它就發生在我們所說的地方 [ 2010年智利地震]。這就是地球在物理上對隱喻中的昆達利尼能量所做出的回應。

There is something hiding that no one has brought forth. It has been known that three and a half times is always the formula for the unwrapping of the Kundalini. The timing of the unwrap, however, has been unknown since it had to do with Human consciousness potential. Therefore, every single year that goes by reveals a surprise, for the movement of Human consciousness and the energy of it is unknown even to Spirit. This is due to Human free choice.


There are factors in Human consciousness that are exponentially at play. It's not a linear progression of consciousness, but one that has uneven upheaval of great magnitude. Therefore, the surprises about when things might happen do not follow a linear pattern of calculation or expectations. However, there is an overall time frame of potential.



The 26,000-year alignment of the equinoxes of your planet is a grand alignment, and it has been known in astronomy as the Galactic Alignment. It is called that because the start and stop point of the wobble of your earth on its axis aligns through your sun to the center of the galaxy. This alignment only happens once every 26,000 years.

你們地球那 26,000 年的分點對齊,是一場重大的天文對齊事件,在天文學上稱為 「銀河對齊」。它有這樣的名稱,因為你們地球繞著自轉軸晃動的起點與終點,會與太陽及銀河系中央排成一線。這場對齊每26,000 才發生一次。(1丁:此即指2012年12月21日冬至事件, 可這次2012年的對齊是26,000x3, 每78,000才發生一次,詳見〔一的法則〕中RA之解說。)


地球不是一個理想的球體,所以在自轉時會緩慢地搖擺。地球大約以 2萬6千年 完成一次的自轉晃動週期,在空間中描繪出一個圓錐面。

它的結果是,從地球觀測,太陽處在天空中的某一位置(相對於各恆星間)是會移動的。經過 2萬6千年,太陽就會回到原本的位置。


銀河對齊是週期性的天文對齊,每 26,000 年發生一次。從地球看見太陽橫越銀河帶的時期為 36 年。

In order for the equinoxes to proceed through the equatorial plane of your galaxy [the Milky Way strip in the sky] and work themselves through the end of this cycle and the beginning of the next one, it will take 36 years. This final stage began approximately 18 years ago, and 2012 is now the center, or beginning of the last half of the last cycle. You have 18 years left of this energetic event, which actually represents the end of one thing and the beginning of another.

為了讓分點 [太陽的視位置] 橫越你們星系的赤道面 [天上的銀河帶],並移向這個週期的終點及下一個週期的起點,它需要用 36 年的時間。這個最後的階段大概在 18 年前開始,2012年現在是中間,或者說,是後半段的起點。這場充滿能量的對齊事件還有最後 18 年的時間,它代表一種事情的結束和另一種事情的開始。

This 36-year window is the timeframe for the potential unwrapping of the entire Kundalini. Do you not find it interesting that it wraps around the lingam three and a half times? Each of the three represents a decade of time in this metaphoric code. Three and a half would be 35 years, very close to the 36-year astronomical event you are in. So this Kundalini prophecy has always been the metaphor of the promise of the earth and what actually started 18 years ago and that is now centered [2012]. That is where the ceremony should be - at the center of the 36 years, the midpoint of the unwrapping.

這個為期 36 年的窗戶,就是完全解開昆達利尼的這個潛在性的時間框架。

你們有沒有發現一件有趣的事情呢,即昆達利尼盤繞著 lingam 三個半圈?在這個隱喻的密碼中,每個圈代表十年的時間。三個半圈就是 35 年,非常接近你們所在的這個 36 年的天文對齊事件。所以這個昆達利尼的預言,一直都在隱喻著地球未來的希望,它其實在 18 年前就已經開始解開,現在是正中間 [2012]。這應該是舉行慶典的時刻——在那 36 年的正中間,昆達利尼解開過程的一半。

If all this sounds confusing, let me simplify it. Even the ancients who watched the stars knew of this alignment. It corresponded to the potentials of consciousness shift, since it also represented a decision point or time fractal in the pattern of potentials that has been the core of ancient astronomical prophecy for eons. So all this was expected and is not a surprise. But it carries with it profound change, and this is what we all saw more than 20 years ago when I arrived to begin my messages. Humanity has these opportunities about every half cycle of the 26,000-year alignment. The last one was 13,000 years ago and humanity was not ready. Now you are.

如果這一切聽起來很亂,讓我把它簡化。就連那些觀察星象的古人也知道這場天文對齊會到來。它 符合意識轉變的潛在性,因為它也是一個抉擇點,或潛在性模式的時間分形,長久以來一直是古代星象預言的核心。所以這一切都在預料之中,不是意料之外。

但它帶著一個深刻的轉變,這就是我們在20多年前所看到的事,於是我抵達並開始給出我的信息。在那 26,000 年天文對齊的每半個週期,人類就會有這些機會。上一次是在 13,000 年前,當時人類還未準備好。現在你們準備好了。

[譯註:Fractal, 「分形」 的定義是自相似性。「時間分形」 是指過去模式的重返。重返的週期也帶著一個機遇之窗——抉擇點——允許我們為這個週期選擇一個新的結果。]

Dear Human Being, you're sitting in a very, very special place [speaking of the group before Kryon]. You are the first Human group ever to celebrate this movement at the bottom of the South American tip, where the shifts really begin. Oh, there have been those who have chosen to come to the bottom on land and celebrate the coming of it. However, let this go on record that this group now, on the open ocean, at the bottom of the earth, is where this celebration starts in 2012. [The date during this channelling is January 2012.]

親愛的人類,你們是在一個非常、非常特別的地方 [對克里昂眼前的群眾說]。你們是有史以來第一群人類在南美洲底部的末梢這裡慶祝這個移動 [昆達利尼的解開],在轉變真正開始的地方。哦,過去也有人選擇來到這陸地的底部並慶祝它的到來。無論如何,讓這件事被記錄下來吧,現在這群人,在大海上,在地球的底部,這就是 2012 年的慶典開始的地方。[這場通靈是在 2012年 1月進行的。]

It is an important thing you are doing. Let this be an acknowledgment to those who are listening and reading and who you don't even know, that you are celebrating this which is starting to balance the planet. It is the beginning of 18 years of movement representing a true passing of a marker. The Kundalini will slowly unwrap and the center will slowly move to this continent. It is not complete yet, and it will not be for some years. But the unwrapping process begins. The unwrapping is not a linear process any more than Human consciousness is, but the potential is that it would be unwrapped and in place within the next 18 years.

你們正在做的是一件重要的事。讓這成為一項聲明,對那些正在聆聽與閱讀的人,還有那些一頭霧水的人——你們正在慶祝的這個地方,這裡的能量,正在啟動地球的平衡。這裡是為期 18 年的移動的起點,它是真正的 「跨越里程碑」。

昆達利尼會慢慢解開,它的中心會慢慢移向這片大陸 [南美洲]。它還未完成,幾年內它都不會。但那解開的過程開始了。這個解開不是線性的過程,就如人類意識不是線性的那樣,但潛在性是,它會在接下來的 18 年內被解開及到位。

This means the earth is going to move more down here [South America] and perhaps in places you do not expect where there has not been movement before. So celebrate this moment. Know this: You are close to what we would call Antarctica, which is not an ice pole, but a land pole.

這意味著地球將會在下面這裡 [南美洲] 有更頻繁的移動 [地震],也許在一些你們從來沒有想過的地方,一些從來沒有移動過的地方。來慶祝這一刻吧。請知道這一點:你們很靠近南極,那不是冰極,而是地極。

Don't you find it interesting that Antarctica will play a role in the renewal of the life of Earth? The bio-diversity coming from these parts will affect the planet for the next 18 years. It will help renew the ocean. There are some very significant discoveries in progress that will reveal this, that Antarctica is the cradle of new species for planet Earth's food chain.

南極洲在更新地球生命方面會有所貢獻,對於這一點,你們不覺得很有趣嗎?這些區域所出現的生物多樣性會在接下來的 18 年裡影響地球。它會協助更新海洋。有一些非常重要的科學發現正在進行中,它會揭露這件事,即南極洲是地球食物鏈的新物種搖籃。

It's time for you to connect to these things. It is not a coincidence that the renewal process of life is also coming from down here. Think about it. You [those on the cruise] are the first group of Human Beings to celebrate this - the renewal process of life in the ocean and the movement of the Kundalini - from where it's actually happening.

是時候把這些事情連接起來了。生命的更新過程也是從南半球這裡開始,這並不是偶然的。想想看。你們 [在郵輪上的群眾] 是第一群慶祝這件事的人類——海洋裡的生命更新過程,昆達利尼的移動——在它實際發生的地方。

Now, in the process of all of this, there's going to be renewed interest in Antarctica, and you're going to find some interesting things about the land under the ice. The topography of the land under the ice does not match the topography of the ice above. Some astonishing shapes will be revealed when you map the actual land under the ice. Points of mountains are going to be revealed, giving an entire different idea of what Antarctica might have been and what its purpose really is. The continent that is uninhabitable by Human Beings may very well be the engine of life for Human Beings. And I will leave it at that.


Congratulations to those of you who listened to your intuition and for planning the meeting that always should have been planned. [Lee didn't plan a channelling for this time.] Feel the significance of what you're doing and where you are, and in the future years when things start to happen on the planet, remember these moments, for the future will coordinate with the message of today.

恭喜你們那些傾聽直覺的人,並安排那些永遠應該被安排好的會議。[李這次沒有安排任何通靈會議。] 感受你們正在做的事及你們的所在處的重要性,在未來幾年,當事情開始在地球上發生時,記得這些時刻,因為未來會與今天的信息所說的一致。

Blessed is the Human Being who takes his spiritual life seriously. It's not an addition to your biology. Instead, your biology is an addition to that which is your spiritual core. Learn to meld both of them together and you will live a very long time. And so it is.




1)Fractal 分形

An example of fractal:Mandelbrot Set

分形 (Fractal) 通常被定義為 「一個粗糙或零碎的幾何形狀,可以分成數個部分,且每一部分都是整體縮小後的形狀」,即具有自相似的性質。


Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains 甘布爾澤夫冰下山脈

在 2009 年,南極科考科學家在南極冰下發現了一處驚人的古山脈,位於南極冰下 4 千米深處,形狀和大小都類似於阿爾卑斯山脈。

科學家使用雷達和引力傳感器對甘布爾澤夫 (Gamburtsev) 冰下山脈首次進行了仔細勘測,並繪製出了其首批詳細地形圖。 科學家原本以為會發現一處平坦的高原,不料卻發現了山峰堪比於阿爾卑斯勃朗峰的山脈。 參加這次測繪工作的地球物理學家說: 「令人驚異的事情是,這些山脈不僅面積大小和阿爾卑斯山脈相當,而且形狀也與阿爾卑斯山非常相像,都有高峰和山谷。」

來自澳大利亞、英國、加拿大、中國、德國、日本和美國的專家組還利用測繪飛機發現了此冰蓋下有水。「我們營地的溫度徘徊在零下 30 攝氏度左右,但在我們下面 3.2 公里處的冰蓋底部能看到山谷中有液態水。」


雪蟹、章魚、 「洗車」 藤壺、粉色海葵


英國科學家在 2012年1月4日 宣佈,他們在南極洲近海 2400 米深的漆黑海底發現了一個 「失落的世界」,那裡生活著眾多從未被人發現過的蟹類、章魚類和海星類等物種。

英國牛津大學領銜的一個科研小組利用深海遠程遙控設備發現了這些奇特生物,它們全都生活在 被稱作 「熱液噴口」 的海底火山口附近。熱液噴口會噴出黑色煙柱,導致周圍的水溫高達 380 攝氏度。不過,在距離噴口數百米處的水溫則只有大約 20 攝氏度,這些生物就聚集在這些區域。


此次發現的新生物有 20 多種,大都屬於蟹類、章魚類和海星類。其中最多的是一種能自己培育食用細菌的 「雪人蟹」,它們的體長約 16 釐米。


This live channelling was Given in Patagonia South America


on the Patagonia Kryon Cruise


January, 2012

As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon



翻譯:我是我所是  http://feelmiracle.blogspot.com/2012/01/blog-post_28.html

( 時事評論環保生態 )
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2016/04/18 17:22




