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2019/12/04 09:01:21瀏覽2824|回應0|推薦8 | |
(註:B=巴夏) 問:我有個狀況又再一次發生了。 B:沒有什麼是再次發生的。 問:但感覺就像是又再次發生了。 B:好的。 問:你也知道六個月前我上一隻貓「Lew」的狀況--得到貓瘟死了--那時我和你討論過整個狀況。 B:是的。 問:我新養了一隻貓,我養她的時間和上一隻差不多,然後又發生了同樣的狀況:和上一隻一樣我帶她去獸醫,也和之前一樣打了針,接著那天晚上她就像上只貓一樣癲癇發作加嘔吐。她住院住了兩天,現在已經回家了,但是他們認為她得了貓瘟。我想知道為什麼會發生這種狀況?我要怎麼做才能幫助她讓她好轉? B:謝謝。首要的,去認知這件事所代表的整體意義--記住,貓象徵轉化:由第三轉變到第四密度、物質到非物質實象--這動物的新情況代表著你對進入第四密度的這個新旅程,這個概念對你來說是陌生的。 它同時也代表著你對全然擴展自己到這個領域的許多恐懼。你一點一點地慢慢進行,但你同時也使自己吸引來了一個象徵--當它確實代表那層次時--一個「感知或顯現關於進行轉變的疾病」的象徵。還跟得上嗎? 問:嗯 B:現在,在你們所謂的能量感知中,你越早願意進入自我的內心並面對自己,去面對自己所有可能的恐懼,然後向前走、積極去做你想做的事,就越不需要吸引那象徵:因你對陌生狀況而反映出的那恐懼、那疾病。 你會發現,它正值青春盛年卻來往生,這件事的概念可作為一個例證,它反映出同程度的流動斷阻、你內心的流動,你可能正在做它--這是基於缺乏意願或害怕前進,因為它代表了恐懼的想法,你可以意識到它也呈現了其他的舊有轉變符號,較舊的二元對立符號,因為它們也怕它。理解嗎? 問:嗯。 B:它們似乎害怕它,它直接反射出你的舊有思維方式,認為舊式思維就得害怕新的,而你對這些想法感到非常不自在,感覺無法存在下去,也無法與這些新想法共存,而必須以負面方式飛快地火急加速以突破這些想法。 貓瘟是由「能夠導致系統故障的舊有殘留習性」直接反射來的,因為你認為你必須用負面方式來瓦解這些體制,才能再以正向方式來整合它們。 但事情不一定得這樣。你可以跟這動物傳達你願意承擔自己不願面對的(所有各個部分的)意識,並讓自己與該動物溝通。再一次,允許這情況進到你的整體意識,並認知這並不是阻礙你動能的障礙,而是其中的一部分,它能夠被融入整合,它只是一個表徵,說明了你害怕萬一某些特定的想法混入的話會阻斷掉你。 問:嗯 B:了解嗎? 問:嗯 B:那是永遠不會發生的。合併只是在整合,而整合只會讓你以一種正面的方式進行擴展,所以根本沒必要再進一步吸引那些代表著不願接受內在新方式的任何象徵,那些你確信是真實的新想法,去經歷它們、去表達它們-像那動物那般全然地展現自己,信任你的天性、依你的自然本性去做。 現在,如果你願意,每天做三次這個會有幫助,將它浸泡在「用你的藍白光電磁場激活過的」凈水當中,泡的同時要與那動物進行冥想溝通。並添加一些我們有討論過的、你們稱之為尤加利樹的,並讓香氣和整體氛圍混融於水中--浸入其中,以晶化身體細胞結構--你就是生命存有這心念的細胞結構的一個結晶。 與這動物的溝通過程中,你可以允許一些協助介入,一些內在吸收到的信息,將使動物不再需要扮演堵塞、不再需要代表你覺得讓你消極的阻斷想法。理解嗎? 問:剛你說「面對你的恐懼」,你的意思是指意識到你有這些恐懼並知道它們是什麼嗎? B:是。誠實且敞開的與自己對話,並認知,你發現的那些你稱為恐懼的東西,它會在那裡都有一個正向的原因。透過了解原因來整合它,能使你成長、吸收並容納得下任何東西。 問:只需意識到你有它們? B:對。透過有意願地去接納它們帶來的信息。要明白,信息以讓你害怕的方式來到你面前的理由只有一個,因為你被教導了若它們細微到不易察覺就毋需去理會。 所以,當你忽視它們、忽視它們、又忽視它們、再忽視它們,那麼,將恐懼傳達給你的信差--那個能量、那個將信息傳遞給你的那部分意識--就必須變得吵噪,它們得大聲嚷嚷、把你震醒,好讓你注意到你給自己的信息。 一旦你願意聆聽,它們就會越來越安靜,恐懼會越來越少,漸漸回到原本細微的方式,因為你現在已經願意去注意了。這單單是因為在你們的社會中,你被教導成去忽略細微的東西,只關注那些會大吵大鬧的東西。 問:嗯!假設你察覺你有恐懼,但你不知道恐懼的根源是什麼呢? B:再說一次,如果你願意敞開心胸、跟自己誠實溝通的話,你隨時可以聯繫的上。進入放鬆狀態,去探索、允許你的想像力自由奔放,你就能永遠保有你所需要的任何層次的聯結。總是如此。你有這個能力,而且總是如此。你懂了嗎? Q:哦,是的,我懂。嗯。 B:謝謝! (譯者註:真的要用心珍惜我們的動物們<3) p=""> 巴夏:貓在學習面對恐懼中的角色/ A Cats Role in Learning to Face Fears 翻譯:Jade C 巴夏:貓在學習面對恐懼中的角色寵物反映了主人們的個性;人和動物死後不會在意其肉體 唯一翻譯 Q: 你談到過動物可以是嚮導——你能說一下在哪個意義上動物是嚮導嗎?
巴夏:貓在學習面對恐懼中的角色A Cats Role in Learning to Face Fears Q: I have a situation that has reoccurred. B: Nothing has reoccurred. Q: Well, it feels like its reoccurred. B: All right. Q: You know about my situation with the cat that I had six months ago – Lew, who got distemper and died -- and I had that whole discussion with you. B: Yes. Q: Well, I just got another cat, and Ive had her for the same exact amount of time. I went through the same circumstances: I took her to the vet just like the last one; she got a shot just like the last one. Later that night she started having seizures and vomiting just like the last one. She was in the hospital for two days. Shes home, but they think she does have distemper. And I was wondering why this is happening, and also what I can do to help her get better. B: Thank you. Recognize, first and foremost, that the idea being presented in an overall sense -- remembering that the symbolic idea of the cat is the transitional symbol of third to fourth density, a physical to non-physical reality symbol – is that the newness of the animal represents the newness of your excursion into fourth density, the belief that it is new for you. It also represents many of the ideas of the fears you have about extending yourself completely into that realm. You are doing it a bit at a time, but you are also giving yourself, attracting to yourself a symbol -- while it does represent that level -- a symbol that feels or exhibits the idea of disease with regard to making that transition. You follow me? Q: Mhmm. B: Now, in what you might term an energy sense, the sooner you are willing to take within yourself, and face within yourself, all the ideas of what you may be fearing and then moving ahead, doing the things that represent what you know you wish to do actively, the less need there will be to attract the symbol that reflects that fear, that disease, with what you feel to be a very new situation. You are finding that the idea of the youth, cut off in its prime, can be an exemplification and a reflection of the same degree of the cutting off of the circulation, your circulation within yourself, that you may be doing -- based on lack of willingness or fear to move ahead. You follow me so far? Because, as it represents the idea of fear, then you can recognize the idea that it has been presenting also to other older symbols of transformation, older symbols of polarity, in that they also fear it. You follow me? Q: Mhmm. B: As they seem to fear it, it is a direct reflection of the idea of your old ways of thinking, thinking that the old ways of thinking need to fear the new ways, and that you cannot be comfortable with these ideas. That you cannot exist, you cannot co-exist with these new ideas, and that you must give yourself a very rapid, rapid acceleration in negative ways in order to break through these ideas. The idea of the distemper is a direct reflection of old remnant habits that can cause breakdowns of systems, because you feel that those systems must break down in a negative way before you will allow them to integrate in a positive way. This is not necessarily so. You can begin to communicate to the animal your willingness to take upon yourself all the different portions of your consciousness you have not been willing to face, and allow yourself to communicate with that animal. And once again, allow the situation into the overall idea you are, and recognize it is not representative of a block or an interruption in your momentum. But it is part of the idea, and can be incorporated. It is only a representation that you fear that incorporating certain ideas within, can cut you off. Q: Mhmm. B: You follow me? Q: Mhmm. B: That will never happen. Incorporation is only integrative, and integration will only allow you to expand in a positive way. So there is no need to attract any further symbols to represent the idea of not being willing to take within yourself the new ways, the new ideas that you believe are true for you. Live them; express them -- as fully as the animal expresses itself. Rely upon your nature; rely upon your nature. Now you can, if you wish, three times a day to be of assistance, at the same time you are in meditative communication with the animal, immerse the animal in purified water that you have energized with your own blue-white electromagnetic field. And add some ideas that you would call the eucalyptus we have discussed sometimes, and allow there to be the blending of the fragrance and the blending of the whole atmosphere in the water -- the immersion in it -- so as to be a crystallization of the cellular structure of the body -- a crystallization of the cellular structure of the idea that you are being. And in your communication with the animal you may allow there to be of some assistance the absorption of some of this information within you that will allow the animal to no longer need to represent the blockages, no longer need to represent the breakdowns that you think the ideas will cause you negatively. You follow me? Q: When you say face your fears, do you mean recognize that you have them and what they are? B: Yes. It is honest and open communication with yourself, and recognizing that anything you discover about yourself that you may call a fear is something that is there for a positive reason. Integrating it within by allowing yourself to understand why it is there will allow you to become a larger person that can absorb and contain anything. Q: Just by recognizing that you have them? B: Yes. By being willing to accept the messages that they bring. Understand that the only reason that messages are coming to you in fearful ways in general is because you have been taught to not pay attention to them when they come to you subtly. So when you ignore them, and ignore them and ignore them and ignore them, then the messenger that delivered these fears to you -- the energies, the portions of your consciousness that delivered the messages to you -- have to become noisy. They have to make a racket. They have to shake you up to get you to pay attention to the message you are delivering to yourself. As soon as you are willing to listen, then they become less and less noisy, less and less fearful, and go back to being more and more subtle, because you are now willing to pay attention. This is only because in your society you have been taught to ignore the subtle things, and only pay attention to those things which make a lot of racket. Q: Uh huh! Lets say you sense that you have fear, but you dont know what the roots of the fear are. B: You can always get in touch with it if, once again, you are very willing to be open and honest with yourself in your communication. Go into a relaxed state and explore the idea by allowing your imagination free reign. You will always be able to get in touch with it on whatever level you need to. Always. You have that capability. Always. Do you follow me? Q: Oh, yes, I do. Mhmm. B: Thank you! |
( 心情隨筆|寵物生活 ) |