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2017/11/06 12:15:18瀏覽5467|回應0|推薦10 | |
Because we have said many times that 我們已經多次提到
Physical reality is like a mirror. 現實世界(實相),像是一面鏡子
It's a reflection, 是你內心的反射(投射)
And in a sense, it's not really that there's anything out there, 在某種意義上講,外面什麼也沒有
There really is no physical reality out there 外面,並沒有什麼「實相」
That's an illusion, 都是「幻相」 《金剛經》:凡所有相,皆是虛妄,若見諸相非相,即見如來
But it functions like a mirror, 世界的作用,就像一面鏡子
So that you have a feedback mechanism, 這樣,你就有了一個反饋機制
A reflection to let you know 「鏡子」所反射的影像,讓你明白
That the reality you are experiencing is absolutely reflective of 你在現實世界中的一切體驗,都是你的投射
The belief systems, the emotions and the thought patterns, the behaviors 都是你的信念系統、情緒、思維模式、行為方式的投射 That you have arranged, that the frequencies of those things that you have created in your physical personality, 都源於你內在所安排的、所創建的振頻
So that the outer idea, the outer reality or the appearance of the outer reality 所以,外在世界,或者外在表象
Act as a guidepost 都可作為一個指示牌
Act as a marker 作為一個標記 Acts as a signpost 作為一個路標
For what it is you are choosing to believe is true 向你表明:你選擇相信什麼是真實的
Because what you believe is true is what you're putting out as vibration, 任何你所相信的,你就是在輻射相應的振頻
And what you put out as the vibration 而你輻射出的這些振頻
is what reflected back to you by the physical reality in any number of symbolic and representative ways, 在現實世界中,會以一系列象徵性的事物反射回來(顯化)
As we have said, 如我們之前說的
Physical reality is very much literally like a mirror 現實世界(實相),就像是一面鏡子
And you know that when you see a reflection in a mirror 你也知道,當你看著鏡子中的影像
That if you have a frown on your face 如果你皺著眉頭
You know you don't go over to the mirror and try to change the expression on the face of the reflection, 你是不會走上前,試圖改變鏡中的自己的面部表情
You know that will never work, 你知道,這麼做沒用
There's not really anything over there 鏡子裡面什麼都沒有
That's not really you out there 那個你,也不是真的你
That's an illusion, it's a reflection, 那只是虛像,是鏡面反射形成的影像
But you know that if you change the frown on your face to a smile. 你也知道,如果你不再皺眉頭,而是露出笑臉
You will also know that the reflection will have absolutely no choice but to smile back. 那麼這個影像將毫無選擇,必定回敬你一個笑臉
But you have to smile first. 但你必須先笑 You cannot wait for the reflection to smile before you do 你不能等這個影像先笑
Before you decide to be happy. 不能等這個影像先開心起來
If you decide to be happy, the reflection will reflect that back 如果你下定決心要喜樂,那麼影像也會顯示出喜樂
But as we have for many, many, many years now talked about the idea that 我們已經說了好多好多年:
Physical reality is a reflection, 現實世界(實相)只是一個投射/反射
It seems very interesting that none of you actually asked 但很有意思的是,居然沒人問:
Bashar? Yes? 「巴夏?」, 「嗯?」
What is actually doing the reflecting 「到底是什麼東西,反射出這個世界呢?」
That's very interesting question 這個問題,有意思!
Because of there's really nothing out there. 因為如果外面真的是「虛空的虛空」
What is actually reflecting back these experiences to us? 「那反射給我們的這一切一切體驗,到底是什麼呢?」
That is also a very good question. 這個問題也問得好!
What is reflecting back is your higher mind, 反射給你的一切,都是你的高我
Your higher mind, in a sense vibrationally, creates the effect of 你的高我,處於高頻振動狀態,可以製造出泡泡狀的能量場效果
wrapping or surrounding or encasing or immersing your physical personality, in a bubble of energy, 看起來像是把你這肉身包裹住、環繞住,你似乎在泡泡中心
a frequency, a particular frequency that allows the higher mind to actually function as a reflective surface, as a mirror 高我的特殊的振頻,能夠製造出這麼一個,類似鏡子的效果
The higher mind mirror is what is actually reflecting the vibration of the personality structure back to itself, 「高我之鏡」向你反射的,就是你這具肉身的振頻
In order to get the experience you call physical reality 這樣你才能在現實世界(實相)體驗人生 And makes it seem by that particular frequency that it is operating on 高我的特定的振動
By that particular signature vibration it is actually operating on 也就是高我的標識性振頻
Makes it seem as if that reflection is actually outside of you, 所形成的反射效果,就是:這一切看似都在你之外
When in fact, all of that actually going on inside your consciousness, 但事實上,這一切都發生在你意識之內
But the higher mind, by using, by choosing that particular frequency, 你的高我,通過選擇、使用這樣特定的振頻
By being designed that way 通過特殊的設計
Makes it appear as if creates the illusion in your consciousness that 從而在你的意識中,製造出這樣的幻相
Everything is actually being projected around you, holographically. 所有一切都是高我以全息的方式,投射在你周圍(世界以我為中心)
That's why it's an illusion, 這就是為什麼,世界是幻相 ![]() 巴夏:真相只有五個,其他都是假相不要對你不喜好的東西做出反應
![]() 醒來! 你夢寐以成的世界, 無事可懼。 ~魯米RUMI
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |