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Europe Love Songs Blog Via Web 2.0 Radio
2012/09/01 23:12:53瀏覽509|回應0|推薦6
English: American band Slayer at the Fields of Rock festival, June 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Europe is a Swedish rock and metal band I tasted when I was a child, I like it much when I was young, now, I refresh it and enjoy it again, it is still very good music to taste; so I select several songs for everyone to listen and enjoy it through metal style of music;
    Europe 1st successful song spreading world wide is "The final countdown", the band becomes very famous in that age, I attched several video songs from youtubes selection, I believe you will add your music flavor with metal due to it is a very stronger metal instruments to express Europe's sorrow and love; 
    I remember I had several CDs of Europe, it keeps in my music storage more than 15 years, I cannot image how I was crazy about metal band at that kind of young age, it seems too agreessive in tasting of music at that time, the music recall a lot of funny thing when I was so young.
    我: 『沒聽過金屬搖滾的憂傷,就無法了解人類最激情的音樂表達方式是甚麼?』

( 休閒生活音樂 )

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