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Jason Mraz Selective Songs from Web2.0 Radio
2012/08/02 08:58:19瀏覽356|回應0|推薦0

Jason Mraz is singer-songwriter originally from Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA, Mraz set out for the big city, attending a performing arts college in New York City. Realizing the competitive nature of the musical theater world he paired his innate desire to perform his own material, Mraz picked the guitar at age 18 and began panhandling on the streets of NYC. Mraz is most famous for his often poetic, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, pun-filled lyrics, and is inspired by hip-hop, rock, jazz as well as a number of other musical influences. In 2005 he released his sophomore album, Mr. A-Z, a “pseudo-self-titled album.” Wordplay was the first single from the album and was well received, peaking at #5 on the Billboard charts. Geek in the Pink was released as the album’s second single. As a live act, he’s been known to tour both with a full band, as well as only acoustic with a percussionist (usually Toca) accompanying him on stage. He has toured with James Blunt, which raised his popularity in the UK by a great deal.
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