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2011/12/12 02:29:55瀏覽595|回應3|推薦56 | |
你知我深 (You know me better than I know myself )
贈作家詩人「小燕子的 feeling」 (原詩以英文寫成, 作家詩人「小燕子的 feeling」一聲: 「...小燕子的小腦袋瓜子剛好"不達不七"...」, 紙聲連忙中文譯出. 「粉紅色」威力, 不可小盱也!! ,12.11.2011) -- A Dedication to All The Gifted WRITERS at The Universe of UDN -- 獻給 UDN 雲端所有的作家詩人 You know me better than I know myself, 你知我深 you might say, 也許你會這樣說 a silence in between 沉默流動我們之間 somehow thru the silence, I heard the whispers 似有微語傳來,... 靜寂中 may be 也許是 may be not 也許不 when a light is lit in the dark 夜晚有火炬點燃 and astronomers go out and look for the stars in the sky 占星師出而觀望穹倉的星子們 like the priests in the ancient ceremonies 如同古代祭典裡的巫師 looking for the guidance of God 尋求神喻 you’re the brightest one 你是天上最明亮那一顆星 that even three wise men[*1] couldn’t go astray 就連東方三智者*亦不致迷航 Wish we could talk more 真希望能與你多語 But busy is the live we all live 但我們生活的名字叫忙碌 one day you’ll know 有朝一日你會明白 that it wasn’t all me alone in this 此非全因我而起 who taught myself of all the knowledge 自明于我所知的 setting my thoughts on fire about your poems and writings 我的思想因讀你的詩與作品而燃燒 it started at the beginning of Time* 一切始自創世之負秒* when the World is created with nothing 當宇宙正自無中生有之際 and the first group of men and women was made 首造的男女族類 as brothers and sisters 是如兄弟姐妹般的 by the Spirit of Words 乃因上帝話語之靈 you and I were there 你和我就在那裡 as were Lee Bai[*2] and Homer[*3] 並李白*與荷馬* to this day I could just barely recall it, 至今我仍能依稀記得當時 all the heavenly stars were under us then 天上列星竟在我們以下…... Nov-29-2011, Pagesound, Las Vegas, c 2011 All Rights Reserved, Pagesound. Dec-10-2011, translated. , Las Vegas, c 2011 All Rights Reserved, Pagesound. 註: 負秒, 新研究表示, 宇宙起源大爆炸理論必需始自「負秒」, 一負時間差. [*1 Three wise men]: From the Bible, the three fortunetellers or scholars who found the brightest star in the east, and followed it until they found Jesus. 引自聖經. 有東方三位預言家, 或稱智者, 星相師. 因見天上出現明星, 追隨之直至尋到嬰兒耶穌. [*2 Lee Bai] Considered the most well know and revered famous ancient poet in Tang Dynasty of Eastern classical tradition history. 李白, 大唐詩人. 代表東方所有作家詩人 [*3 Homer] : In the Western classical tradition Homer is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, and is revered as the greatest ancient Greek epic poet. 荷馬: 希臘詩人. 著依利亞德, 奧德賽等. 在西方古典文化中, 公認最偉大的詩人. 代表西方所有作家詩人 |
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