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美國舞后〔寶拉阿巴杜〕--美國冠軍名曲──倡導環保觀念的〔The Promise Of A New Day〕
2009/07/16 16:29:09瀏覽189|回應0|推薦1



美國歌壇舞后〔寶拉阿巴杜〕--美國冠軍名曲──倡導環保觀念的〔The Promise Of A New Day



The Promises Of A New Day
(P. Lord / S. St. Victor / V.J. Smith / P. Abdul)

Eagle's calling
and he's calling your name
Tides are turning bringing winds of change
Why do I feel this way
The promise of a new day

The promise
The promise of a new day
as thru time
the earth moves
under my feet
one step closer
to make love complete
what has the final say
the promise of a new day

And so time over time
what will change the world
no one knows
so the only promise
is a day to live, to give
and share with one another
see the wisdom
from mistakes in our past
hear the younger
generation ask
why do I feel this way
the promise of a new day


And so time over time
what will change the world
no one knows
so the only promise
is a day to live, to give
and share with one another

repeat song

1991年夏天 繼首支超成功的五週冠軍〔Rush , Rush〕後
歌壇天后寶拉阿巴杜(Paula Abdul)推出〔Spellbound/意亂情迷〕第二首主打〔The Promise Of A New Day
這是一首旋律討好 節奏輕快的Dance-Pop
此曲得到美國流行榜冠軍 成人抒情榜#29

在加拿大也表現良好 拿到寶拉第六首冠軍
國紀市場表現略為遜色 分別是英國榜#52  澳洲#31 德國#86 愛爾蘭#11

寶拉與身材健美的男女舞群在森林 農田 瀑布 海邊 湖泊間勁舞

不過〔The Promise Of A New Day〕也引起爭議


個人最喜歡的就是這曲旋律迷人的〔The Promise Of A New Day
推出這支精彩的Remix MV給各位






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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