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美國黑人歌姬巨星〔狄昂華薇克〕──成人抒情榜冠軍──感人的〔No Night So Long〕
2009/07/23 00:31:30瀏覽384|回應1|推薦1



美國黑人巨星〔狄昂華薇克〕──成人抒情榜冠軍佳作──感人的〔No Night So Long




No Night So Long
An old friend told me that you just ran out of chances,

one too many dances down the narrow street of time.
Remember how we faced the world, like two tramps shining.
Please, dont let that magic ever end.
Dont forget what we learned living on the wind.

No night so long that you cant find the day;
no day so wrong that you cant find your way;
call on me like you used to do,
I still can show you who you are.

That day the long and dusty road had us both crying,
we used up our last joke just to try to smile a again.
And only now I find I know what we were learning,
though its dark and you have traveled far.
Evry long night gives you one bright shining star.

No night so long that you cant find the day;
no day so wrong that you cant find your way;
call on me like you used to do,
I can still show you who you are.

Deep in the night you know that youll find,
deep in the night you know that youll find the way.
No night so long that you cant find the day;
no day so wrong that you cant find your way;
call on me like you used to do,
I still can show you who you are.
No night so long that you cant find the day;
no day so wrong that you cant find your way.

Repeat ad lib and fade...

狄昂華薇克(Dionne Warwick,1940-)是美國樂壇的黑人巨星

例如〔I Say A Little Prayer〕〔Do You Know the Way to San Jose

其中與名作曲家/製作人 Burt Bacharach Hal David的合作最為人津津樂道

Quiet StormSmooth SoulPopBrill Building PopPop-SoulAdult Contemporary都是其擅長的範疇

1972年 昂與華納唱片簽約 並與Burt Bacharach Hal David拆夥


1979年她與Arista片簽約 推出大碟〔Dionne

Richard Kerr & Will Jennings譜寫 貝瑞曼尼洛(Barry Manilow)製作的〔I’ll Never Love This Way Again

登上美國榜#5 銷售超過百萬 專輯成為白金唱片 並拿下葛萊美最佳流行女歌手


1980年 昂乘勝追擊 發行〔No Night So Long 〕大碟

首支同名單曲仍由Richard Kerr & Will Jennings譜寫

這是一首高雅的成人流行抒情曲 旋律迷人 詞意優美
在悠揚的鋼琴聲中 狄昂以她渾厚結實的女中音循序漸進地演繹出這首感人的抒情佳作
此曲在成人抒情榜得到冠軍 流行榜#23 黑人榜#19

除了〔I’ll Never Fall In Love Again〕外 在華薇克的抒情曲當中

個人最喜歡的就是〔No Night So Long






(Monte Carlo Show 1980)






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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Re: 惠妮休斯頓的表姐──黑人巨星〔狄昂華薇克〕──成人抒情榜冠軍佳作──感人的〔No Night So Long〕
2009/07/23 21:24
很棒的黑人女歌手,對她印象深刻的還有 "What The World Needs Now Is Love "!
[版主回覆07/30/2009 00:08:43]其實她的名曲很多  譬如’I'll Never Fall In Love' ,’I Say A Little Prayer’  , 'That's What Friends Are For'